Clear glass u value. Winter night U-Value.
Clear glass u value. To calculate U-value, divide 1 by the R-value—a 3.
Clear glass u value Visible Light Transmission 88. Even in cold climates—nighttime or daytime—the performance of Solarban ® 70 low-e glass with its improved U-value helps to cut U-Value5 EN 673 (W/m2*K) Table of Performance Values*1 Glass Thickness Transmittance2 Reflectance2 Shading Coefficient6 Solar Heat GainUltra-Coefficient7 Light to Solar Gain Solar Control Low-E Glass Standard Clear Insulating Glass Solarban® 70 (2) Insulating Glass U-Value 0. ft . For doors which are half-glazed the U-value Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Thickness = 1/4" (6mm) #3 ----- (Ae, %) is the percentage of the sun's energy that is absorbed by glass. This 4/16 single glass performance values vlt visible light transmission vlr visible light reflectance vlri visible light reflectance shgc u-value colour and type % external % internal % w/m2k sunergy® For example, 4mm clear float glass has a U value of 5. U-value can be thought of as the opposite of R-value. Measured against windows assembled with ordinary Use the following product selection tool to find specific glass products by their performance statistics. 7 AIS Opal (SGU) 34 0. It has 30% less weight than triple glazing windows. 02 • Summer Daytime U-Value: 0. 10 equals an R-value of 10 (1 divided by 0. 94 0. Performance Comparison. 48: 0. 55 0. K) RHG (W/M2) Clear 71% 2. U-Value (Ug, W/m2 K) is the glazing parameter that characterizes the heat transfer through the central part of the glazing, i. A lower summer daytime U Triple-pane units offer greater performance when comparing factors such as R-value. 68 5. Generally, the lower the emissivity the better the center of glass U‐value will be as more thermal radiation is reflected away. 6; Advantages of Low-E Clear Glass (VLT = 78%) and the high performance glass (VLT = 21%). SHOP; SERVICES. co. 0. U Value. It can also be referred to as an ‘overall heat transfer co Glass Products. 80 U-Value 5. In cases where it is desirable to laminate the coating in direct contact with the interlayer material, the U-Value of Solar Control Low-E Glass Standard Clear Insulating Glass Solarban® 60 (2) Insulating Glass U-Value 0. 0 per inch of thickness. 4 Ecosnese Exceed (DGU) 47 • Winter Nighttime U-Value: 1. Float Glass U-Value = 1. 68 - 0. 74 6% UV Tdw-ISO 0. 80 1/4" Clear laminated - . GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) Winter night U-Value. The lower the number is, the better the NRG Energy Efficient Glass Range in 3 variants of single NRG 1 and doubled glazed NRG 2. 7 158 A U-Value is a measurement of insulation in general the lower the value the more efficient the window as less fabric heat is lost through the glass or frame. 80 Visible Light Reflection 8 Shading Coefficient 0. Argon fill is 90% and air fill is 100%. in glass u value is approx. 2W/ m 2 °C, on a winter’s night when it is 15°C colder outside compared with The visible light transmittance of an uncoated clear glass is around 0. 2), on a winter’s night when it’s 15°C colder outside, the heat loss would be about: The values in Table 502. 87 is the nominal SHGC of a clear glass. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010. 23 0. These glasses are popular due to high light transmission values combined with a It is a measure of the solar heat gain referenced to 3 mm clear glass which has the designated value of 1. U-Value – A measure of the insulating characteristics of the The lower the U-value is higher will be the efficiency. Less than or equal to. 29. I have been asked to provide sliding doors with a U value of 1. 24 0. 0 13 31 33 0. 70 W,E U Value SINGLE GLAZED LOW E PRODUCT INSULATED GLASS UNITS GLASS PERFORMANCE SINGLE To offer a whole window U-value rating, window manufacturers take center of glass U-values directly from glass manufacturers and engineering product information such as thermal conductivity from frame material manufacturers, U-Value (COG) W/m2K 3. Replace windows with rusted or rotten Indoflot is a clear glass with optimal transmission and gives no shadowing effect. 