Hrt perimenopause reddit docs only seem to know hot flushes and night sweats, ear issues are a common one and my mother kept getting vertigo when she was in menopause but my mum says she was quite lucky with hers, hers I’m on 200 mg oral progesterone and a cream with 1mg estradiol/200 mg progesterone/10mg DHEA and have had relief with night sweats and hot flashes (I’m 45 also, started 4 yea ago) but don’t have breast tenderness and still have anxiety. I wish more people understood how detrimental menopause can be on mental health. I’ve also recently started a collagen supplement for joints and skin - it’s supposed to help with hair also. I went through HELL and I know I’m not the No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. Stance of the 2022 North American Menopause Society's Hormone Therapy Statement. Well, I am still extremely stressed (probably more stressed and depressed than I have been in the past 5 years because of career burn out) but after I started taking HRT, the joint pain and many other symptoms went away. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a Reddit focus group of 214 results in renaming recommendations of: Hormone Therapy, or Low E Biases? What? When a woman is in perimenopause and menopause, you get hormones to replace the hormones your body is either not producing or not producing enough of. I’m on the lowest dose of HRT and can tell a distinct difference when I don’t take EPO. Now I'm having terrible perimenopause symptoms, and I've I was in perimenopause and my hormones were too low, I sat there and cried a lot, I felt like I was dying every day with a weak body and no energy left, in the end I was treated There are a lot of folks who take MHT/HRT during perimenopause (in fact it's preferable) as it can significantly reduce symptoms. Haven’t seen any improvement in hot flashes or any other symptoms at this point. I had no clue that this could be a symptom of perimenopause. I was told my doctors that it wasn't a symptom of menopause and that I must be just "stressed". I do use testosterone. Having two periods a month? Wtf. I have lost quite a lot of weight as I struggle to eat and my life has been pretty miserable since it started. I’m 41 and just found out about perimenopause last year. You absolutely can become pregnant in perimenopause. I'm quite excited to see how i get on as currently using 2 x mini pills & 1 x spray of Lenzetto. I’m 45 and two months ago began having constant anxiety and panic. I’m going to try coconut water now. It's not easy to untangle "symptoms" of menopause, and changes that go with aging more generally. Nothing has helped the tinnitus, including the chiropractor, acupuncture, herbs, TMJ treatment including night guard, etc. Perimenopause just means the years leading up to menopause where hormones are fluctuating and it can last 10-15 years before menopause. In addition to HRT I take evening primrose oil for hot flashes and it really does work. I am having severe issues with mood, sleep & anxiety. Might be worth getting looked at. I entered perimenopause at the start of the pandemic and it's been a long road trying to understand what was going on with me. 15 votes, 57 comments. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. I can see people are worried that you're being prescribed something for depression when it's menopause but lots of medicine is good for more than one thing. I wasn’t feeling terrible before HRT. Yes bc Is much stronger. The first month is $5. After surgery, started estrogen patches. Hello! I’m new here, trying to figure out how to move through perimenopause. I notice when I'm near the end of my 2 weeks without progesterone that I don't fall asleep so The dangers of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. I am highly sensitive to estrogen fluctuations and I’ve found I have to change my patch every 3 days, instead of 3. I’m 45 and been dealing with symptoms from perimenopause for a couple years now but now it has messed with my sleep, causing insomnia. ” There is no telling 'how long' the transition is from perimenopause to menopause (aka post I have a question regarding when to start HRT in perimenopause. I started taking it during perimenopause and it did a decent job of helping my hot flashes and insomnia. With fluctuating estrogen and progesterone, fluid balance goes awry. First of all, I think post-menopausal women can be (and often are) absolutely beautiful, and looking older doesn’t automatically mean you are ugly. Evernow is a great resource for HRT. I think they only reason they suggest cycling progesterone if in peri is because of spotting as they figure predictable bleeding is less annoying than spotting. I am a different case. I lost a lot of weight during my first year of menopause and I felt on the top of the world. My doctor says hrt can be less effective. However they do not send testosterone (which is really important for energy, mood and sleep). A menopause specialist will ensure that you have appropriate tests (I have to have annual mammograms and pelvic scans as well as an endocrinological blood screen, and to keep up with smears etc. The added benefit for those in peri is that estrogen can help Choosing between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and birth control pills for perimenopause may depend on medical history, risk factors, age, and symptom severity. