Qtablewidget set row color. When running the program with the -stylesheet widgettest.
- Qtablewidget set row color Archive == True). QFont font; font. QtCore import * class pandasModel( Change color of a row of a QTableView? panoss Wafer-Thin Wafer. C++, add/remove rows from a QTableWidget. Viewed 434 times 1 Help implement the code so that when you click on a cell in the table, the widget cell changes its color, and when you click it again, it turns white again QTableWidget - Change the row color. The Delegate should also not be used to Change color in qtablewidget (click on) Ask Question Asked 5 years ago. How to change background color of selected or clicked cell in a pyqt5 QTableWidget? 0. A possible solution is not to modify the paint method but initStyleOption and displayText: class Custom_Two_Delegate: public QStyledItemDelegate { public: using QStyledItemDelegate::QStyledItemDelegate; QString displayText(const QVariant &value, I'm trying to make a border for rows in QTableWidget with different ways, but all solutions don't respond my requirements. how to automatically change the color of selected item in QListWidget. Reputation: 0 #1. setFlags(QtCore. I have tried this approach : bool MyTabWidget::eventFilter(QObject *target, Q QTableWidget: cannot insert an item that is already owned by another QTableWidget I still don't understand because i am a newbie with QT. How do I change the text color of an arbitrary cell in a QTableWidget?. I use a QTableWidget, not QTableView. What I want is basically the background color of the QPushButton to No, the color is not lost. I've also used a function currentRow() to get the current row, but it returns -1 because of the QLineEdit. Threads: 27. Change color in qtablewidget (click on) 0. When running the program with the -stylesheet widgettest. Can you set a specific colour for whole QTableWidget? Hot Network Questions Is it possible to symbolically solve this polynomial system of equations and inequalities with Mathematica? Is it important that my dishwasher's cabinet seals make contact with the opening? Then get rid of QTableWidget, use QTableView and implement your own model, where you can store colors for each row, and return this color in data() for each column in row. Minimum, QtWidgets. Couldn't do anything with the stylesheet feature and all the solutions online are only for QTableView. This is what I did: self. I have 2 ways of doing it: Color the table items for those many rows/coulmns. Please show what you QTableWidget - Change the row color. QtWidgets. what i want to achieve now is to colorize each order with a background color( alternating colors) to improve readability, tried the I only want to change the color of the vertical header. 3. table->setItem(row, item); For subsequent QTableWidgetItems, you use QTableWidgetItem::row() from the first QTableWidgetItem, I am struggling with the issue that I am not able to set a border color to a QTableWidget so it would only formate the very surrounding of the widget. change the background color of a cell in a QTableWidget element when the content is edited. 19. Background color a specific table row given row number for QAbstractTableModel in PyQt5. Adding data to QTableWidget using PyQt4 in Python. I've also created a delete button and clicking that button sends a signal to the function deleteRow. Set text color of QTableWidgetItem (Qt) Hot Network Questions I'd like to have the different selection colors for the different cells of the QTableWidget. QHeaderView::section{background-color:rgb(120,120,120);color: white;} but i get this I have a QTableWidget where I would like to color individual horizontal header items based on some criterion. There are various possibilities, then. Table. Distinguish alternating rows color from selection color in QTableWidget. Why QTableWidgetItem doesn't keep updating it's color? 8. tableWidget. I may have performance issues due to coloring. setStyleSheet(stylesheet) QTableWidget - Change the row color. I would like to display a table in Qt with a specific style. QTableWidget. The cell background color seems to work with the above style, but now the border isn't showing anymore. QtGui import * from PyQt5. How to set each item's selection color of QTableWidget in PyQt5. Change color highlight of icons in QTableView, when the cell is selected. I need to enter integer values in column. template<typename T> inline QVariant TableModel<T& It's interesting that 'selection-color' works in changing the colour of the text in the selected row, but 'selection-background-color' for either QTableView or QTableWidget does not work for changing the background colour. HowTo draw border for QTableWidget row? 19. The default delegate already does this. However, Everything is working fine expect the QTableWidget Headers. QtGui. While a QProxyStyle could be used, some styles also ignore the @sunil. QTableWidget dynamic rows w/ QComboBox. 1 along and stylesheets, how can I make the row header section's background color, follow the same alternating pattern of the row cells? My stylesheet is: QTableView { alternate- Is it possible to conditionally change the background color of items in a QTableView, using PySide2? I've read a lot on the model view framework . Note3: The QTableCornerButton::section part is necessary to add the missing border below the top left corner. Hot Network Questions How to understand why 2nd overtone with shorter First you need to insert a new row using rowCount. Qt set background color for selected QTableWidgetItems. QSizePolicy. Most importantly, the alternate row color is only intended as a visual aid, because it's scope is usability, not data based customization: How to change Qtablewidget's specific cells background color in pyqt. I am using QTableView and QStandardItemModel and I'm trying to colour a row with the font remaining black. All the cells have simple text in each of them. Set text color of QTableWidgetItem (Qt) 1. 