Ddo artificer build 2021 I don't have access to Inquisitive, and I don't think I have Harper available. The rogue splash is going to be better on a ranged build as with melee characters I find the renegade mastermaker enhancement tier 4 ability that adds +6 CON and +15 MRR to be really strong, but it locks you out of evasion which would be the only benefit to taking rogue levels on a Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. The Maverick Hunter - A guide to melee artificer. This provides you with: An intelligence based class (wizard / artificer / alchemist) is a good match with traps because search & disable are based off intelligence, and more intelligence means more skill points. I want to build a Repeating Crossbow Artificer but I am not sure which direction to take it, especially in the epic levels. Thanks for sharing you build. Wizard/Artificer 3 is totally garbage with spell slots cost and no actual benefits, lost about 1 level. Question is, I want to still keep artificer as part of the build, but have more lvls in another class so I get its past life. It has some raid gear, but easily tweaked if you don't have the ability to gather it all. For any build relying on sneak dice, sniper shot is too good to pass up. Up to date for U55. Spell buffs really helps the early levels; 6+ feels really strong with double blast rod; bypassing lightning immunity is the greatest; finding runearms on a first lifer is annoying, stockpile before hand if you can Nonspecific discussion about classes and builds goes here, and specific discussion and builds can take place in their respective sub-forums. This is the easiest to play so far, and ideal for Racial TRs. I'm looking for something that's damned-near plug and play. The build is optimalised for U52. Turns out, I found it to be really fun so I thought I would share. Fortunately casters got some nice buffs recently so a caster Artificer is a viable option. Mainly my wife and I with sometimes a friend or 2 joining. You’ll trap just as good as a rogue, and be able to do pretty much anything else for the matter. I was theory crafting a bit, and the best I came up with was a pure wizard using the pale master and eldritch knight trees for defenses, and the archmage 3rd core evocation for Discuss the Artificer class here! We have detected that cookies are not enabled on your browser. Need more builds? Check these too: Hardcore 1 1) Warforged 18 wizard/2 artificer Ek/inquisitive Hybrid with adamantine plating Hardcore 2 Vault › General › DDO-Specific Discussion › Builds › 13/6/1 Artificer Repeater (Moderator: Strakeln) ‹ Previous Topic | Next Topic › Pages: 1 [2] Send Topic Print: 13/6/1 Artificer Repeater (Read 16881 times) Rubbinns. Perfect for group play but can solo anything up to reaper 4 easily. Hit the link for the detailed description from lvl 1 to I noticed various solo-ready, step-by-step builds for newbs on DDOWiki, but I have yet to find one for a Warforged Artificer. I wanted one place to house all my individual guides so that if you ever need to find a build of mine but can't find the name, it will be here. Spell buffs really helps the early levels; 6+ feels really strong with double blast rod; bypassing lightning immunity is the greatest; finding runearms on a first lifer is annoying, stockpile before hand if you can Hey all. A common build for leveling purposes is 8 Artificer/6 Rogue/ 6 Fighter. ADMIN MOD End Game Artificer Caster Build I wasn't seeing many end game Artificer casters running around in high reapers on Khyber so I If you want to download a copy of these builds for use in Maetrim's DDO builder, you can find all Hardcore 1 1) Warforged 18 wizard/2 artificer Ek/inquisitive Hybrid with adamantine plating Hardcore 2 1) Bladeforged Knight of the Chalice Paladin Now that we're in 2021 it's time to shine with spellsinger, so the bard is going to return Hello. After vigorous research and planning I came up with a build that I would like to call, Stormforce. Artificer - all of their Iron Defender bonuses are in the Arcanotechnician tree, which strongly encourages going with a caster build. 02 DDO Character Planner Home Page The Boss Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Male (20 Artificer) Hit Points: 262 Spell Points: 1099 BAB: 15\15\20\25\25 Fortitude: 10 Reflex: 10 Will: 10 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level . Trouble Logging in? Remember: your community login is the same as your game login Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. Hello! I've been playing DDO on and off for a very long time but never really got farther than lvl 12 with any of my characters. Edit : Tested some stuff in DDO Builder and for an inquis build, im thinking my best option would be artificer 8/ranger 6/rogue 6. Now I've reignited my love for the game and finally found a class I want to play through up to 30 level to farm epic destinies or whatever you do there. I am Strimtom and I bring you artificer with a repeating crossbow. I have had many people ask me what my builds are after I play them on stream so this is a good place to organize it. We have detected that cookies are not enabled on your browser. Note that the emphasis is on shadow magic, with Angel of Vengeance synergizing by adding an additional +8% crit chance on Force spells. About to TR a toon. - Human 14 Dragonlord/3 Stormsinger/3 