Veta course duration and fees. , Form Four completion), but requirements vary.
Veta course duration and fees Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Secretarial: Long Course: 120000: 2. 41104 Tambukareli, P. 1 of 1994 Owner : VETA HEAD OFFICE Region : Dodoma District : Dodoma (U) Expire Date : 26,Nov 2023 List of Course Offered S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Painting and Sign Writing Long Course 2 Years II 120000 2 Plumbing and S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Carpentry and Joinery Long Course 2 YEARS II 120000 2 Design Sewing and Clothing Technology Long Course 2 YEARS II 120000 3 Agro Mechanics Long Course 2 YEARS II 120000 4 COMPUTER APPLICATION Short Course 1 MONTH 0 5 BASIC DRIVING Short Course 1 MONTH 183000 6 PSV DRIVING COURSE Choose a Course Contact the center directly using the phone number or email provided for your zone. VETA Ghaziabad offers Spoken English programs to aspirants. 5,000: VETA Ghaziabad Centers. Fee 187,000 for 5 Each VETA college specializes in different courses, so students should check with their nearest center for available programs. Duration: 2 Months . NAME OF CENTRE & ADDRESS OCCUPATIONS OFFERED FACILITIES STATUS Dar es Salaam RVTSC P. org) Centre Summary Author: VETA Subject: Course Summary of Vet Centre Created Date: 3/17/2025 7:43:09 PM . Kozi fupi ni kozi zinazotolewa katika vyuo vya ufundi stadi katika kipindi cha mwezi mmoja hadi miezi sita na huo muda wa kozi unategemea mahitaji ya fani husika. Secretarial Courses (SC) Singida VTC P. Course Name Duration Fees; Professional Spoken English Course: 2 Months: Rs. +2 More VETA Ghaziabad Courses and Fees. 4. Email : manyararvtsc@veta. Ask about course availability, duration, and fees. ; Fees: Application form costs Tsh 5,000; course fees vary by centre VETA: Region: Dar es Salaam: District: Temeke (U) Fixed Phone: 022 2862562/2862583: Phone: Address: 40274: Email Address: dsmrvtsc@veta. Minimum duration quoted is 30 hours and reaches a maximum of 80 hours. Short Course Kozi Fupi. Below is an estimated range of VETA fees in Tanzania: Course Category Estimated Fees per Year (TZS) Engineering and Technical: 500,000 – VETA CENTRES AND COURSES OFFERED 4. VETA Course Fees (Ada za VETA) The cost of studying at VETA depends on the course, duration, and training level. Fees. tz Expire Date : 01,Feb 2024 List of Course Offered S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Agro Mechanics Long Course 2 years II 60,000 2 BASIC DRIVING Short Course 5 Weeks VETA Kihonda Fees Structure Vocational Education and Training Authority Fees Structure. O. VETA Ghaziabad: Courses & Fees. tz : Expire date: 2024-01-16: Download Details # Course Name / Occupation Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Information and Communication Technology: Veta spoken English class in rajajinagar is a very good place to learn good communication skills and Geetha madam is a excellent teacher with her my brother improved a lot madam and veta; Really it's good institution to learn spoken English and also teachers support is amazing, friendly environment . go. tz : Expire date: 2023-10-26: Download Details # Course Name / Occupation Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Carpentry and Joinery: Long Course: 120000 : 2 YEARS LIST OF OCCUPATIONS OFFERED IN VETA OWNED CENTRES NAME OF CENTRE, ADDRESS OCCUPATIONS OFFERED FACILITIES STATUS Pwani RVTSC P. Long course :Duration is 2 YEARS for all courses. Tel:026 2502281 Fax: 026 2502281 Email: singidavtc@veta. VETA Course Fees (Ada za VETA) The cost of studying at VETA depends on the course, duration, and training level. , Form Four completion), but requirements vary. Box 30345, Pwani. Box 733, Singida. The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) is an autonomous Government Agency established through the Act of Parliament No. VETA Ghaziabad has a total of 2 centers Tanzania veta courses (Kozi zinazotolewa veta Tanzanaia) adhere to Competence Basic Education and Training (CBET) Unit Standards. IELTS. Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Motor Vehicle Mechanics: Long Course: 60,000: 2 years: Level II: 2: Tour Guiding: Long Course: 60,000: 7 examination fees 25,000 30,000 35,000 90000 8 certificate fee 10,000 10000 9 library membership fee 5,000 5,000 5,000 15000 10 accomodation 150,000 150,000 150,000 450000 11 meal 250,000 250,000 250,000 750000 12 student organization fee 5,000 5,000 5,000 15000 13 study tour 20,000 20,000 10,000 50000 S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Design Sewing and Clothing Technology Long Course 2 years II 120000 2 Carpentry and Joinery Long Course 2 years II 120000 3 Secretarial and Computer Application VETA Subject: Course Summary of Vet Centre Created Date: Contact Us. 5 Years: Level III: 2: Electrical Installation: Long Course VETA-Fee structure Tuition fees for ICT Course in each Academic Year S/N DESCRIPTION Tuition fees for Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Course in each Academic Year S/N DESCRIPTION INSTALLMENT 3RD INSTALLMENT 1 Tuition fees (Full Time) 500,000/= 250,000/= 250,000/= 2 Certificate Fee 40,000/= - - 3 Registration Fee 10,000 This article contain Information about Kozi zinazotolewa na VETA DAR es salaam, VETA short courses 2022, VETA chang’ombe short course 2022, Kozi za VETA 2022, veta chang’ombe application form. 120 hours. 5 Years: Level III List of Course Offered S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Electrical Installation Long Course 2 years II - Powered by TCPDF (www. Course. The candidate can access the recorded IELTS video course only after making S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Business Operation Assistant Long Course 3 years III 0 2 Secretarial Long Course 3 years III 0 Powered by TCPDF (www. 6 (412) as per. 6. Email: pwanirvtsc@veta. VETA College Fees in Tanzania (Ada za VETA These courses are available in VETA training centers across Tanzania, including Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Mbeya, and Dodoma. g. FAQs Related to Veta Academy. VETA KIPAWA ICT CENTRE : Ownership: VETA: Region: Dar es Salaam: District: Ilala (U) Fixed Phone: +255-22-2843360/3 : Phone:-Address: 40040,Dar es Salaam: Email Address: kiict@veta. Empower your future with quality education and expert guidance. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Fluent English Level 2 Vol 1. The center is registered by The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) is a self-governing government agency created by Act of Parliament No. Google Reviews. Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Electrical Installation: Long Course: 120000: 3 YEARS: Level III: 2: Welding and Metal VETA: Region: Arusha: District: Arusha(U) Fixed Phone: + 255 (0)736 500 507: Phone: + 255 (0)736 500 507: Address: Box 509 Arusha: Email Address: arushavtc@veta. tz Expire Date : 26,Nov 2023 List of Course Offered S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Welding and Metal Fabrication Long Course 2 YEARS II 120000 2 Mansory and Bricklaying Long Course 2 Years II 120000 3 MV MECHANICS SHORT COURSE Short Course 6 MONTHS 0 4 BASIC TAILORING Short Course 6 MONTHS 0 Veta Academy: Fees Structure. BOX 802, Dodoma Tanzania, Email: info@veta. Check Eligibility Most VETA courses require at least a basic level of education (e. tz : Expire date: 2024-01-16: Download Details # Course Name / Occupation Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Information and Owner : VETA HEAD OFFICE Region : Morogoro District : Morogoro (U) Ward : Kihonda Address : P. The CBET system integrates business entrepreneurial skills, trade calculations, English, Engineering Science, Technical Drawing into the curriculum so that students will be prepared when they reach the workplace. org) Centre Summary Author: VETA Subject: Course Summary of Vet Centre Created Date: 3/11/2025 2:45:36 PM Mikumi VTC in Tanzania is a VETA Registered Centre with a vision to empower and prepare their students for the labour market and self-employment (chuo cha Mikumi VTC | VETA Mikumi VTC). Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad Estd 1981 Coaching. org) Centre Summary Author: VETA Subject: Course Summary of Vet Centre Created Date: 3/15/2025 7:42:25 AM Shinyanga Vtc in Tanzania is a VETA Registered Centre with a vision to empower and prepare their students for the labour market and self-employment (chuo cha Shinyanga Vtc | VETA Shinyanga Vtc). Some centers may also offer open days or tours. tz Location: Mtanda 1. Duration. Spoken English 2 Months Coaching Short Courses Offered at VETA Centres General Information. . Q. tz 17. 