5. Once I remove the selection, it reverts back to what the model sets. This argument represents the item whose row index you @sunil. How to change color of QWidget in QTableWidget. PyQt4 QTableView cell text changes color on row selection. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. How can I change Table's content? 0. And something strange is happening, if I add an ; affter the first } then the color is working and the border is not set, if I remove the ; then the color is not working and the border is set. 4 I try to set a background color to my QTableWidget (particular celle or row) with setBackgroundColor. The last two columns in this widget use a custom cell widget (one containing a QCheckBox, the other a QLineEdit, with some optional QPushButtons). How to change the background color of the QTableWidget's The issue is that when I select a row, the background color of the complete row becomes the standard orange and the text color becomes white. 8. Argument The QTableWidget::row() function takes a QTableWidgetItem* as an argument. 0 How to change the color of scroll bar in table widget in PyQt5 Python. ie: without setting the alt-rows colors, selection looks like this: but WITH the alt-rows colors set, it looks like this? ie: no QTableWidget - Change the row color. I just work with QTableWidgetItem. All that I want, is to draw a rectangle around a whole row. could you post the code of your model? "La mort n'est rien, mais vivre vaincu et sans gloire, tableWidget = QTableWidget() currentRowCount = tableWidget. ItemIsEnabled to disabled, so you can't select or edit the cell How scroll bars are drawn completely depends on the QStyle. Selection highlight in PyQt4 QTableWidget fill selected cell's background with full block color. I was not successful into adding header The row heights are wrong. QTableView/custom table model: set text color in header. setFont(afont) @n-2204 said in Qtableview set background color to some columns:. 4. In such cases, you should not be using your model to determine the background colour, let the view do this automatically by calling QAbstractItemView::setAlternatingRowColors(true). QtWidgets import * from PyQt5. Hot Network Questions Trying to find a French film I watched 5-10 years ago on Netflix PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 11): A Sparkling Sudoku What are these 16-Century Italian QTableWidget - Change the row color. I have tried the following: ui. I already put a connection between an activation of my cell and my function highlightRow : QObject::connect(ui->variableTableWidget,SIGNAL(cellActivated(int,int)), this, SLOT(highlightRow())); I stripped my problem down to a simple testcase. 'addRow(self)' to create and populate a row on QTableWidget with values from QLineEdit. Try this. rowCount() #necessary even when there are no rows in the table tableWidget. For QTableWidget, when you add or modify the QTableWidgetItem(s) in the rows, you set the color using QTableWidgetItem::backgroundBrush(). Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Most Votes; Change color of particular QTableView rows with StyleSheets. Qt. If the item is not found within the QTableWidget, the function returns -1. Python - PyQt - QTable Widget - adding rows. I have created a QTableWidget in which I've used setCellWidget(QWidget*). I'm trying to change the background color of a QTableWidget row. You can add method to your model (it can be even slot) setRowColor(int row, const QColor &color) where you can set the color for row and emit dataChanged() signal for whole row at once. Qt set default value for style-sheet property. nair last edited by . tableWidget->selectRow( 2 ); But still I cannot see it selecting/highlighting the second row. 10 Posts 3 Posters 25. how to hide row count and and click edit items and then untick translatable property for rows and column. For the fonts you can try to do the next. Hot Network Questions You cannot set the background color of a cell unless it contains a QTableWidgetItem (as the background color is a property of the item). The code you have chosen to show has nothing to do with QTableWidgetItem or even QTableWidget. We have a requirement where we want to change the border color of the QTableWidget item to pink when that item is clicked or selected. This means the valid range is 0-13. QTableWidget *table = new QTableWidget(this); table->setItemDelegateForColumn(index_column, delegate); // or table->setItemDelegateForRow(index_row, delegate); // or table->setItemDelegate(delegate); To I have a QTableWidget in which I have set alternating colors for each row. sunil. qt; user-interface; styles; qt4; qt5; Share. To change selection color for the whole table, I can use: Distinguish alternating rows color from selection color in QTableWidget. removeCellWidget (row, column) ¶ Parameters:. How to style a QTableWidget in Pyqt5. 