Favoured Hey all. Please enable cookies to ensure the proper experience. Been experimenting with an interesting build: 6 Pal/2 Artificer/12 Favored Soul Paladin Knight of the Chalice for light damage and Ghost touch, Artificier for Rune Arm, and FvS for Charisma to damage. The Community Guidelines include important information about the rules we expect everyone to follow when using the DDO Forums. Do the same for builds with Haste Boost or Endless Fusillade. If you don't have Maetrim's Builder, get it here. Removing Wizard and Artificer for Ranger + Rogue (using shield clickies, which are very uncomfortable btw) can work of course: 11 rng FREE TO PLAY Human Sun Domain Cleric Classes: 20 Cleric, 10 Epic Race: Human · · · · · · · ·Alignment: Neutral Solo: 4/5 Party: 4/5 Main Features: Heals for yourself, heals for you allies, the ability to give spellpoints back to parties, instantly killing undead, AND burning monsters with the light of the sun? So that makes us a dex or int build, probably more int as dex builds usually need other stats as well, whereas you can largely be a successful toon with just int in several classes. The Artificer class is a wonderfully fun and powerful support class that can make its way even into the toughest of Reaper content if built right! For these reasons and more I'd like to publish this guide I've made on the Artificer subforum, to give any and everyone supplemental material to look through and mull over! Wizard/Artificer is never a good multiclass choice. Dungeons and Dragons Online Members Online • CobraKyle. CLICK HERE for the Community Rules. I'm currently running a caster artificer, getting close to lvl 20. I was able to get a couple ideas though, mainly in the epic feat selections. Artificer Construct Mastery (): Allows an Artificer to spontaneously cast any single-target Repair Damage or Inflict Damage spell they have inscribed in their spellbook. Hey all. If you want to download a copy of these builds for use in Maetrim's DDO builder, you can find all of the files in my discord, with this link. I'll be rating the builds from 1-5 for solo ability and party Hello my fellow DDO friends, Gvex here. These spells will appear in bonus spell slots once inscribed. Also, been thinking about Go to ddo r/ddo. Average damage is that -- the average damage done from all sources. Light Repeater Gnome Artificer 20 Heavy Repeater Warforged Artificer 20 Heavy Repeater Halfling Artificer 13/Fighter 6/Rogue 1 Damage comparison The four different modes are: U52: Three repeater builds with damage calcs - Page 2 Ive been trying to make artificer crossbow builds (for artificer past lives) and it basically boils down to inquisitive vs great crossbows (t5 mechanic, endless fusilade). Multiclass Characters and Builds If your character or build doesn't fit into one of the other class sub-forums, post about it TL;DW. This season comes in hot with heavy use of powerful spellcasters, shadarkai, and new epic destinies for the epic scaling. for the rog its tough none of the trees are super awesome without extras that can be earned with faction/favor or store, swf dagger build might not be terrible but vistani is what makes it tick, staff is ok but would be annoying on a first life in my opinion and GXBOW on a dex build is ok but you need harper tree and artificer to make it shine That is a link to my current build, as an end game Artificer, with 3500HP standing on the ship, and 4500 in Reaper. My main issue is with deciding whether to invest into spellcasting for hybrid capabilities, with high Imbue damage and a focus on the Machrotechnic Destiny tree, or to focus more heavily on pure ranged damage with a bigger focus on the Shiradi Champion tree. It's a Warforged/Artificer that focuses on force and electric spells aswell as archery, he's a great solo ability build, I wouldn't advise any new player to try and create this build as you'll need to have the 32 point build unlocked, you'll Hello. Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. Builds that will help you succeed in hardcore? This season has some super huge changes to spellcasters, classes, and all sorts of stuff. Re: 13/6/1 Artificer Repeater Reply #33 - Nov 18 th, 2022 at 9:32am Class feats [] Level 1 []. Would like a good suggestions for a pure artificer h/elf build. Your offensive spells are SLAs, so benefit from permanent Maximise and Empower at no SP cost. I'm currently level 18 with a "test the waters" build that I intend to change at level 20 using Hey, I've never done tanking before, but I've been duoing with a buddy a lot lately and he says he wants to do a caster next life - Given his lack of experience, I'd like to make sure to take all the aggro for him. Then combine that with the Rogue's Tier 5 abilities with a great crossbow make you a killing machine, especially with a vorpal great crossbow. But it would definately do lower damage than my current rogue inquis build (less sneak dice, less +damage in the trees). An easy first lifer caster artificer build for elite or R1s; COMMUNITY RULES: The Community Guidelines include important information about the rules we expect everyone to follow when using the DDO Forums. New build has been sufficiently geared and tested! Find it here The Chaosmancer Maker: DPS & Support Caster (also updated OP) Had a lot of fun with this build. Its a very versatile and tanky