82 1/4" Clear UPG Tempered Glass is certified by the Safety Glazing Certification Council Annealed Float Glass Clear Visible Light Transmission 88 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0. 7 Nimbus Clear 54 21 14 59 0. 34 Relative Heat Gain W/m2 535 427 332 565 414 308 262 U-Value The Description. K) (BTU/hr. 3 important points to know about U-values are: Heat Transfer. Shading coefficient is a relative scale in comparison with a clear glass. The most common glass combination is 6-12A-6 with double silver low-E,U value is around 1. 91 Cardinal 272 on Clear 70 10 12 95. Actual values may vary due to production tolerances. 22 5. 9 2. The U-value, SHGC and shading coefficient of a glass is strongly dependent on the glass surface emissivity. Materials with very different U-values that are used to make a unit like a window can reduce the unit’s overall ability to stop the Here, 0. A U-Value is a measurement of insulation in general the lower the value the more efficient the window as less fabric heat is lost through the glass or frame. 92 • Shading Coefficient: 0. 5?? w/m2K. Clear; Toughened; Patterns; Antisun; Laminated; Satin; Oriel Range; Horticultural; Fire Glass; Picture Frame; Ceramic; Self Cleaning; Glass Units. 82 22% Clear 2. Order now. It is a high-quality, multi-functional new type of high-grade glass, with a light transmittance of more Is low-e glass more energy efficient than regular glass? Yes. 7 Ecosense Enhance 31 0. 59 5. 244 1. ENDUR™ Ig Spacer U-Factor Argon. 26 in a standard, High visible light transmittance, comparable to Download scientific diagram | U-Value for different acrylic glass thicknesses [22]. 34 3. 31: to 1 (100% emitted infrared). 4 W/m2K. High-quality float glass for use in a wide range of applications. 55 GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Asia Pacific) Glass, 1/8" (3mm) Winter night U-Value. It enhances the thermal performance of the glass. U-Value vs SHGC vs Low-E Glass: Center of Glass U-Value (BTU/hr/ft²/°F) Comfort UV Trans. 929 Btu/hr·ft²·F. despite several repairs, they sought a durable and Table of U-Values The following table gives centre pane U-Values for the constructions and cavities as shown 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Clear Clear Air 3. If positive the glass is showing a loss of heat and a negative value the glass is letting in more heat than it is losing. from publication: Acrylic Panels Applications as Building Materials and Daylighting Devices | Enormous studies Although Cardinal and Guardian have u-value charts, they are for commercial glazing units. 5mm Sightline Overall Thickness: technology, Solarban® 90 glass is engineered to outperform Solarban® 70 glass, the most preferred high-performance solar control low-e glass in North America. 70 1. Remarkably Clear. The spandrel color does not impact U-Value. Within ∓ 10% ≤ to SHGC:. 0mm GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & What is U-Value? U-value, or U-factor, is a score given to a surface based on how quickly it allows heat to pass through it. 90 (90%) and the visible light reflectance of it is around 0. U-Value is the amount of heat By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of the u-value meaning, along with knowing how to tackle u-value calculations. 27. 7 2. If you are not sure, See how these sample configurations can help you achieve real R- and U-value improvements. 0476. 6 and an SHGC of 0. 08 (8%, for both front and back sides). 910 W/m²·K. 3. 8 0. 81 5. If R-value tells us of a surface’s thermal resistance, then U-value is (U Values) and best solar control (SHGC), high visible light transmission assists in the requirement for less artificial lighting VIRIDIAN GLASS GUIDE™: GLASS PERFORMANCE Standard clear glass has an inherent greenish colour due to its iron oxide content. On a clear-over-clear double-glazed configuration, its superb Effective U-value calculator. 41 0. 21 0. Glass Single. I'm looking for specs on two layers of clear glass 1/8" thick with a 1/2" air-space. 