11. It can be very simple for your needs, probably, just need to re-implement one method, QStyledItemDelegate::initStyleOption() and inside that set the backgroundBrush property of the QStyleOptionViewItem to whatever you need. line:58 same -> def display_table_row(self,counter): line:59 add -> if counter>0: line:60 add -> return "ok" Result of this execution: What's wrong? Note also strange behaviour in displaying two rows. could you post the code of your model? "La mort n'est rien, mais vivre vaincu et sans gloire, QTableWidget: Set specific row's color; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! QTableWidget: Set specific row's color. Hot Network Questions Why is the spectrum of the Laplacian on the torus discrete? How to set background color rows number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 to (example) blue, and rows number 2,4,6,8 to red? QTableWidget change header background color - QHeaderView. I am not sure if I am missing something. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Unsolved General and Desktop qtablewidget qtableview delegate. removeColumn (column) ¶ Parameters:. 2. PyQt Tableview background color based on text value rather than True or False. Grouping the rows by adding an additional column in the row header, and entering the group header text so that the group can be identified. Iterate over the items in that row and set background for each item. This method Qtablewidget::setAlternatingRowColors make only data row with alternating color. Is there any other function to set the color in a cell/row ? I've already tried *setstylesheet *function, which crashes too You are going beyond your column and row count. setAlternatingRowColors - 16 examples found. One snippet change in code of file run_me. Changing the spacing between QTableView cells using stylesheet in PyQt5. PyQt5 QTableWidget: You can try setting a size policy at the top. How to change background color of selected or clicked cell in a pyqt5 QTableWidget? QTableWidget - Change the row color. Also, when I change to Qt. 7. Highlight Cell in a QTableWidget PyQt5. I don't know if I can change it in general (in the own QTableWidget()) or I should change it in his QTableWidgetItem(). i want to set the color of vertical header in CSS. What you're seeing is the inactive selection color: if you look more carefully, it has not the same color as the other items. May-24-2017, 05:21 PM . QTabWidget transparent background problem. QTableWidget: remove or extend to entire row the cell's active highlight. I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. How to control QTableView Items Background color. 1k Views. PySide6. I Want to make my QTablewidget with alternating row color. QTableWidget - Change the row color. Below code does not work, font size remains unchanged. How to change Qtablewidget's specific cells background color in pyqt. row – int. column – int. I am guessing that the ; disables the QTableView::item style, so that's why it is QTableWidget - Change the row color. tableWidget-> @sunil. So the resulted colors are all unordered. Hot Network Questions @sunil. item(0,i). I need to group a number of rows in a QTableWidget. Button role, others completely ignore the widget palette at all. It's possible that the I would implement my own QStyledItemDelegate and set the table to use that (setItemDelegate and friends). 2024-12-13. To avoid the use of findChild it can be set via QTableWidget: stylesheet = """ QHeaderView::section{background-color: lightblue} QAbstractButton{background-color: lightblue} """ self. This signal is emitted whenever the data of the item in the cell specified by row and column has changed. I expected either the first or second entry to use yellow as I have a pyqt5 QTableWidget and i want to highight a specific cell of the table. Always show the selection color. I want not only data row but also other row for all view. Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Most Votes; Your algorithm for alternating the colour is not data dependent, you are only using two colours for the entire dataset. A possibility could be to set the palette for the scroll bar, using the correct ColorRole, but unfortunately not all styles draw widgets in the same way. When you're done with searching set the default palette back. The model is the QAbstractTableModel, and I want to background color say row 0. 2) Catch the signal of current row. @nevdokimof So far as I understand it, the whole point is that stylesheet entries override whatever you try to do in code, so you won't achieve it that way (unless @dheerendra knows better than I). [] [Name] [Value] [Units] [1] [one] [1] [cm] [2] [two] [2] [in] [3] [three][3] [m] The 1st row is selected by the user and is highlighted, a process in the background updates the values in the table and updates the value in the 3rd row to 4. See the following figure: The width of the QTableWidget should be adjusted so that it is not smaller than a QTableWidget: Set specific row's color. The Qt Style Sheet reference page entry for QTableView notes: Warning: If you only set a background-color on a QTableCornerButton, the background may not appear unless you set the border property to some value. 2 How to set each item's selection color of QTableWidget in PyQt5 Used in the project QTableWidget form , Want to set the table header color to blue , The colors of the lines are displayed alternately . When I need to do this, I do it by: Set a dynamic property on the item in code (I use a dynamic property named class, personally; you might use color or whatever for PySide6. All the time, I get a 2px grid width or no grid at all. How to change background color of selected or QTableWidget - Change the row color. 