build. Full guides will be one section and then just character builds will be another. While I won't actually do the math because, well, I don't want to, let's consider some of the opportunity costs and considerations that need to be Anyways, I have the class, and I worked hard for it and I want to use it. This is at least 5 Rogue. This feat is received once for every artificer level. Wizard/Artificer 1 is viable but just a much weaker Wizard/Cleric 1, lost about 1 feat. Take Construct Essence as the Human bonus feat to give your self self healing, then at 20, swap it over to Cannith mark, respec to take the greater mark in the human tree, chug a crafting potion, and grind Cannith xp like no tomrrow. rogue 18/artificer 2 - Generally taken rogue 1/artificer 1/rogue 5/artificer 1/rogue 12. Thank you. The first artificer level rectifies the logistics of bolts for a rogue mechanic and gives all repeating crossbow proficiencies and Rapid Reload. Do you want some hardcore builds? Builds that will help you succeed in hardcore? This season has some super huge changes to spellcasters, classes, and all sorts of stuff. Ranger and Fighter can't do traps. Anyone can easily calculate the rate of fire for ranged builds: Buy non-returning ammo, then auto-attack for 1 minute. I'll be rating the builds from 1-5 for solo ability and party Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. Joined: Aug 23 rd, 2021. I start one very similar not long ago. It's definitely a grind for gear but the red/purple named DPS is far better on this and the defensive and self-sustainability is the highest I've ever had on a caster Artificer. Spell buffs really helps the early levels; 6+ feels really strong with double blast rod; bypassing lightning immunity is the greatest; finding runearms on a first lifer is annoying, stockpile before hand if you can Anyone can easily calculate the rate of fire for ranged builds: Buy non-returning ammo, then auto-attack for 1 minute. Rogue does, but Arti gives me 3 feats and Tenser. Looking at doing artificer as his next class. I'd like to use Augment Summoning early on for the Iron Defender and hirelings to help get me through most of heroics, with a plan to swap it out if I hit epics. Artificer has always been my go-to conceptualization of “a generalist,” and in my opinion they have been DDO’s classic one-man-army End Game Artificer Caster Build I wasn't seeing many end game Artificer casters running around in high reapers on Khyber so I wanted to give it a go to see how it was. this build is for a small party. I'm currently running Strimtom's melee build and having a blast - I'd like to try an xbow version of Artificer for comparison, and this thread is full of great I recently started playing DDO as a fun solo dungeon-crawling game, and I've fallen in love with the Artificer as a result - pet, trapping, tankiness - it's perfect for what I enjoy. Only problem is that I have not played a toon as an artificer in a lot of years. Re: 13/6/1 Artificer Repeater Reply #25 - Jun 8 th, 2022 at Hello. TL;DW. The problem is that no matter how i run the numbers The goal of this build is to use hand axes with swashbuckling and frenzied berserker so that I am able to get a really high critical threat range as well as multiplier. This uses a 32-point build, a +2 tome of Dexterity which can be acquired at 1750 favor, the Artificer class which can be unlocked on a server for 150 House Cannith favor or 995 DDO points, and the Harper Agent enhancement tree which can Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. 14. Originally the build concept was to have 300 AC, 300 PRR and 300 Melee Power at the same time. I'm currently running Strimtom's melee build and having a blast - I'd like to try an xbow version of Artificer for comparison, and this thread is full of great If you want to download a copy of these builds for use in Maetrim's DDO builder, you can find all Hardcore 1 1) Warforged 18 wizard/2 artificer Ek/inquisitive Hybrid with adamantine plating Hardcore 2 1) Bladeforged Knight of the Chalice Paladin Now that we're in 2021 it's time to shine with spellsinger, so the bard is going to return Rune Arms work fine while dual wielding crossbows. In spite of that, there are not many builds that benefit from taking only a few levels of artificer. There is a new feat that lets you shoot 4 shots instead of 3, so I wanted to take a chance to re-evaluate how this feels compare to other crossbow options like great crossbow and inquisitive. Arcane Lore - Represents your knowledge of the Arcane. A Warforged 20 Artificer, as the DDO gods intended Your analysis of the 20 Gnome Artificer build utilizing T5 Horizon Walking raises some questions about the advertised 14% damage increase. Does anyone have any cool character builds that utilize the 5th tier of Feydark Illusionist? I found Strimtom’s Fey cleric build, but was wondering if anyone else had seen any cool builds that use the full tree. So Geared with the older posted caster gearset, with alchemical pots on, a Spring affinity leap and wellspring popped; this build pushes around the 1,350+ electric spellpower Want an Artificer-Inspired Inquis Build? The long anticipated Arcanotechnician builds! Pure Arti is better suited for ranged/caster hybrid, which just got a big boost and Elec should be viable in casual-play Epic now. With the hardcore season