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. Endoscope. Bit of background - I've tried to discuss perimenopause and BHRT options with 3 different providers face-to-face (an MD, ARNP, and naturopath/ND) and haven't found anyone willing to collaborate and investigate options. Definitely perimenopausal. Or check it out in the app stores Congress is considering a $275 million bill aimed at improving menopause care and treatment in the U. Nothing found. But HRT is excellent at eliminating vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, etc. " I discussed it with my doctor recently. Coincidentally, i'll be starting Slynd next week as the progesterone part of HRT. I NEVER had spotting on continuous HRT, my periods just stopped completely on HRT and I My coworker had some menopause weight gain (not related to HRT although she is on HRT now) that seemed to mostly be deposited on her breasts. I'm much calmer, more reasonable and I'm just generally a happier, more positive person. I am 54. See our Menopause Wiki for more information. So when I got slammed with early menopause in my 20’s. 25 estradiol patch, 100mg progesterone, and 10mcg Imvexxy. Can you share some other info like age, peri or post, any hrt? ETA: I just looked at your profile and it looks like you’re having a really rough time since the mirena was removed! Maybe or maybe not related to perimenopause? Sounds awful either way and I’m still happy to try to help work through some ideas with you. That was my initial theory, since I had other peri symptoms, but the hormone tests came back in the normal range, and I'm not on HRT. 5” (2. That did not go great. If it helps with symptoms in the short term, great. It's actually an early Hi ladies, I am 49 and currently in the midst of peri-menopause. Now my periods are irregular, they've put me on HRT and I ended up bleeding every day for weeks with horrendous cramping. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a Not sure if it would help, but my PCP is doesn’t want me on HRT. my ptsd, anxiety, depression and adhd all got soooo much worse during peri and until I got my HRT dosages right a week or 2 ago. I had colonoscopies, ultrasounds of ovaries and womb. Prior to HRT I didn't get hot flashes, but did have some disrupted sleep and anxiety. Good HRT helped me with sleep maintenance. Now I get one about every 50 days. Hormones are no good for me. She already had 'ample' breasts her whole life on a small frame so more was really causing back pain, shoulder pain, etc. I am beyond excited to see how I feel. These were my symptoms: -Terrible insomnia (waking up in the middle I've been on HRT for about 18 months now, and I feel like the *good* version of myself again. I've always been a night owl, so I don't know if I have insomnia! My mom didn't have as many issues with menopause, but then she was on HRT. As with any changes, get yourself tested to rule out scary stuff. Sore throat syndrome is apparently normal for perimenopause so it's probably normal for 72 votes, 52 comments. But! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It’s ~1” x 1. Ultimately, I decided to give HRT a go. Otherwise, I feel pretty good. Small tasks like going to the grocery store have become too much. I am 3 months away from being in menopause (if no cycle before then). Like one isn't enough. I hope you feel better this When I was about 49 and 3/4 of the way through perimenopause, my hair was falling out so much that I lost about 1/3 all over. I think of HRT as preventative medicine more than relief of specific symptoms, I'm in it for the long game of sustaining bone density and flexibility and heart and brain health. You won’t know wheh your period stops ss it mutes all menopause symptoms. I was told by my gyno that HRT would help w the painful sex. We did bloodwork, and my hormones were a bit out of whack. You can possibly still conceive. Periods can stop for a multitude of reasons. For this reason, no reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I’m 45, I have other perimenopausal symptoms but absent periods isn’t one of them. My menopause symptoms are fairly mild compared to many women but I had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy so I'm not dealing with some of the worst bits. I did the same thing this summer with HRT and ADHD meds (yeah, I'm 53). Now I take cyclical HRT with oestrogen every day and progesterone on a 2-weeks-on, 2-weeks-off cycle. She ended up getting a breast reduction in her 50s. It was caused by a combination of factors: adrenal fatigue worsened by the perimenopause and hormone fluctuations, low vitamin D & low Iron (all confirmed by comprehensive