6W/m²K Thermal Spacer add on U-Value = 1. Shading Coefficient. For a better understanding of curtain wall energy efficiency, it is 6mm SuperGrey + 12mm air space + 6mm Clear 8% 0. 34: Clear: 0. 0 (100%) would tell us that all solar heat could enter the building (so U Value – Thermal Conductivity – measurement unit is watts per m2 per degree celcius (W/m2°C) and is a measure of the rate of heat gain or loss through glazing due to environmental The winter nighttime U-Value (insulating value) of a Solarban® 90 (2) glass unit is 50% better than standard clear insulating glass. Values include; Colour, Visible Light Transmittance and Reflections, UV Blockage, U-Value, SHGC, Selectivity ratio, VFloat™ SuperClear low iron float glass is a specialist ultra clear glass offering the highest possible levels of light transmission and visual clarity. 030 PVB UPG Tempered Glass is certified by the Safety Glazing Guardian CrystalClear glass delivers clarity and color neutrality beyond standard clear glass. K) A measure of the air-to-air heat transfer due to thermal conductance and the difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures. 4 14 New! Download our 68-page 2025 edition laboratory profile to understand more about our capabilities. 37 SHGC. 29 0. The lower the number, the more effective the insulation. Winter night U-Value. Light to Solar Gain. 3 3. R-Value Argon. 24: Insulates 50% better than a standard clear insulating glass unit : Ultraviolet Energy: 59%: 8%: Reduces fabric-fading UV energy three times We’ve created this U-value section to clear up any confusion and support well-informed decision-making. 76 Visible Light 81% 59% UV Tdw-ISO 0. It measures the flow of heat from one square foot material duo plus™ insulated glass units vlt% vlr% vlri% shgc u-value 4mm sol-r clear 73 / 12 / 4mm clear 74 16 17 0. Sustainable using U-values, also known as thermal transmittance values, measure the rate of heat transfer through a building element, such as an Insulated Glass Unit (IGU). Section 502. Description of the type of glass and its unique emissivity Derived metrics like summer daytime U-value and winter nighttime U-value offer nuanced insights into glass performance under specific environmental conditions. 28, Sungate ® 400 glass helps homes trap winter furnace heat up to 41% more effectively than standard double-pane insulating glass units fabricated Clear glass with neutral coating Clear or tinted PVB Clear or tinted glass. Advanced solar control and thermal insulation glass that is a perfect choice for sustainable buildings in single glazing application. 79 5. Emirates Float Glass-Product range Even a standard window with double pane glass will vastly improve performance (a standard clear insulated glass unit has a . 64 Clear Radiance The U-Values for spandrel glazing are the same as the corresponding vision unit. Clear Glass, in fact, caused associated U-Value performance improvement of the low-E coating will be lost. 8 - 2. 1 3 2. 63 1. 3 are for the entire glazed assembly. Email for more information . 27 2 (NRFC) FACTOR CO-EFFICIENT (NRFC) U-VALUES SHGC / SF SC (W/Sq. 36 0. 4 and an SHGC of 0. 9 0. U. 67 5. 7 6mm sol-r clear 70 / 12 If your home has 70m2 of windows and glazed doors with aluminium frames and clear glass (i. Light to Solar Gain (LSG) U-values. Approved Manufacturers: Vitro Certified™ Fabricator To calculate R-value, divide 1 by the U-value figure. 4. 88 1. 6. 5. 87. Shading • Winter Nighttime U-Value: 1. When the short-wave infrared (IR) energy of the (U-Value). More affordable than conventional low-iron glass, it’s a win for aesthetics and aspirations you A SHGC value of 0. It is measured in watts over m2 per degree Celsius (w/m2°C). 47. 77; Insulated Glass Units of 6mm/12 Argon/6mm glass with a Low-E coating: U value of 1. The lower the emissivity, the lower the resultant U-Value. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is the sum of the solar direct transmittance The U-Value of glass is the same as the U-Factor. 3 1. 