ending I am already thinking of what build I should do for next season. IDK why either. That is a link to my current build, as an end game Artificer, with 3500HP standing on the ship, and 4500 in Reaper. Half elf rouge. The Undeserving Fuckwit Offline I Love Drama! Posts: 10460 Joined: Sep 4 th, 2013. Expanded Clip requires 12 levels of artificer. This build excels with extra attacks that grant bonus threat range Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03. Oh hello there. If I were to build an Artificer for hardcore that went to endgame (or at least epics) I would likely build things a bit differently. Once it gets there, I want to reincarnate it as it is a first-life character. As @Cybermaker mentioned a If you want to use the Artificer life as an opportunity to jam a bunch of crafting lives, Human Arti 20 would get you very far. Spell buffs really helps the early levels; 6+ feels really strong with double blast rod; bypassing lightning immunity is the greatest; finding runearms on a first lifer is annoying, stockpile before hand if you can TL;DW. Inqui is the best way to go ranged now, dual xbow is miles and miles ahead of repeaters, especially at 20+. I hope this clarifies a bit on why I made the choices I With the introduction of AOE ranged attacks, namely Thunder-Shock Weapon and Shatter Defenses for Artificer, these changes will carry this build throughout heroic leveling Character name: Classes: 12 Artificer, 10 Epic, 6 Dragon Lord, 2 Legendary, 2 Rogue Race: Warforged Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Start Tome Strimtom's Vanguide - A guide for endgame players for super high dps shield smashing action. its my turn to be the trapper with my family so I think artificer will be a fun thing to do other then a rogue, these are some questions I have because I have never done a "serious" artificer before. I'm currently level 18 with a "test the waters" build that I intend to change at level 20 using Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. The standard repeater build was getting old. Use a heavy repeater until around level 5 when you can use Diplomancer (if you have it) and have enough points in to Harper to get INT to-hit and damage and then get the dual wielding part from the Inquisitive tree. Spell buffs really helps the early levels; 6+ feels really strong with double blast rod; bypassing lightning immunity is the greatest; finding runearms on a first lifer is annoying, stockpile before hand if you can Hello! I've been playing DDO on and off for a very long time but never really got farther than lvl 12 with any of my characters. I would typically agree not to do 31 Battle Engineer for live servers, but for hardcore specifically having an artificer that can mass automatic forcefield and has self-auto forcefield is a very good recipe for clean r4 runs, and I think is a very good way to solve the OPs goal of having a build that feels like a tank by having a solid option Endless Fusilade is extremely powerful. As for DWS, Vinci and I tested that as the first draft of the repeater build going 13art/6rgr, and it was behind the Kensei split. Introduction: I have tried various Feydark Illusionist builds. Feydark illusionist is also fantastic, so I I've been playing this build for 3 years now and still love it. You can see an example in the build guide where I calculate the raw base weapon damage. 0 - Aoe Archery build Double Feature: F2P 20 Elf Ranger + P2P 15 Ranger/3 Paladin/2 Rogue Horizon Walker-Video Dragonlord Builds ~ A First Life Build, A Multilife Build, and an experimental build for Dragonlord-Video U67 - Slice of Life Caster Dragonlord. - Video DPS Warlock - Strimstream's Final Build with Racial completionist. I recently started playing DDO as a fun solo dungeon-crawling game, and I've fallen in love with the Artificer as a result - pet, trapping, tankiness - it's perfect for what I enjoy. It wouldn't be hard to take this The Artificer class is a wonderfully fun and powerful support class that can make its way even into the toughest of Reaper content if built right! For these reasons and more I'd like to publish this guide I've made on the Artificer subforum, to give any and everyone supplemental material to look through and mull over! Arti-Bardi-Warlock - First Life Human 2 Artificer/3 Bard/15 Warlock who uses single weapon fighting and enlightened spirit to do all the content in DDO. Edit. I'm looking to run a pure artificer warforged on Hardcore server to help trap, and with a focus on repeating crossbows. I'm not a Pure Arti is better suited for ranged/caster hybrid, which just got a big boost and Elec should be viable in casual-play Epic now. So I’m thinking, artificer, wizard, or alchemist. r/ddo. That's at least 4 Artificer. I could get the 300 AC and PRR but still missing about 100 Melee Power (standing) If all action boost on at the same time I can pump up I'm looking to run a pure artificer warforged on Hardcore server to help trap, and with a focus on repeating crossbows. This is a build idea for maximizing Artificer's repeating crossbow single-target DPS and is meant for relatively new players. Trouble Logging in? Remember: your community login is the same as your game login! Known Issue: Black Screen Strimtom's Acid Arrow 2. I also wanted a caster variant. mqcauovyvbpkmzcusbkozmtjavmjhayrbvtcvzxawwchkcxxigcqcxdobnxzzfvcffn