blood work). Works by replacing hormones so technically it gives you the same amount if you’re 16 or 60. I’m on my 3rd HRT script since starting HRT a little over 4 years ago I went 5 months without a period until I got the covid vaccine in April 2022. Nausea is worst in the morning but often lasts all day. 5 days. This has been going on since April ‘23. Have you tried? My story similar , age 33 radical hysterectomy from cancer; age 46 surgical menopause to remove bad ovary and thrown into menopause. popular-all-random-usersAskReddit-pics-funny-movies-gaminggaming- I've been on a birth control pill since I was 17, mainly for a health condition (PCOS). The researchers report in JAMA that hormone therapy use (estrogen alone or estrogen plus progestin) for five to seven years “was not associated with risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, or cancer mortality during a cumulative follow-up of 18 years. The hot flashes at night were not terrible. I tried to go off and felt like I had an increase in hot flashes within a few days. When doing this, unless someone is taking a multiphasic BCP where the hormones change throughout the cycle, most take a monophasic prescription where I’m sorry to read this! HRT is your friend. S. Women in perimenopause are still releasing eggs every month and build up a uterine lining. If you can talk to a new doctor, ask about HRT. My gyno herself mentioned at my last annual that she now believes Truthfully 85% of my perimenopause symptoms are also my Hashimoto’s symptoms. My gyno diagnosed me with PMDD due to perimenopause and put me on the pill. You might find a dosage that works well for you for a year or so, and then need to adjust as your my subreddits. She’s been our family doctor for 20 years, and says due to my numerous abnormal mammograms and family cancer history, it’s not worth the risk. I'm not an exerciser and never will be. Endo also is so painful, it creates a lot of stress on the body, so having that reduced changed my life. After a couple of appointments to get the HRT dosage adjusted, I finally started the other meds. 176 votes, 462 comments. I started HRT a few weeks ago and am on . Its IBS in my case. Sugar that comes from fruit is more beneficial than sugar that comes from sweets but that’s because fruit has fiber and vitamins, but it’s not the actual fructose that’s the health benefit. I work at a large corporation that is unforgiving of personal issues similar to mine. No HRT either, neither my gyn or my neurologist wants me on them. I do realize she’s not keeping up with current HRT research, but even if she were, my health anxiety would make HRT challenging For this reason, no reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. I know there are risks with taking HRT and I am a bit scared. On HRT I gained the weight back (10+ pounds) and I feel fine. So, I am almost 46. HRT and hair, skin and nails vitamins work for me. It got so bad that I was googling things like early-onset Alzheimer's, brain tumors, and dementia because I was certain something was seriously wrong with me. If you find a really good Gyno, usually they can guide you. 1 estradiol patch combined with ~10 days/month of medroxyprogesterone. All I want to do is stay home. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might confirm menopause. I’m on estrogen now and still taking it. Hi there, wondering if any women out there (I am 54) who are thru menopause and are taking hormone replacement therapy. My symptoms are hot flashes, brain fog, balance issues, tiredness, aches and pains. I’m on the Mylan generic 0. 5cm x 4cm). I’m also suffering terribly with this since starting hrt - my skin is so tight it feels like it’s going to burst! I’ve resorted to eating potatoes with everything to try and get my potassium up which helps a little. However, recently new symptom for me is daily bouts of nausea. Honestly, every person’s body is different. I've had to reduce the estrogen part of HRT, continue with HRT progesterone and they've given me progesterone-only birth control too. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If your doctor doesn’t want to prescribe it, you can ask for birth control pills in the meantime while you search for a doctor I have been in Perimenopause HELL for the last 4-5 years. The last 8 years could have been so much more manageable and enjoyable had I been treated for perimenopause. ) Mine works with a compounding pharmacy so the HRT is very precisely tailored to my own hormonal profile; with this kind of treatment you're very I have no other menopause symptoms, but I guess the memory and word recall thing is "my symptom. Jen Gunter (author of My current gyn will not entertain HRT for perimenopause symptoms--only after menopause. I can't take HRT. I've had success with it in slowing hair loss, and a little bit of regrowth. I wanted the same info about effects, so I started the HRT first. Finding an excellent doctor who prescribes HRT along with joining this sub group has truly changed my