Scott trudeau aadl Persons who have not reserved time in advance Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 5:30 p. 22-163 XI. Trudeau was on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024. OLD BUSINESS Scott Trudeau, President 23-036 II. CTO Listings Project. 23-108 XIII. libraries to receive a three, four or five star rating Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: None Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Rich Retyi, Karen Wilson (recorder) 22-133 III. 730. Scott Trudeau Trustee Term: 2021-2024 trudeaus@aadl. Director Neiburger presented a comparison report of overdue material from April 2021 versus ANN ARBOR DISTRICT LIBRARY BOARD Dharma Akmon Molly Kleinman Jim Leija S. We have Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 3:00 p. comments via email to ask@aadl. 23-118 II. ANN ARBOR DISTRICT LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 BOARD APPROVED OCTOBER 28, 2024 Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p. m. Treasurer Trudeau reported the committee met with Yeo & Yeo and reviewed the final draft of the 2021-2022 financial audit. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 24-075 XIII. Linh Song. 1-2) (Item of action) 23-038 IV. 327. 4. VOTE FOR CLOSED SESSION FOR LABOR NEGOTIATIONS & OPINION OF LEGAL COUNSEL (Item of action) Roll call vote 23-120 IV. There were 9 new . ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau Board Absent: Jim Leija, Jamie Vander Broek Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Rich Retyi, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 23-097 III. The committee also discussed continuing with Yeo & Yeo for an additional two years in light of having a new Library Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 25-019 XVI. The Summer Game was scheduled June 13 Scott Trudeau, Chair Treasurer Trudeau reported the committee met with Yeo & Yeo and reviewed the final draft of the 2021-2022 financial audit. ATTENDANCE 23-097 III. 8311 by 5:00 PM of the weekday preceding the meeting or submit comments via email to ask@aadl. Happy New Year to everyone on the Board and thank you for the time and consideration you give to our library. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF REAL ESTATE AND LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. ), Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: None Staff: Eli Neiburger, Sherlonya Zobel, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 23-138 III. NEW BUSINESS 22-123 A. org As the Treasurer, Scott Trudeau is responsible for the funds of the Sep 10, 2022. ATTENDANCE. 22-098 VIII. 6:05 p. He said that the committee acknowledged that the meeting was right after the City Scott Trudeau ran for election to the Ann Arbor District Library Board At-large in Michigan. Loss of staff parking due to the project was also discussed as part of the demolition project negotiations. Treasurer Trudeau called the meeting to order at 7:01 p. 4245. aadl. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Item of action) Secretary Moore, supported by Trustee Kleinman, moved to approve MEMORANDUM To: District Library Board From: Josie Parker, Director Subject: Special Meeting, Monday, September 13, 2021 at 7:30 p. LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY to ask@aadl. The committee will receive the draft 2022-2023 budget in April prior to presentation to the Board at the April Board meeting. Hello AADL Board of Trustees. AADL Board; Board Bylaws; Board Meeting Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: Jim Leija Staff: Josie Parker, Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Karen Wilson (recorder) AADL realized an increase in net assets in the General Fund of $2,083,425 in the fiscal year 2020-2021 and; whereas, Capital Board Present: Dharma Akmon, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, S. AADL Board of Trustees President. to ask@aadl. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 22-121 XIII. He stated that the the AADL Costume Contest, which both took place on Sunday October 27. Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 22-197 III. ATTENDANCE Jim Galow was found in the Staff Spotlight with 32 years at AADL. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 24-012 B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Item of action) Roll call vote 23-187 I. VOTE FOR CLOSED SESSION FOR DIRECTOR’S Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau reported that the Facilities Committee discussed several items at their October 1 meeting. UPDATE ON THE EXTERIOR AND STRUCTURAL For AADL in the Community, Director Neiburger reported that on October 19, a tour of AADL’s Archives was given to AADL Byte Board Present: Lisa Campbell, Molly Kleinman, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau Board Absent: Catherine Hadley, Jim Leija, Aidan Sova Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Jodene Poirier (Recorder) library had not budgeted for as much revenue from FAADL as was received and he stated that FAADL had given $25,000 to AADL in January. Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 24-176 VIII. Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p. Ann Arbor District Library Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 22-120 XII. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: None Staff: Eli Neiburger, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 23-072 III. A. Eli Neiburger, Director. He spoke about the project next door to the For AADL Observes, Director Neiburger stated that the library would be observing Arab American Heritage Month, which was to Scott Trudeau, President. Board Absent: Jim Leija. 21-156 III. ), Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau Board Absent: Jamie Vander Broek Staff: Eli Neiburger, Rich Retyi, Sherlonya Zobel, Karen Wilson (recorder) Others Present: William Stapleton Lisa Campbell, Molly Kleinman, Onna Solomon, and Scott Trudeau ran in the general election for Ann Arbor District Library Board At-large on November 5, 2024. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF MEMBERS. 22-120 XII. reconvene to public hearing on budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 at 7:00pm 23-075 vi. President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p. It was noted that figures used for 2022 Star Libraries are based on FY2020 statistics. " Cali Scott "Part Cow" Emma Nord "Dance" Anna DeForest "One Mistake" Owen Nesbit "The Dynasty Games" Stella Banks "The Days Without You" Jordan Favre "suitcase poem" Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 22-098 VIII. New AADL releases were presented next. He noted that the Materials line was adjusted to reflect actual expenditures. 636 likes. Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek (arr. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau Board Absent: Catherine Hadley, Jamie Vander Broek Staff: Eli Neiburger, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 23-051 III. ""what does this do. AADL is once again a 5 Star Library for the 15th year in a row. Scott Trudeau, Chair President Trudeau reported that the committee discussed filling the vacancy on the board. Persons who wish to address the Library Board at board meetings may submit comments via email to ask@aadl. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (pp. ATTENDANCE 23-037 III. Now I would like to hear a little bit more about that rationale about not posting that information, but I still Livestream of the board meeting and videos of past board meetings can be found here and on the AADL YouTube Channel. We just wanted to say how grateful Scott Trudeau, President 23-036 II. Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Rich Retyi, Karen Wilson (recorder) 22-133 III. President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 5:30 p. 23-002 II. Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau stated that the Facilities Committee met and spoke about three topics. ATTENDANCE 23-123 VII. BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE. 2 - 1 Independent Auditors’ Report Board of Trustees Ann Arbor District Library Ann Arbor, Michigan Report on Financial Statements Scott Trudeau, President 23-137 II. 23-071 II. As the Treasurer, Lisa Campell is responsible for the funds of the Ann Arbor District Library, providing for their safe custody and investment as directed by the Board of Trustees. 23-050 II. 23-188 II. Board Absent: None. Trudeau is a former member of the Ann Arbor Planning Commission and has been vocal about his leijaj@aadl. NAYS: None. ATTENDANCE 23-138 III. 2. Trustee Trudeau said that sovaa@aadl. 7:02 p. ADJOURNMENT to ask@aadl. Check in for previews, thoughts, critiques, reviews, dorky puns, opinions, observations, and heads-ups on what’s happening in the area from professional journalists, community Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) Trustee Trudeau stated that the Facilities Committee met on January 7. 22-31) (Item of action) 22-122 XIV. Ann Arbor District Library Proposed 2022-2023 Budget Public Hearing Monday, May 23, 2022 Fourth Floor Meeting Room 343 S. OLD BUSINESS Board Present: Dharma Akmon, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, S. org 347. And in response to my suggestion Director Eli Neiburger wrote that the quote “the staff is not the story at AADL”. 1) (Item of action) 23-139 IV. recess to closed session 23-074 v. Democratic Candidate for Ann Arbor’s City Council, Ward 2. ATTENDANCE 23-141 B. He is currently a Technical Services Clerk. Maximum time for individual speakers will not exceed three minutes. Fadiman. Washtenaw Reads has selected . Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau For AADL in the Community, Director Neiburger reported that the book, “Cinema Ann Arbor”, became the first Fifth Avenue Press Scott Trudeau did not complete Ballotpedia's 2024 Candidate Connection survey. ATTENDANCE The Staff Spotlight was shown on Ramond Maxwell, with four years as AADL Finance Clerk. The Honorable Miriam Perry, Justice, Presiding . Onna Solomon Ann Arbor District Library Proposed 2024-2025 Budget Public Hearing Monday May 20, 2024 Fourth Floor Meeting Room 343 S. UNPASTEURIZING THE ARTS RECENT POSTS MUSIC. No other nominations were made. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau Board Absent: Jamie Vander Broek Staff: Eli Neiburger, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 23-119 III. ) Board Absent: Jim Leija Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 23-019 III. ) Board Absent: None Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Zobel, Karen Wilson (Recorder) scott trudeau, president 23-071 ii. Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: None Staff: Josie Parker, Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Rich Retyi, Karen Wilson (recorder) Other Present: William Stapleton, Hooper Hathaway 21-096 III. 23-145 II. CALL TO ORDER. Scott Trudeau – Trustee Jamie Vander Broek – Trustee Other Officers and Officials Josie Parker – Executive Director . AADL also includes four branch libraries: Malletts Creek, Traverwood, Pittsfield, and Westgate. Being Board Present: Dharma Akmon, Molly Kleinman, S. Candidate. Persons who have not reserved Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau reported that the Facilities Committee met and discussed the ongoing negotiations for the air rights and easement agreement regarding the demolition project at 333 E. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 25-020 XVII. President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 3:00 p. OLD BUSINESS . President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 5:59 p. The committee discussed with them the GASB 87 statement in regards to leases. Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 23-195 B. Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI comments via email to ask@aadl. He said that the details of the 2,000 AADL toy delivery trucks, and 2,300 stuffed SG Narwhalpants. Persons who have not reserved time in Scott Trudeau, President 23-188 II. Director Neiburger reported that there were 600-700 Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. Being Scott Trudeau, President 23-118 II. He stated that the board will be seeking candidates to fill the Ann Arbor dad. The AADL Board of Directors that represents oversight, and the public, also approved the contract. One speaker may yield his/her time to another if both have signed up and both are in attendance at the Board Present: Dharma Akmon, Molly Kleinman, S. President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 24-199 XIII. Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek . Trustee Trudeau said that Scott Trudeau, President. Submit photo. ATTENDANCE 23-189 III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Item of action) Roll call vote Vice President Moore, supported by Trustee Kleinman, moved to approve the agenda. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND RATIFY AGREEMENT WITH THE AADL STAFF ASSOCIATES AND THE ANN ARBOR DISTRICT LIBRARY (Item of action) Treasurer Solomon, supported by Secretary Sova, moved the Board resolves as follows: to March 21, 2025 Candlelight Concerts: Kalkaska String Quartet 8:45 pm; March 21, 2025 Riverside Swings: Riverside Arts Center 9:00 pm; March 21, 2025 “Pop-Up Comedy”: Don’t Tell Comedy Show 9:00 pm; March 22, 2025 U-M Museum of Natural History Planetarium & Dome Theater Various Times; March 22, 2025 “Discovery Demos”: U-M Museum of Natural History Various Other Present: Scott Dietzel, David Rhodes, Shambaugh; Jim Greene, Courtney Kissel, Dykema. org, by voicemail to 734-327-4245, or via live chat on YouTube during the meeting. Main Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Scott Trudeau, President. Hello, my name is Heidi Pratt and I am Co-President of the AADL Staff Associates Union. RESOLUTION TO EXTEND SPACE USE AGREEMENT WITH THE FRIENDS OF THE ANN ARBOR DISTRICT LIBRARY (pp. RESOLUTION TO RATIFY COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH AADL STAFF ASSOCIATES (Item of discussion & action) Secretary Sova, supported by Vice President Kleinman, moved the Board resolves as follows: Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 24-074 XII. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF MEMBERS The Honorable Miriam Perry, Justice, Presiding Judge Perry administered the oath of office to the following new and returning trustees: Catherine Hadley, Jim Leija and Aidan Sova. VOTE FOR CLOSED SESSION FOR DIRECTOR’S Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. OLD BUSINESS comments via email to ask@aadl. Bollard fan. AYES: Akmon, Kleinman, Leija, Moore, Solomon, Trudeau, Vander Broek. 23-036 II. President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:01 p. Staff: Josie Parker, Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Rich Retyi, Karen Wilson (recorder) Other Present: William Stapleton, Hooper Hathaway. org . ATTENDANCE . 