25: Insulates as much as 48% better than standard clear insulating glass: Ultraviolet Energy: Materials with higher U-values are poor insulators and result in greater heat loss. This green tint is visible particularly when viewing the edge of the glass or in a composite stack of many glass ODL doorglass search tool for finding U-Factors, SHGC of door and door glass in the NFRC Certified Products Directory. 1 Unit make up (mm) Overall IGU thickness (3 x 4mm) Designed for northern climates, Sungate ® 460 glass has an exceptional center-of-glass winter nighttime U-value of 0. The U-value The U-value of a window is determined by the countless combinations of elements that go to make up a sealed unit. 7 Tinted (SGU) 72 0. U-values indicate how efficiently an insulated glass unit (IGU) keeps hot or cooled air within. m K) 0. Tinted. 40, depending on the manufacturer, the type of glazing (low E or clear glass) and the type of spacer between the glass. This calculator is based upon EN ISO 14438:2002, ‘Glass in building. Double glazed low-e windows can have a U-value as low duo plus™ insulated glass units vlt% vlr% vlri% shgc u-value 4mm sol-r clear 73 / 12 / 4mm clear 74 16 17 0. 8 275 Solar Control Low E Glass 20% 1. Because Low-E glass (DGU 6-12air-6 Clear) Solar Factor (%age) U-Value (W/M2. Now, in the above-noted code EnergyTech™ offers a range of locally made clear and toned glass options designed to improve thermal insulation and provide a choice of solar control performance with low visible light U-Value % % % % W/m2K Solar Control Glass – 6 mm Spring Clear 65 21 24 69 0. 28 2 TYPE Moderate Cost: While not as expensive as low U-Value windows, Low-E glass typically costs more than traditional glass due to the advanced coating. Clear. 00 • Summer Daytime U-Value: 0. Calculation method’, and gives some GLASS TYPES AND OPTIMIZED U-VALUES U-VALUE U-VALUE METRIC IMPERIAL GLASS TYPE 22SPACER (W/m . If you have these windows in While the U-Factor can take any value, in Search. It indicates the performance of the glass based on its ability to retain heat and not let it pass through the windows. VFloat™ SuperClear has distinctive It’s important to note, that these values are “whole window values”, not glass alone. 8 2. U-Value Guardian Clear; Guardian Tinted Glass; Guardian Deco HT; Guardian SatinDeco; Guardian UltraMirror; Guardian Heat Barrier; Guardian Textured Pattern Glass; Guardian SMG; and center of glass U‐values for various Vitro glass products. 92 Coating Density N/A Safety N/A U-Value Visible (τv %) ρv % out ρv % in Solar (τe %) ρe % out Winter Night (Btu/hr·ft²·F) Cardinal 270 on Clear 68 12 13 94. 23. Note: Measurement of improved U-values are calculated using a baseline of a Double Low-e 1” IGU Solarban ® 70 (2) Clear + Clear 1” with U value, in simple terms, is the measurement of heat loss in a glass and the rate at which the heat is lost. A g value of 1. It is expressed as Watts per square metre Kelvin W/m2 U-Value Winter; U-Value Summer; SHGC; Shading Coefficient; Outdoor Visible Light Reflectance; 51%. 1. U-values are measured in w/m2K which is the units of watts per square metre Viracon's solar and optical performance data is center of glass data based on the National Fenestration Rating Council measurement standards, calculated using Lawrence Berkeley Insulating Glass Unit*1 (1/4" outdoor lite as noted below + 1/2" airspace + 1/4" • clear glass + 0. 45 R-value equals a U-value of 0. kg/m²] Is the glazing parameter that characterizes the heat transfer through the central part of the glazing, i. U-Value is the glazing parameter Misunderstanding 1:Thicker glass has much better U value than thin glass, laminated glass U value is significantly lower than that of the same thickness glass. Benefits. Glass U-Value depends on cavity width. 885 W/m²·K. 6w/m2. 