life over the past year🙌🏻I no longer want to give up. None of my friends in their 50s are taking HRT, but don’t seem to be struggling like I am. When using low-dose Birth Control Pills – either before Perimenopause, or during Perimenopause, it’s seen as perfectly acceptable (and quite helpful) to take it continuously without breaks. I'm hoping that HRT and collagen will help even more. I had no fucking idea. . SIBO was, I think, a red herring for a while. The main thing is that sex has become unbearably painful. Also, depending on when you’re getting your bloods drawn, it could tell a different story. Incidentally HRT has really sorted out my health anxiety, which is ironic as I was so scared going on them because of I’m in peri and started HRT 4 months ago which has generally helped me feel better overall. So they were masked until my cycle went from 28-32 day length to 26-28 day with 3 day red days instead of the 5-7. We address the treatment debate of HRT vs. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I'm perimenopausal, and so far: - infrequent hot flashes (may or may not have heart palpitations with this when it happens) - missed periods - lighter periods - dry skin (basically a sign that goes with aging) - less energy (ditto) Went on HRT at age 34 (testosterone and progesterone). I’d try hrt if you want to, see if it’s effective . Spent three years on them and it helped some, but was diagnosed with PMDD finally and had entire oophorectomy and hysterectomy at age 37. This is also the stance of most medical professionals, including Dr. The exhaustion is beyond belief. All our doctors are uninformed about perimenopause because the medical system as a whole has never made it a priority. I have been to a menopause specialist in my area. There is no sugar that is required by the body. Or check it out in the app stores It's easy to check for but is often overlooked, and a lot of the symptoms of menopause overlap with thyroid issues. According to Harvard Health, studies indicate that 30% of women still had hot flashes 10 to 19 years after menopause, and 20% had hot flashes more than 20 years after menopause. I started having extreme fatigue and new, awful panic attacks during PMS about 4 years ago. Perhaps look up Canada's menopause society, they often list doctors who are trained in the latest Peri /Meno / women's health evidence based research. The birth control has now stopped the bleeding but I still have the cramping pain most days. went in during perimenopause at 42 and started on Progesterone cream initially for insomniathen added bioidentical estrogen in the form of a sublingual troche at a Pcos, fibroids, or perimenopause could be at play. I take the HRT and have cream, but I’ve known women with just HRT and some women with just cream. All the ob/gyns around here (including those two) are part of a huge hospital conglomerate, so if they were unhelpful, it's probable that all the others will follow the same script. Or check it out in the app stores I was also one of those anti HRT women because of all the highly publicized, yet wildly inaccurate, information I have been exposed to over the years and took for truth. I did research and found a compounding pharmacy in my metropolitan area that specialized in bioidentical hormone replacement and had Pharmacists that offered consultations. Sleep issues, heavy periods, and low ferritin have been worsening over the past two years, but recently, and seemingly overnight, I have developed severe anxiety. She told me to use Rogaine, and cautioned me that it will help me keep the hair I have, but will probably not create hair growth. Yes, HRT sounds appropriate for you based on your symptoms. It was shocking to me to see how many people don't understand the difference between perimenopause and menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a I entered early menopause around age 40, so I decided to try the NIH HRT regimen of a 0. I’ll be bald by menopause, but likely sooner. I did not find HRT to be a magic cure-all, but rather an important an effective tool alongside other tools like exercise, diet, rest, time in nature, vitamin D, etc. It's recently been authorised in the UK to be used in HRT which is great as i just cannot take Utrogestan or the coil. 95 and every month after it’s $129. I do find that powdered collagen has helped my skin a lot (was having tons of breakouts), but hasn't helped the hair loss, unfortunately. " I'm 38 and after reading this sub and the wiki and some other corners of the internet I feel 99. You CANNOT get pregnant in menopause. I have had normal tinnitus but it didn’t last long and this was about 2 months ago, and it hasn’t been back since, there are 66 symptoms of peri btw. So much to take into; especially all the things you don’t hear about Iike acne rosacea from sudden hormone chance, hair loss, etc. I found Menopause Taylor on YT, and I watched hours and hours of her videos. For some of us on this sub (and it’s probably a very self-selecting group because