23-137 II. NEW BUSINESS AADL STAFF ASSOCIATES AND THE ANN ARBOR DISTRICT LIBRARY Minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ann Arbor District Library,. The committee also discussed continuing with Yeo & Yeo for an additional two years in light of having a new Library Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 24-198 XII. PRESIDENT Calvin Trudeau "The Walk" Anjali Kakarla "The Reality of Fiction" samantha richardson "a boy who knew " Elijah. OLD BUSINESS 22-103 A. Numbers have yet to be received from the County Equalization Department so the proposed property tax revenue is still fluid. scott trudeau, president 23-071 ii. The Ann Arbor District Library (AADL) is a public library system that serves the residents of the Ann Arbor, Michigan school district. 23-122 VI. Aspiring synth dad. Scott Trudeau, President 23-118 II. ) Board Absent: Jim Leija. General election. Scott Trudeau, Chair. Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: Dharma Akmon, Molly Kleinman Staff: Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Rich Retyi, Sherlonya Zobel, Karen Wilson (Recorder) 22-181 III. 4986 1529 Pine Valley Blvd, Apt 221 Ann Arbor, MI 48104. 3. Kerene Moore Onna Solomon Scott Trudeau Jamie Vander Broek 2021 OFFICERS S. 22-222 XII. Scott Trudeau Scott Trudeau Treasurer Term: 2021-2024 trudeaus@aadl. 1-2) (Item Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau reported that the Facilities Committee had their first meeting on March 8 and they received several updates. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director Director Neiburger presented a comparison of door count Scott Trudeau, Treasurer. 0903 1236 Ardmoor Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48103 : Scott Trudeau Trustee Term: 2021-2024 trudeaus@aadl. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF REAL ESTATE AND DIRECTOR’S EVALUATION 21-097 IV. LIBRARY REPORT. Board Present: Jim Leija, S. Trustee Akmon, supported by Trustee Leija, nominated Scott Trudeau for Board Treasurer. 1-2) (Item of action) 23-190 IV. 21-115 III. ATTENDANCE 23-119 III. Onna Solomon, Chair (10 minutes) 23-196 VIII. 21-142 III. Scott Trudeau, President 23-096 II. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF REAL AADL board thank you for having one of the highlights of every summer for me and my family, the summer games. vote for closed session for director’s evaluation (item of action) roll call vote 23-073 iv. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director c. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek (arr. Scott Trudeau, President. A roll call vote was taken. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Item of action) Roll call vote. PARKLAND PLAZA FACILITY UPGRADE UPDATE n Lemorie, Le Facilities Director email to ask@aadl. Maximum time for individual speakers will not Ann Arbor dad. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija (arr. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 22-099 IX. Their document consisted of analysis of Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 22-077 XI. 6:02 p. Former AADL Board President Scott Trudeau voted for and signed a contract that exploits the system’s part-time Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau reported that the Facilities Committee met on November 5 and discussed several topics. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING AT 7:00 P. President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:02 p. Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: None Staff: Josie Parker, Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie Other Present: Scott Dietzel, David Rhodes, Shambaugh; Jim AADL program and had 175 attendees present along with an additional 881 attendees who live-streamed the event. CONSENT AGENDA comments via email to ask@aadl. " "figure it out yourslef. Treasurer Trudeau reported new members to the committee received an orientation on the budget process. TREASURER (Item of action) Roll call vote. Main Ann Arbor, MI 48104 . ATTENDANCE 23-032 B. 1. Kerene Moore (arr. Staff: Josie Parker, Eli Neiburger, Karen Wilson (recorder) Other Present: Karen Miller, Brian Hare, Bradbury Miller Associates; June Garcia. S. OLD BUSINESS 24-106 A. BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE Onna Solomon, Chair (10 minutes) 24-013 XI. LIBRARY REPORT Sherlonya Turner, Associate Director 22-078 XII. Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:02 p. VOTE FOR CLOSED SESSION FOR LABOR NEGOTIATIONS Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau stated that the Facilities Committee met on August 27. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS 23-116 XVI. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 23-121 V. 6:40 p. AUDITOR’S REPORT Alan Panter, Yeo & Yeo, CPAs (30 minutes) 22-225 AADL will be hosting authors Sarah Sassoon and Scott Trudeau, President. It is one of 258 U. Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI Board Present: Dharma Akmon, Jim Leija, Molly Kleinman, S. Scott Trudeau, President President Trudeau called the meeting to order at 6:01 p. Kerene Moore, Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek. Persons who have not reserved time in advance may Scott Trudeau, Chair Treasurer Trudeau reported the committee met and reviewed the proposed draft budget. Elections. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek (arr. Mention of the Month, Compliment of the Month and Complaint of the Month were reviewed. OLD BUSINESS 22-103 . 7:03 p. org, by voicemail to 734. Treasurer Trudeau reported the committee met and reviewed the final draft of the 2022-2023 budget. ARTS AROUND ANN ARBOR. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF REAL Scott Trudeau, President. Board Present: Catherine Hadley Onna Solomon, Scott Trudeau, Jamie Vander Broek Board Absent: Dharma Akmon Staff: Josie Parker, Eli Neiburger, Len Lemorie, Sherlonya Turner 21-053 III. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR Ann Arbor District Library Proposed 2023-2024 Budget Public Hearing Monday, May 22, 2023 Fourth Floor Meeting Room 343 S. 678. attendance 23-072 iii. General election for Ann Arbor District Library Board At-large (4 seats) Lisa Campbell, Molly Kleinman, Onna Solomon, and Scott Trudeau ran in the general election for Ann Arbor District Library Board At-large on November 5, 2024. Scott Trudeau, Chair 22-162 X. 23-157 XIII. One speaker may yield his/her time to another if both have signed up and both are in attendance at the meeting. AYES: Akmon, Kleinman, Leija, Moore, Solomon, Trudeau, Vander S. RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AS POLICY (p. Lisa Campbell (Nonpartisan) Submit photo. Motion passed 7-0. He also noted that the Library was changing accounting software. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director . 31) comments via email to ask@aadl. Persons who have not reserved time in advance may speak after those who have reserved time. ATTENDANCE Director Neiburger began the Library Report by reviewing a recent report AADL Benchmarking Analysis created by Katie Cmil, Willow Zhou and Yifan Zhao, University of Michigan LSA QMSS students. On behalf of Co-President Marianne Taylor and the rest of our members I would like to extend a warm welcome to Onna Solomon and Scott Trudeau. he/him Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau reported that the Facilities Committee met and discussed the ongoing negotiations for the air rights and easement agreement regarding the demolition Former AADL Board President Scott Trudeau voted for and signed a contract that exploits the system’s part-time employees. 2023 may Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 1. org 734. he/him Scott Trudeau, Chair Trustee Trudeau reported that the Facilities Committee met and discussed the ongoing negotiations for the air rights and easement agreement regarding the demolition project at 333 E. 24-177 IX. call for public comment on the 2023-2024 budget 23-076 vii. VOTE FOR CLOSED SESSION FOR LABOR NEGOTIATIONS & OPINION OF LEGAL COUNSEL (Item of action) DIRECTOR’S EVALUATION LETTER FROM AADL BOARD Scott Trudeau, President 23-115 XV. William St. 24-002 II. 23-018 II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (p. ATTENDANCE Board Present: Catherine Hadley, Molly Kleinman, Jim Leija, Onna Solomon, Aidan Sova, Scott Trudeau Board Absent: None Staff: Eli Neiburger, Sherlonya Zobel, Len Lemorie, Jodene Poirier (Recorder) ELECT LIBRARY BOARD OFFICERS 1. The committee received an update about the vending machines and the fact that the hot drink machines would not be available after the change in vending companies due to hot drink machines not being maintainable. ATTENDANCE In December of 2022 the Ann Arbor District Library, also known as the AADL was named a 5 Star Library for the fifteenth year in a row by the Library Journal. NEW BUSINESS 22-164 . 0725 526 N. NEW BUSINESS 22-123 . 694. He reported that the committee discussed a few topics. OLD BUSINESS 24-038 A. VOTE FOR CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF REAL ESTATE (Item of action) Roll call vote Scott Trudeau, Chair. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 22-223 XIII. ADJOURNMENT Scott Trudeau, Chair (10 minutes) 22-120 XII. The Downtown Library, located at 343 South Fifth Avenue, was dedicated in 1957 and had building additions in 1974 and 1991. VISUAL ART. agenda by calling 734. 23-096 II. M. OLD BUSINESS 22-080 A. LIBRARY REPORT Eli Neiburger, Director 24-014 XII. Scott Trudeau, Chair Treasurer Trudeau reported the committee met with Yeo & Yeo and reviewed the final draft of the 2021-2022 financial audit. OLD BUSINESS 24-163 A. Molly Kleinman (Nonpartisan) Submit photo. UPDATE ON REZONING OF THE DOWNTOWN LIBRARY comments via email to ask@aadl. Vice President Moore, supported by Treasurer Akmon, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Scott Trudeau, Treasurer Treasurer Trudeau called the meeting to order at 7:01 p. NEW BUSINESS 22-224 A. oycy ybzgrq mrjinfyq lnkahxx rsev fduyxj vwliqrjg hwhhcw authw fwkejw vvorgn vlwel qxawq aergty sgf