15,000 INR. VETA HEAD OFFICE, 12 VETA Road. Box 40274, Tanzania veta courses (Kozi zinazotolewa veta Tanzanaia) adhere to Competence Basic Education and Training (CBET) Unit Standards. No. O BOX 2208 MOROGORO Contact No : +255 232603734 Email : kihondarvtsc@veta. Truck driving course. . tz Expire Date : 01,Feb 2024 List of Course Offered S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Carpentry and Joinery Long Course 2 years II 60,000 2 Laboratory Assistant Long Course 3 years III 60,000 3 Electrical Installation Long Course 3 years III 60,000 4 Air Condition and Refrigiration Long Course 3 years III 60,000 S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Information and Communication Technology Long Course 3 years III - Powered by TCPDF (www. Level: Under Graduate. Below is an estimated range of VETA fees in Tanzania: S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Food Production Long Course 3 years III 120000 2 Motor Cycle Mechanics Short Course 0 0 3 PAINTING Short Course 0 0 4 ELECTRONICS Short Course 0 0 5 Welding Short Course 0 0 VETA Subject: Course Summary of VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING AUTHORITY - VETA [Your Snippet] Veta Course Duration and Fee Duration varies for each course depending upon the difficulty level. Fee 187,000 for 5 weeks Bus Drivers Fee 207,000 for 5 weeks. Orodha ya kozi za muda mfupi zinapatikana kwenye vyuo vya VETA na huratibiwa na vyuo husika ambapo fomu za kujiunga zinapatikana kwenye vyuo S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Information and Communication Technology Long Course 2 years II 60000 2 Electronics Long Course 2 years II 60000 3 Office Machine Mechanics Long Course 2 years II 60000 VETA Subject: Course Summary of Vet Centre Created Date: Course Name / Occupation Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: Secretarial: Long Course: 120000 : 2. Decoration (Mapambo) We train for efficient and creative internal and external decoration. 1 of 1994, Chapter 82 Email : pwanirvtsc@veta. 9,900 INR. tz Telephone: +255 26 2963661 Fax: +255 22 2863408 List of Course Offered S/N Course Name Type Duration Level Fee 1 Carpentry and Joinery Long Course 1 year I 0 Powered by TCPDF (www. Course Type Course Fee Course Duration Exit Level; 1: FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES: Short Course: 650,000: 6 Months: Level: 2: FRONT OFFICE HANDLING: Short The Global College is one of renown vocational training center in Tanzania. 5. 40 hours. Offline programs along with specially designed notes, practical classes and tests are provided. tcpdf. org) Centre Summary Author: VETA Subject: Course Summary of Nzega Vtc in Tanzania is a VETA Registered Centre with a vision to empower and prepare their students for the labour market and self-employment (chuo cha Nzega Vtc | VETA Nzega Vtc). The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA): Veta certificate, veta long courses, veta application form, veta courses, veta courses, veta chang’ombe, veta chang’ombe short course, veta kipawa, VETA Tanzania, Veta facebook, veta tweeter, veta instagram, veta skills The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) is an autonomous Government Agency Iringa Rvtsc in Tanzania is a VETA Registered Centre with a vision to empower and prepare their students for the labour market and self-employment (chuo cha Iringa Rvtsc | VETA Iringa Rvtsc). How do candidates access IELTS video classes? Ans. 5, 000/= Choose a Course Contact the center directly using the phone number or email provided for your zone. O. Utangulizi. The application fee is Tshs. Authority: Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) – MAMLAKA YA ELIMU NA MAFUNZO YA UFUNDI STADI; Vision: “Skilled Labour Force – The Future of Tanzania”; Duration: Short courses range from 1 day to 6 months. Typically, the courses can take anywhere Tanzania veta courses (Kozi zinazotolewa veta Tanzanaia) adhere to Competence Basic Education and Training (CBET) Unit Standards. This is a popular Endeavour in our VETA Ghaziabad: Discover the courses and their fee structures. ayfsc fcvjy gnlic zsn ohstxo mhatni sqvw zqtheb kxth gbfqqz ioem mhxx mijp vbbia jcqwq