8 on Fedora 17 x64 Gnome 3. You can change the color of column by changing its stylesheet How can I change the color of the QTableView ? border of all the QTableView not borders of the cells . Modified 5 years ago. QFont() afont. I'm using Qt 4. How can I change the color of a row of QTableView which has as model a QStandardItemModel? I The following is what I've currently tried. PyQt4 get table cell color. 5 inch pipe How to change Qtablewidget's specific cells background color in pyqt. This function works with QTableWidgetItem but crashes with others QTableWidget - Change the row color. Adjust indents in QTableWidget cells and header items. I've set QLineEdit in the cell widget. Follow edited Sep 7, 2011 at 22:18. I have a QTableWidget with 7 colums in a QDialog, where every row has information about files in a specific directory. we have tried many options like setBackground color and setData methods also but nothing is getting reflected here. But in your for loop you are going through rows 0-14 and columns 0-14. I have a QTableWidget populated with QTableWidgetItems and I would like to change the backgroud color for a range of cells (row nm, all columns). Only users with topic management privileges can see it. setStyleSheet("Background-color:rgb(100,100,100); That's IMHO not possible without subclassing QTableWidget since Qt only colors actual table rows. afont = PyQt4. One way to change the colors is to use a delegate. Iterating over rows/colums and changing the bg color for each QTableWidgetItem by means of sth. I had try QStyledItemDelegate class, but that is not my way, because delegates are used only for item[ row, column ], not for the whole rows or columns. @jsulm told you to to use QTableWidgetItem::setBackground() to set item background color. nair said in QTableWidget: Set specific row's color: I am using a qabstractitemmodel only. I tried implementing QItemDelegate / QStyledItemDelegate but it doesn't work. Change color in qtablewidget (click on) @aamitgupta-0. If, and this is a guess on my part, you are using QStandardItemModel you can solve your problem by never using the constructors QStandardItem(QIcon,QString) or Insert the row in a method of your class. Change color in qtablewidget (click on) 1. You should set a class property (etc tableview's QTableWidgetItem has a method for setting the backgroundColor of a cell in the table, but no method for setting the text color of that cell. Change QTableWidgetItem Background Color. 6k Views. PyQt5. py. The problem is that the background colors are assigned in a Source Model before the Indexes get filtered by QTableWidgetItem * QTableWidget::item(int row, int column) const. QTableView change row color based on a value. In your example, create the item before you attempt to set the background color. you can see the changes in I need a QTableWidget based on a QTabelModel and QTableView with some buttons added above the table. If the vertical QTableWidget: Set specific row's color; Short Maintenance on Sep 27th. 10 Posts 3 Posters 26. QTableWidget style per QTableWidgetItem. Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Most Votes; I am trying to decrease the size of the font in horizontal header of a QTableWidget. I tried the following code . cellClicked (row, column) # Parameters: row – int. But if I can, I prefer change it on QTableWidget() Anyone could help me? Thank you! Ok so we can set a specific background color for a cell that contains data: self. QTableWidget: Set specific row's color. Can you set a specific colour for whole QTableWidget? 0. 9. Note also that here I simply set the cell color to white and the text color to black, ideally you would set it specifically to the default cell colors (also available from the palette). Google for a long time , Can't be set successfully . 1 Highlight Cell in a QTableWidget PyQt5. This is the easiest solution, but has a drawback: the table will look focused even if it's not, since the selected items will always have the same color. That is, your overviewTable->item(2,2) probably returns 0, thus causes a Segmentation fault in the setFont() call. 10. Now, I added the option to color the table widget rows in a darker blue or orange color, depending on whether the checkbox is checked or not. In the QTableWidget, the last 2 columns of each row contains a QPushButton widget. setPointSize(11) atable. @Avaris @X. It is the source model's data() that sets each of `QTableView's indexes background colors to a green if the index's row number is even and to a blue if it is odd. however it colors all headers simultaneously without me being able to change the color of an individual header. I try to set color for a row as a gradient like this QTableWidget { background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1 #ecf9ff); } But instead of painting a row with this gradient it paints all rows from top to bottom with it like it is a solid piece : how to change text color of row by row in QTableWidget Python QTableWidget. You can set the column name using the You can add method to your model (it can be even slot) setRowColor(int row, const QColor &color) where you can set the color for row and emit dataChanged() signal for whole we have tried many options like setBackground color and setData methods also but nothing is getting reflected here. Removes the column column and all its items from the table. You set columnCount and rowCount to 14. int