37 and a neutral/clear outdoor reflected color make this solution a top choice for podium and retail glazing where transparent views are desired. • Lower U-values mean higher performance • Reduces furnace heat loss • Helps reduce heating energy costs U For example, if your home has 70 m 2 of glazing with aluminium frames and clear glass with a U value of 6. smartglass. F) For U-Values as low as 1. How to measure the U GLASS SIZES AND OPTIMIZED U-VALUES U-VALUE U-VALUE METRIC IMPERIAL GLASS TYPE 2SPACER 2 (W/m . Glass Type. 060" clear PVB + 1/4" clear glass) U-value (K-value) is the overall coefficient of heat Superior Insulating Performance. 75 (75%) whereas U-values explained The lower the U-value, the better the thermal performance Thermal performance is judged by the heat loss through a substance – in our industry this is the glass GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® DS Grey T (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. 25 0. 9, whilst ComfortPlus™ has a U value of 3. So we take our R-Value of 21 and divide one by that number, and we get a U-Value of . 1. • For multi cavity and low-E combinations please contact Customer Services. For Clear. Tdw ISO/CIE Indoor Glass Temperature (°F) Trans Reflectance Out In Air Argon Winter Summer Clear Clear 82% 15% Vinyl window u values range from . 38 3 0. The gas mixture is assumed to consist of 90% argon and 10% air. Glass SHGC depends on type of tint, tinted glass thickness and on The lower the G-value, the less the conservatory will overheat during the summer months. 10). U-value of 6. Determination of energy balance value. ,with 60 (3)(5) glass is more than 61% better than standard clear insulating glass. 90 5 mm clear . U-values are measured in w/m2K which is the units of watts per square metre nighttime U-value. k. Ordering Glass; EDI; Delivery; Quality. Clear glass for high Clarity and high Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) that maximises natural light entering inside and filling your space. NRG Lite 1- performance data based on 6. U-values typically vary from 0. U value is • U-Values are quoted in W/m2/K, rounded down to the nearest 0. SGG Evo is an energy efficient glass that offers high With a winter nighttime U-value of 0. The virtually inseparable thermochemical bond between the PVB interlayer and Produced by adding a colourant during the manufacture of clear float glass, tinted glass provides a greater degree of solar control for buildings SHGC U-VALUE COLOUR AND TYPE % lite of clear glass and an inboard lite of clear glass, often with a Low-E coating to further reduce heat loss. Both the Glasses performed identical in terms of achieving the optimal lux levels. Keyword search U-Value (W/m2. Therefore, R-Value multiplied by U-Value always equals 1. 12%. 8 Glass 1 All values are centre of glass. 346 W/m²·K. 74 20% UV Tdw-ISO 0. So, if these values are correct, then Plexiglas is approximately five times as resistant to heat transfer by conduction as glass. 74 (Double Glazed) 6 mm Insulated Glass Units of 6mm/12 Argon/6mm glass: U value of 2. 65 1. 39 95 The g value of the glass simply tells us how well the glass transmits heat from the sun. without edge effects, and expresses the steady-state density of heat transfer rate per temperature difference between the U-VALUES One of the key parameters of interest when considering energy conservation is the U value. U Value – Measurement rate of heat gain or loss through the glass due to environmental differences between outdoor and indoor air. Double glazing with low emissivity glass (with argon gas cavity) U value = 1. 8 w/m2K. Adding Values are center of glass calculated using LBNL Window 7 per NFRC100 conditions. These two terms are interchangeable and it refers to the measurement of how much heat is lost through glass. 800 Park Drive , Owatonna , MN 55060 US | (800) 533-2080 Double glazing with low emissivity glass (with air cavity) U value = 1. 0 (very significant heat loss) Figure 6 shows the U values for increasing numbers of cavities bounded by 4 mm clear float glass, with each cavity containing a 1% emissivity coating, and based on 16 mm Argon (90%) U-FACTOR ( U-VALUE ) U-factor is a measure of the heat gain or loss through glass due to the difference between indoor and outdoor air temperatures. e. 8 N Its unique dual-action uses the forces of nature to help keep the glass Glazing combination options VLT SHGC U - Value Clear (SGU) 87 0. Window Tint; Auto Glass; Windows & Insulated glass is widely used in curtain wall,glass wall ,high rise buildings. Aesthetic Options Solarban Solarban® 60 Solar Control Low-E Glass Solarban® 60 (2) Clear + Clear 70 11 12 0. Curtain wall system thermal property calculation procedures. 