those of us who are struggling are the ones who really need support and possibly HRT the most), HRT has really helped us with debilitating symptoms. I agree HRT is not perfect, nothing is going to be, but Also remember that treating symptoms of perimenopause is a moving target. Looking back after completing menopause I see that some symptoms I had throughout my life was the same symptoms I had during menopause and I must have had hormonal imbalances during those times. Hot flashes became a permanent fixture and a few Hashimoto’s symptoms went crazy as they doubled in severity. birth control. It truly did help within the first day. The fear of cancer is real. My previous gyn was completely dismissive. The Mirena is localized progesterone to the uterus, and for the past 8 years with it, I haven't had a period at all, let alone this level of ovary pain. I am not in menopause yet, but my hormones are nutty, so now I’m in the estrogen patch & progesterone pills. However I increasingly believe it’s hormone related. 40 years old- shortening periods from 28 days to 26 days 40-44- worsening pms a week before period 44- 46- periods now 22-24 days apart very light periods that only lasted 3 days, extreme anxiety, paranoia, rage, depression, developing allergies (started taking antihistimines everyday) Itchy ears, weight gain (gave up carbs, alcohol and started intermittent fasting) ended up I’m 30 but my mum had early menopause at around 40. But, you know, my memory is terrible now, so who Since I didn't have much peri-menopause due to how quickly medication ended my hormones, I don't know how that would have been normally. They usually send Vivelle patches and oral progesterone (prometrium pills). Hormone Replacement Therapy and Estrogen Replacement Therapy are terms found in No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. Some doctors only think Perimenopause is the year leading up to menopause but the reality is that perimenopause can last 10-15 years for some women so yes you are in the realm of possibility. When I was 19 I had ocular migraines where my vision blurred for 20-30 minutes before returning. DIM is a compound from cruciferous veggies that helps you process the “bad” estrogens. I’ve noticed it’s worst some days than others must be the hormones fluctuations. If not, still great. true. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a Before I started HRT, I did a whole bunch of research about it, because I was nervous as HRT has received such a bad rap in the press these last few decades. Pregnancy only becomes impossible once menopause is reached (when there has been no period for a full year) and even then. She also now has dementia. I can’t currently try HRT. They don’t use labs, only symptoms. (In fact, I don't think I'd ever heard the term "perimenopause" before then. 1 estradiol patch. You do need carbs, yes. Mine will probably come earlier because I smoked for 5 years (4 cigs a week). I just recently got a doctor to listen as prescribe HRT for me. Both new doctors agreed with my decisions. HRT Heavy, irregular periods, hot flashes and sleep disturbances can be perimenopause symptoms. I had to go to a few to find a great one, but it was worth it. Am age 42, began perimenopause symptoms at age 40. Dude. HRT really helped me while going thru the struggles of getting my proper diagnosis. Or check it out in the app stores I have done research and it says that pain and fatigue is actually not a normal process of perimenopause or menopause. 9% certain the symptoms I'm experiencing are perimenopause. They are My (female) PCP and the other (female) PA that I sometimes see both pish-poshed the idea I could be perimenopausal because I'm "too young. she wears surviving perimenopause and menopause like a badge of honor. And we chatted about first line treatment being HRT not psychiatric meds. “Hormones look fine” in peri doesn’t mean much because they can fluctuate so much. Women’s bodies need estrogen for so many reasons. I My doctor said that as long as I’m having my periods on schedule, the hair loss can’t be hormone related and if it was, there’s nothing that can be done to treat it until I’m in menopause. I started taking antidepressant and anxiety medicine for sleep, however I was told that my sleep could be fixed by taking HRT. She suggested hormone therapy (estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone) to smooth out the perimenopause fluctuations. edit subscriptions. I started taking progesterone two nights ago and estrogel two mornings ago. I just feel like our society Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. HRT just sort of keeps the peaks and valleys more manageable. I started HRT to preserve my body by restarting the hormones I lost. Vaginal atrophy is experienced by approximately 60-70% of post-menopausal women, so it only gets worse if let untreated. I’m 49 and been going thru peri for 7 to 11 years. yjavaws arlgq smngqqz coivib ghwg xqnrsp nlnhsk nuukmy tdgvtc dph luivaf hflkadbn hulr nnlvd exciwh