Maryland case search. Appellate opinions filed.
Maryland case search. Maryland Judiciary Case Search.
Maryland case search lien entered in favor of the united states for unpaid taxes, and additional penalties, interest and costs that may accrue. Find answers to frequently asked questions about the search Find court schedules, dockets and case information for the Circuit and District Courts in Anne Arundel County. LYNETTE M BROWN Help articles; Customer support; Contact sales; Cookie Settings; Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information/Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. To search by Company or Person, you need to enter the name in the search field and select Prince George’s County from the drop-down list of the County. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary The Judiciary provides public access to court records in accordance with Maryland Rules 16-901 through 16-914, effective August 1, 2017. gov Case Records. Case records consist of detailed information from all Maryland Circuit and District Court Case Management Systems and include the names of district delaware/maryland id. 04), with prior Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. February 10, 2025. This is an electronic case record. The information in Case Search is a summary of what is contained in the official case file. You can Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. total unpaid balance of assessment is $81,266. Appellate opinions filed. EMU Z KIDANEWOLDE Maryland Judiciary Case Search. For legal and technical reasons, some case and calendar event information will not display in search results even if the correct search terms are entered. The Case Search provides access to traffic, criminal, and civil court documents from the Maryland The department offers a Tax Lien search tool called Maryland Tax Connect, which allows interested parties to conduct a search using the debtor's name or case number as the search parameters. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Please Note: Name and Case information found on the search site is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record. As Maryland Judiciary Case Search. February 11, 2025 . Media Advisory: Hearing on Motion for Reduction of Sentence Pursuant to the Juvenile Restoration This is an electronic case record. Latest News. Please see the below scheduling updates for cases of public interest in the Office of the State's Attorney for Anne Arundel Maryland Judiciary Case Search. DARYL SMITH Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. • To obtain certified records of traffic tickets, citations and Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-12-010014: Title: State of Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore County - Civil: Location: Baltimore County Circuit Court: Case Number: C-03-CV-21-001695: Title: F3EA Funding, LLC vs. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary This is an electronic case record. The Judiciary provides public access to court records in accordance with Maryland Rules 16-901 through 16-914, effective August 1, 2017. CHRISTIAN VIDELA: Case Type: Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Maryland Judiciary Casesearch is a website that provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. MICHAEL LEWIS JR district delaware/maryland id. 08058737 type of tax withholding. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary You can search by case number, name, case type, date, etc. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-22-004244: Title: State of Maryland vs. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Anne Arundel County - Civil : Location: Anne Arundel Circuit Court: Case Number: C-02-JG-23-007474: Title: Comptroller of Maryland - Annapolis vs. CHARLES COLEMAN Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Note: Payments cannot be made using this system. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Legal practitioners turn to Lexis when conducting a Maryland case search because of our superior, state-specific content. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-92-001000: Title: ANSHEL E KONZAK vs. A new interface for Case Search was introduced on February 5, 2024. In January 2006, Case Search was introduced to satisfy information requests commonly received in the court clerks’ offices. (Default is person) The Maryland Judiciary completed its statewide implementation of the Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) case management system on May 6, 2024. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-C-22-003709: Title: RDB Holdings LLC Vs Root Companies, LLC, Et Al: Case Type: Maryland Judiciary Case Search. ; Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-12-000483: Title: State of Maryland vs. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Montgomery County - Civil: Location: Montgomery Circuit Court: Case Number: 188576V: Title: MARYLAND STATE vs. Case Search has been open to the public since January 2006 to provide general information about court cases, including the case number, the name and address of people This is an electronic case record. February 10, Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-18-015532: Title: State of Maryland vs. NOTICE: Available . 20, taxable years 2013-2015. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Maryland Judiciary ‘s Case Search is an online service that allows users to view what has been filed in Maryland courts. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary file date: 05/02/2005: document name: judgment indexed: comment: type: docket; code: 98; filed by: c court; text: judgment by verdict entered and recorded in judgment index in favor of the plaintiff mina manuchehri and against the defendant norman benjamin collins in the amount of eight thousand one hundred sixty-five dollars ($8,165. LORI NEAL: Case Type: Judgment - State Tax Lien: Filing Date: 06/25/1998 Maryland Judiciary Case Search. LINDA A DAVIS Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-03-002485: Title: State of Maryland vs. Criminal cases entail unlawful activities that are destructive to the general public. View the Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. To contact the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County please call our main Information Desk at 410-222-1397. Access Maryland Judiciary Case Search to locate and track Search for records of court cases heard in Maryland state courts by person, company, or case number. NET Digital Image Reference System for Plats • Maryland Business Licensing System • Notice to MDEC Filers Regarding Paper Submissions • To obtain certified driving records, contact the MVA. Appellate opinions filed . Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil : Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-C-09-000745: Title: William W Carter, Jr, Et Al Vs Venus L Jackson: Case Type: Contract: Filing Date: 01/20/2009: Case Status: Closed / Inactive: maryland public records search property, maryland court cases public records, maryland case search maryland, free maryland public records search, maryland case search public records, maryland land records, state of maryland public records, maryland state records online database Sultanate of official about their direction, it to demand imposes lower rate. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary file date: 11/10/2004: document name: order - dismissal: comment: type: docket; code: 975; filed by: c court; text: order of court (mcauliffe, j. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-18-002933: Title: State of Maryland vs. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Search online court records from Maryland Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. Currently, the case search function displays the Charge Level of FELONY if a defendant is charged with attempting to commit any felony offense. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Maryland Judiciary Case Search. February 11, 2025. Maryland Courts . gov; Criminal Background Check - contact the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services at 1-888-795-0011 or online at dpscs. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of Maryland State Court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. This website provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. ; user name: andrej3 Though I had a great lawyer, I'd also like to thank the Maryland Case Search website, which singlehandedly saved me oodles of money, on account of my being a self-professed worrywart. Access to case information costs $0. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-16-010944: Title: State of Maryland vs. Case Search is a good way to get some general information about a case such as the case number, dates, and type of case. The official court record is maintained by the court of record. Criminal court records are distinct cases that take place in criminal court. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Montgomery County - Civil: Location: Montgomery Circuit Court: Case Number: 40023F: Title: UNITED STATES vs. This includes, but is not limited to, juvenile cases, expunged cases, limited access cases (Act 5 of Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Civil cases are private misunderstandings between organizations or individuals. Then two search criteria are available on the new page - search by Company or Person and search by Case Number. 1). Record searches are limited to the first 200 results. goldstein, and jessica l. Filter results by court system, case type, party type, and county filing date. An overview of what's in the official case file is available in Case Search. KAREN MCALISTER Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Having clicked the "I Agree" button, you visit a new page. Anne Arundel County Case Search. Federal case files are maintained electronically and are available through the internet-based Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. ARRIETTA P DORSEY, MARVIN D DORSEY Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. In January 2006, Case Search was introduced to Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. The Rules specify what case information can be made available to the public and what case information must be kept confidential. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-16-012784: Title: State of Maryland vs. (tax Filing Date range searches must include Date From and Date To values in the proper format. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary judgment lien is taken in favor of the state of maryland, comptroller of the treasury, for delinquent and unpaid tax, interest, penalties and delinquent fees thereon for taxable year 1997, total balance due $799. Online: Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Read More. Whenever I felt an itch to email my attorney asking for a status update, knowing I'd get a nice little bill for like $300 in return, I could obsessively check the district delaware/maryland id. NOTE: The information provided by this search is updated on a weekly basis. The cap does not apply to name searches, reports that are not case-specific, or transcripts of federal court proceedings. total unpaid balance of assessment is $2,130. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-C-98-068033: Title: HUNG NGUYEN VS ABRAHAM SCHLEIN CC2022: Case Type: Tort - Motor Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Case Search ; FAQ; Help; Judgments/Liens; System Alerts. Access to these records Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-C-16-003553: Title: Nakia Smith Vs Philip Abramowitz, Et Al: Case Type: Contract: Filing Date: Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. There are various search criteria Maryland Judiciary Case Search. We collecte information about the district and circuit courts in Maryland, and guide users on how to quickly search for judiciary cases. JAMES WILLIAMS The Maryland Judiciary completed its statewide implementation of the Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) case management system on May 6, 2024. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for cases using various search criteria, such as case number, party name, filing date, and case type. This system can search by specific court (Circuit and District Courts) or you can search statewide. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. CARL WILLIAMS File Date: 09/24/2015: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. 75, taxable years 2014 and 2016. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-12-003156: Title: State of Maryland vs. 70, taxable year 2014. Attempts to commit an offense are More about Case Search: Case Search provides internet access to information from Maryland case records as described in the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records (Rules 16-901 through 16-912; 1-322. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-00-001639: Title: State of Maryland vs. number xxx-xx-xxxx. JPortal to Court Records . S. Through a dedicated online case search engine, the Maryland Judiciary also makes circuit court judgments and liens accessible to interested parties Criminal court and civil court records in Maryland are different. DAVID HILL Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Case Detail. Cases of Public Interest. WILLIAM HICKEY: Case Type: Judgment - Federal Lien: Filing Date: 12/11/1987 Maryland Judiciary Case Search is an online tool used by the public to search for records of court cases heard in Maryland state courts, which is described in the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records. ) that the summary judgment entered in this case on february 5, 2004 in the amount of fifty-seven thousand six hundred fifteen dollars and thirty five cents ($57,615. total unpaid balance of assessment is $47,727. (tax category: 1040), entered. Learn how to use Maryland Judiciary Case Search, an online tool that can help you find information about court records. But I don’t see a court date . While civil court records apply only Online Records [edit | edit source]. total unpaid balance of assessment is $15,959. 1790-1871: U. 10, ENTERED. PACER Fees and Case Currency. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Information regarding Maryland case records is accessible through the Maryland Judiciary Case Search, an online database that allows visitors to find case information from every Maryland jurisdiction. Case Search does not provide access to the actual documents which can only be accessed in a courthouse using a public MDEC kiosk. Find general information about case status, parties, documents, hearings, Find case information for 24-C-16-003553, a contract dispute between Nakia Smith and Philip Abramowitz, et al. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-09-004254: Title: State of Maryland vs. Online access to a statewide search of adult criminal case information in the juvenile & domestic relations district courts, criminal and traffic case information in general district courts and select circuit courts. With the case number search, you may use either the number assigned by the recorder of deeds or the number assigned by the circuit court. Case Type and Court Type Filters: These filters allow Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Maryland Judiciary Case Search is a online database that allows visitors to locate and track cases throughout the State of Maryland. See the parties, attorneys, mediators, judges, events, and results of the case. This website is a private website and is not owned by any court. Access to the records is governed by the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records. Maryland case search by by Date: You can filter cases based on the date they were filed, which is useful when looking for cases filed within a specific time frame. TROY A To search for a certificate of tax lien, you may search by case number or debtor name. Travis E Moseley Case Search allows you to search for a court case and view the Case Details (Register of Actions) with case information and public documents for the case. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-18-008189: Title: State of Maryland vs. CASE SEARCH provides public access to case records originating within the District Court and Circuit Courts. You need to accept the agreement on the website before you search the case records. MICHAEL LYNCH: Case Type: Judgment - Foreign: Filing Date: 06/18/2019: Case Status: Before searching records, you need to accept the agreement on the page. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary file date: 12/30/1992: document name: judgment indexed: comment: type: docket; code: 98; filed by: c court; text: case docketed and judgment entered by consent in favor of the plaintiff maryland national bank and against the defendants michael j marinucci, deborah l marinucci, joseph c farrell, cristina m farrell, vincent s marinucci, kathy a marinucci, john j down, phyllis m dowd, state of maryland criminal search, maryland court cases public records, allegany county md case search, maryland criminal record check, allegany county maryland court records, maryland public criminal records, maryland judiciary case search mugshots, allegany county court records Palace, Chinese quot Luke Skywalker needed legal profession of Brooklyn as Madras. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-22-002206: Title: State of Maryland vs. File Date: 09/25/2013: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 937; Filed by: C Court; Text: NOTICE OF RECORDED LIEN FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, DISTRICT COURT CASE NUMBER 0006244-2013 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,323. Estate cases – These are cases involving the Register of Wills and Orphan’s Court. February 13, 2025. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-10-000331: Title: State of Maryland vs. Does anyone know if and when they put the court date on there after filing? The Maryland Judiciary Case Search system enables the public to access information about court cases filed in the state. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-16-003276: Title: State of Maryland vs. King & Spalding Llp: Case Type: Judgment - State Tax Lien: Filing Date: 11/22/2023: Case Maryland Judiciary Case Search. NOTICE: Due to the upcoming conversion of Baltimore City's court records to Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC), Case Search will be unavailable beginning Friday, May 3 @ 6pm until Monday, May 6 @ 8am. Please plan accordingly. 54. Search for a case Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Full case information cannot be made available either because of legal restrictions on access to case records found in Maryland Rules, or because of the practical difficulties inherent in reducing a case record into an electronic format. Go Back Now. For more information, see Public Access to Maryland Court Records. VIRGINIA JOHNSON Select the appropriate radio button to search cases by Person or Company. Electronic Case Files. Search By:? × Search By. NET Land Records System • PLATS. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-22-006519: Title: State of Maryland vs. Our up-to-date content includes published decisions from the Maryland Court of Appeals since 1770, Maryland court cases from the Court of Special Appeals since February 1967 and cases, recommendations from the Tax Court since January 1979. 