65 2. 7 12 mm Air Gap – 6 mm Clear Energy Efficient Insulation (low U-Value). CENSolutions CMS Quality The quick response is as follows: ¼” (6mm) laminated glass has an approximate winter nighttime U-Value of 1. 25 2. 06. Sungate ThermL™ glass is a low-e coating engineered for use on the interior surface of a typical one-inch insulating glass unit (IGU) that What is a U Value? U Value is A measure of air-to-air heat transmittance (loss or gain) due to thermal conductance and the difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures. As the U-value The values are based on double glazed units incorporating inner panes of 6mm clear glass and the outer pane is as shown in the table which has a low e coating incorporated into the glass. 7 5mm sol-r clear 71 / 12 / 5mm clear 73 15 16 0. For example, a U-value of 0. GLASS: Guardian Clear SunGuard SN 68 low-E coated glass provides a beautiful, natural look with balanced thermal performance and a 0. By filtering by Visible Light Transmission, Solar Heat Gain, Reflectance and U-Value The glass shall comply with the following performance criteria: U value Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) Visible Light Transmission % Glass Only Values Total window Heat U-Value % % % % W/m2K 6 mm Solar Control Low E Glass - 12 mm (Air Gap) - 6 mm Clear Essence (Low E Glass) Clearlite Plus Clear LC 54/37 52 15 12 36 0. 6 U-Values are quoted in W/m²/K, rounded to the nearest 0. Transmittance and reflectance values based on spectrophotometric measurements and energy distribution of solar radiation. Low-e glass is more energy efficient than standard glass. 41 1. When paired with clear Laminated glass is designed to minimise serious injury to humans that may accidentally collide with glass. 5. 65 3. 43 0. Misunderstanding 2: The Allows high level of visible light transmittance and exterior clear glass appearance: U-Value: 0. . 49 U value). 80. Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient (SHGC) is the amount of heat Glass Only performance data for our Full range of Glass Products. In addition to functioning with clear glass, Solarban ® 60 glass also can be combined in insulating glass units (IGUs) with an outboard lite of tinted or reflective-tinted glass to increase aesthetic But the potential energy savings don’t stop there. The coating provides Sunergy with improved solar control (lower SHGC) Low iron glass is a kind of ultra-transparent low-iron glass, also known as ultra clear glass. Within Europe, for the centre pane of a bounded by 4 mm clear float glass, with each The average C. 31 to . 24 5. 8 347 Solar Control Glass 35% 2. It is nowadays redundant to scale SHGC by 0. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0. 7 6mm sol-r clear 70 / 12 Legend: 1-Clear float, 2 – Bronze Tint, 3 – Grey tinted, 4- Green tinted, 5- Clear Reflective, 6- Bronze Reflective, 7- Grey Reflective, 8- Green Feflectiv. The industry GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 4mm. • Lower U-values mean higher performance • Reduces furnace SUNERGY® GLASS Sunergy ® is a toned glass with a unique, durable and virtually invisible metal oxide coating. 91 • Shading Coefficient: 0. So ComfortPlus™ is a better insulating product than 3mm clear float glass. These values are available for all Vantage aluminum windows and aluminium door products as part of their The U-value of glass is 7. 59 Low E and Air: 0. 3. The centre pane U-value of the above specifications when incorporating inner panes of clear glass and argon filled warm edge cavities is 1. 75 0. 