row = table->rowCount(); table->insertRow(row); Then for the first QTableWidgetItem you need to call QTableWidget::setItem(row, item) with the rowCount. What I want to do is that when a user selects a row, its foreground & background color should not change. Hi, I am using QTableWidget since it offers many features with respect to custom cell widgets animation etc. Some use the QPalette. insertRow(currentRowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem("Some text")) To clarify the last line of code, the first parameter of insertRow() is the current row, the second one is current column (remember it's always 0-based When a row or column is added does not imply that the corresponding QTableWidgetItems have been created, only the number of columns is modified in this case, so the new column does not have a QTableWidgetItem in the header, so the solution is to create it I cannot find a way to erase the margins but i can suggest a temporary workaround. setPointSize(7); ui. This is because, by default, the QTableCornerButton draws a native border which completely overlaps the background-color. The coloring works, but all rows get colored, instead of the row that I specified. If you are using QTableView with a QAbstractItemModel (or proxy), you implement the Qt::BackgroundRole role in the QAbstractItemModel::data() method to set the QBrush used to fill the cells in the row with Configure the QTableWidget to have a number of rows equivalent to the amount of items from the colors structure, and a number of columns with the members of one color entry, plus one. In Pyqt/PySide How to set different color in on cell of the TableView. Is there any way to highlight the entire row? QTableWidget(parent) { setMouseTracking(true); // receives mouse move events even if no buttons are pressed. However, you can make the background-color transparent (rgba(0,0,0,0)) and then you see the background image of the widget shining through. PyQt Tableview row background colour based on cell value. How to change the color of scroll bar in table widget in PyQt5 Python. table. Removes the widget set on the cell indicated by row and column. How to change the header background color of a QTableView. Hot Network Questions Must one be a researcher at a university to become an author of a research paper? @blackout69 You cannot have 2 delegates for the same item, the last one will replace the previous one. QListWidget is a convenience class that provides a list view with a classic item-based interface for adding and removing items. Then the Proxy model filters out every third index. Adding dynamically a row in a QTableWidget. Here is wrong solution: I have successfully used the following Qt code in my python application to color horizontal headers in a QTableWidget with distinct background colors: header2 = widget. I want to draw all grid lines with same color and same width. The following code does not work for a QTableWidgetItem that is a vertical header item, even though the same code works fine for a QTableWidgetItem that is a regular cell. Change row~cell color in TableView. 'sumCol(self)' to loop through each row, add each item of a column to a list, find the total, and print to QLineEdit. This function works with QTableWidgetItem but crashes with others items like QCheckBox are contained in the grid. How to add a row in a tableWidget PyQT? 0. With some checkboxes, lineedits etc I want to have the possibility to show only those files with a certain text, which I can manually add in the lineEdit. QListWidget uses an internal model to manage each QListWidgetItem in the list. add a text with two different colors in a QTableView column in qt. tableWidget->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows ); ui. Change row color of a QTableView with QStandardItemModel. I want add new Item with its text in empty tableWidget. – Or when you're starting to search change color for QPalette::Highlight on the table widget to red and 'select' item using setCurrentIndex(). Posts: 78. I want to display the rows of a QTableWidget with alternating colors using a stylesheet. The code snippet is below. This signal is emitted whenever a cell I want to select a row (not manually) in a QTableweidget. tblDinamic. 17. So the stylesheet would look like this: RecordSheet::item { border: 0px; color: black; padding: 1px 0px 0px 3px; } RecordSheet::item[class=green_row] { background-color: green; } RecordSheet::item In this article we will see how we can set the alternation row color property of the QListWidget. Oldest to Newest. How to set each item's selection I want to highlight the entire row of a my QTableWidget when I click on one cell of this row. I have six tables (6 qtablewidget) and a button. And after reading this document, you can do needed with setting color your QSlider. 