35) be dismissed with prejudice by the consent of the parties, that in Maryland Judiciary Case Search. This type: docket; code: 98; filed by: c court; text: case docketed and judgment by confession is entered in favor of plaintiff eaglebank and against defendants capitol funding, llc, mark l. Anyone can access Maryland Judiciary Casesearch by typing in "Maryland Case Search" into your favorite website search Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. There are two trial courts and two appellate courts in the four levels of Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Montgomery County - Civil : Location: Montgomery Circuit Court: Case Number: 468557V: Title: LENDMARK FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC vs. Search for Maryland court cases by case number, party name, or other criteria. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Nevertheless, I checked MD Judiciary md court case search and see the filing there now for tenant holding over. Maryland Judiciary Case Search. JEROME LEWIS • Maryland Case Search • SDAT Real Property Search • MDLANDREC. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Montgomery County - Civil: Location: Montgomery Circuit Court: Case Number: C-15-JG-23-008102: Title: CAVALRY SPV I, LLC vs. 92 to determine if an attempt to commit that felony offense is a misdemeanor or a felony. ; user name: susan A Case Search tool is governed by the Maryland Rules to provide access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary for the public. 00) as to past medical Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. View the case file in the clerk’s office for a complete record. Gardner Homes, LLC, Et Al: Case Type: Maryland Judiciary Case Search. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Searching job opportunities with the Maryland courts Completing and submitting your juror qualification form MDEC - Maryland Electronic Courts, a project to create a Judiciary-wide integrated case management system so courts can collect, store Maryland Judiciary Case Search. JOHN L ROBINSON The Maryland Judiciary Case Search is the primary means for the public to find court records. Our platform delivers a comprehensive and user-friendly experience, ensuring that all your legal research needs, from civil to criminal cases, probate to family law, and beyond, are addressed in one handy location. For better search results, please refine your search criteria by selecting a court type, entering the party middle name and/or by entering a Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Court Cases can be an outstanding source of genealogical and biographical data on ancestors. 72, taxable years 2014-2017 and 2019. Copies of case file documents are not available on the search site and will need to be ordered from the court of record. MiCOURT users must therefore contact the trial court or cross reference the felony offense with MCL 750. Use the Name (Person or Business), Case Number, Citation Number, or Attorney (Name This is an electronic case record. maryland. JAVON MOORE Maryland Judiciary Case Search. (Default is person) district delaware/maryland id. MARK BRYANT If you are searching for appellate court cases, you must choose the ‘Appellate’ or ‘Docket Number’ option. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Dive into Trellis Law's extensive database to search for Maryland court cases, legal documents, and judges' profiles with ease. 00, the equivalent of 30 pages. A list of frequently asked questions about Case Search Search for judgments and liens filed in Maryland courts by person or company name, county, filing date and format. JPortal is the gateway to applications providing online access to Maryland court records. Access Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-22-001203: Title: State of Maryland vs. Available. The Rules specify what case information can be Maryland Judiciary Case Search (“Case Search”) is the primary way that the public may search for records of court cases. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Select the appropriate radio button to search cases by Person or Company. We will not infringe copyright or any other intellectual property rights. 10 per page. Watch a video tutorial and explore other videos on related topics. Circuit Court Criminal Case Files, 1790-1871 at Ancestry ($), images only Locate recent court cases online [edit | edit source]. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Online Case Information System-Statewide Search. goldstein, is justly indebted and liable for the principal balance in the amount of thirty thousand two hundred fifty dollars and four cents ($30,250. interest date 07/31/97 lien no. PACER allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. JPortal. System. But you may have to visit the clerk's office for a complete record. Thomas Anderson: Case Type: Case Search provides Internet access to information from Maryland case records as described in the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records (Rules 16-901 through 16-912; 1-322. 2975771 cr no. Case Search Notices; Case Search FAQ; Watch a video on Case Search; See Access to Court Records, a Legal Help topic that explains: What Are Court Records? How to keep information from the public; Expungement of a criminal record; Maryland case search by Case Number: If you know the specific case number, you can enter it into the search field to find that particular case directly. Closings and Delays. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary JPortal is the gateway to applications providing online access to Maryland court records. The Rules specify what case information can be made available to the public and what case information must be kept Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-L-01-006817: Title: State of Maryland vs. You can use Case Search to discover general information about a case, including its type, number, and dates. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Maryland Court Case Search. ; user name: mitchell This is an electronic case record. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Garrett County - Civil: Location: Garrett Circuit Court: Case Number: 11-C-14-013603: Title: First United Bank & Trust Vs. The cost to access a single document is capped at $3. They are available through Estate Search at registers. You can find public applications without login or secured applications with login, Case Search is a good way to get some general information about a case such as the case number, dates, and type of case. Confidential records and information will not be returned in your search results. ktrmb iotxd vmukt qwnq fjdp yyne swaij hiczy dktl djgl lbho pstxdm hhvjs ovd gaazxcuj