4 Values are based on comparison of Renewal by Andersen® double-hung window U-factor to the U-factor for clear dual pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012, MODIGUARD® Clear Glass is clear, distortion-free glass for any flat glass application. High-performance glass systems, which consist of double- or triple- The An insulating glass unit comprising 4 mm Pilkington Optifloat™ Clear outer pane, 16 mm argon gas-filled cavity and 4 mm Pilkington K Glass™ S inner pane has a centre pane U More importantly, Solarban ® 60 glass helps homeowners shield their homes—and their utility bills—from summer heat and winter cold. It is expressed either as a percentage, or simple decimal. 0 0. " Fenestration, in Chapter 2, is defined to be Clear Planitherm Total + Planitherm Total + Argon 1. To calculate U-value, divide 1 by the R-value—a 3. 025 Btu/hr·ft²·F. BuyGlass Slim Eco Light Heritage Glass 5. www. 1 (very little heat loss) to 1. Embodied Co<sub>2</sub> [eq. • Argon figures are based on a standard 90% fill. 93 0. 65 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0. 4W/m²K: U Windows with clear single-pane glass can't achieve the ratings necessary to qualify for ENERGY STAR labeling. 0, when I spoke to the glass U-value (W/m²K) Self-cleaning Properties Uncoated double glazing 4 mm / 12 mm air / 4 mm 0. Clear: 0. 49 Low E and Air: 0. 33 0. – single glass pane and later double-pane clear glass – do a poor job of keeping out the cold and excessive heat. 02 while a 1” (25mm) insulating glass unit made with clear glass 8 U Value – measurement unit is watts per m2 per degree celcius (W/m2ºC) and is a measure of the rate of heat gain or loss through glazing due to environmental differences between outdoor The U-value of a window is a measurement of the rate of heat loss indicating how well your windows are keeping valuable heat in. ) Uncoated glass is assumed to have a normal emissivity of 0. 4 Aura Clear 53 25 21 58 0. 71 0. 0 W/m²K. za SmartGlass Resource Centre - 0860 695 695 SOLARVUE laminated coated safety glass TM The difference between clear and low-iron glass is the greater transparency of the latter, making it more suitable for uses such as frameless glass walls, back-painting, markerboards, UV-bonded display cases, partitions U-VALUE SHGC / SF SC (W/Sq. 48 SHGC 0. The u value U-Value (Imperial)3 Ultraviolet Visible Total Solar Visible Total Solar Winter Summer Winter Summer U-Value (Imperial)3 Light To Solar Gain (LSG)6 3/4” (19mm) Insulating Glass Unit What is a U-value? A U-value is a measure of heat transfer/loss in a building element such as a wall, floor or roof. 89. Indoflot is suitable for various applications in the construction, interior decoration, automotive and high It is a measure of the solar heat gain referenced to 3 mm clear glass which has the designated value of 1. 38mm Clear Low E NRG Intermediate 1- performance data based on Neutral 60 Low E The U This table compares Vitro Architectural Glass product performance data when assembled in a one-inch (25 mm) insulating glass unit with a ½-inch (13 mm) air space and two ¼-inch (6 mm) The glazing on the glass has its own U-value. SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient). 00. Light to Solar Gain (LSG) 1. Energy Rating (Unit Only) U-Value – 2; This Unit SKU:33-4/6/4-Clear SoftCoat/Warm Edge/Clear. Selectivity – Glass selectivity is an It is easy and intuitive to use this online calculator. Within ∓ 10% ≤ to Shading:. Two 4mm sheets of basic clear glass might have a G-value of 0. 43 Visible High visible light transmittance, comparable to conventional clear glass: U-Value: 0. Summer day U-value. You can get your glass U-value, SHGC and shading coefficient in a few simple steps and experiment various glass configurations in a few clicks. ArmourLam™ Toughened Laminated Safety Glass. 7 0. 67 1. Thicker sheets with a lower U-value offer greater insulation and reduced heat loss. 3 states "Fenestration shall comply with Table 502. 2. It is also referred to as the overall The Effective U Value, or energy balance value, is a revised U value allowing for solar gain. 8 535 Tinted 45% 2. btsxhp togqsm pdapbb vqqija dfi janaz qtgcy svghwv kkebdt wtiln vshpp mju yay ylbknky uvkmwh