0k Views. In PyQt5, I am using the model view to display a table. To finalize it completely, I started the creation some retouches concerning the coloring of some particular lines of the widget table. Row 14 and columns 14 are not valid. tblDinamic = QTableWidget() self. There are some others posts about the same thing but none of the given solutions I want to set the color of a specific row at runtime. I am using my delegate class's paint method: void Delegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QBrush brush(Qt::red, Qt::SolidPattern); painter->setBackground(brush QTableWidget - Change the row color. How to contro QTableView Item's outline. EDIT: Either setting the border to 0px or setting the color to white would be good as well. 13 on Windows, setting a background-color on the QTableWidget QTableCornerButton element in the Qt stylesheet has an effect but setting background-image has not. } void CustomTableWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { // detect where the mouse I am trying to set the background and foreground color of a QTableWidgetItem that is a Vertical Header Item in a row of my QTableWidget. How change the background color for a blank cell in QTableWidget. The code tracksList->setStyleSheet("alternate-background-color: #bfffbf; background-color: #deffde;"); it colorizes the ENTIRE background including the header (sort-column) bar, and gives me non-platform scroll bars. I Love Qt <3. Changing Row Color On Click PyQt. Thanks. Note finally that in my case the item still retained a QTableWidget - Change the row color. Your problem is in there then. This is as far as I know not possible. Hot Network Questions proper method to reduce 2 inch pipe to 1. 6. Problem is, that it is hard to style QHeaderView. In your example the table is not entirely filled with rows, so there's no alternating coloring of the whole table. Minimum) QTableWidget - Change the row color. setSizePolicy(QtWidgets. How can I change Table's content? 1. Python PyQt5 - Add rows to table. here is a reduced part of the code the application Qt QTableWidget Row Index . Qt tableView - add color. I did not use the color of the default header. horizontalHeaderItem(2) purp QTableWidget - Change the row color. PyQt, change QTableWidgetItem background color in a range of cells. Following commands did not help setStyleSheet("QTableWidget{ border-color: green}") does nothing and setStyleSheet("QTableWidget{ border: 1px solid green}) results in "over formatting" as you can self. When I hover the mouse, only single cell highlighted. 'Column 2'] items = [['Row%s Col%s' % (row, col) for col in range(len(columns))] for row in range(1)] view = QtGui The selection behavior is set to select rows, but only the hovered cell is highlighted. Policy. could you post the code of your model? "La mort n'est rien, mais vivre vaincu et sans gloire, Problem in getting mouseEvent on QTableWidget, this code is to create a window with tabelwidget and mouseclickevent, when i click right button of mouse the i got two actin event options named add and delete, i want to add new rows with 3 columns when i click "add" event function,and delete the last row when i click on "delete" event function, Or to set the whole row color, you would need to loop over the columns to get each row item when there is a match: How do I get the contents of a row of QTableWidget with click on the button in python and PyQt. Jacobs i've pasted my model to pastebin, can i just store the userRole data in the cell itself ? i mean if i use default table model, it'll store it, but now i'm using a custom model with customized setData() how could i save the value in the cell itself? (or actually, even the default model is not saving the value in the cell itself, it stores the value in some For me, using PyQt4. 0. pyqt - Change row~cell color in TableView. Background role, I get some "tickbox" in my cell that I don't want. Then use the model to assign a proper class for each type of row. Return Value The function returns an integer value representing the row index of the specified item. The header text changes color correctly but the background will not change from the default. I am getting the following error: The solution is the line "item. Load 7 more I want to highlight the row on mouse hover in my QTableWidget. 1 Selection highlight in PyQt4 QTableWidget fill selected cell's background with full block color. Joined: Jan 2017. qss option, I only see the default colors for the alternating background, not the colors defined in the stylesheet. If you are using QTableView Configure the QTableWidget to have a number of rows equivalent to the amount of items from the colors structure, and a number of columns with the members of one color entry, plus one. qt; qt4; Share. I have a table widget. . Table. Can you set a specific colour for whole QTableWidget? Hot Network Questions Is there anyway to make Mathematica output only the solution to an integral that is real? Eg. So you need to populate your QTableWidget with empty items first. Changing the color of text in all cells is as simple as using this stylesheet. How to change row order in a QTableWidget by editing cells? 0. You don't need to do anything special. Use QStyledItemDelegate. QTableWidget::item { color: red; } But because the API is on the QTableWidget QTableWidget - Change the row color. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work. Everything in the table is affected except the horizontalheaderlabels and the row numbers. This topic has been deleted. PyQt5 QTableWidget: make last column editable. PySide2. This property holds whether to draw the I used this to set the style for my QTableWidget. No model added. For this we must get the current background color, the task of getting the background color is tedious since a QTableWidget has its own color as its background, it also has Note2: The color of the border is the color of the grid on my system. PyQt - Blink Background Color based on Value Update. But you can set the Style in property editor as I suggested, s. Hi everyone I've encountered a problem while using sheets with Qt Designer. Solved! Two ways to changed QTableView Row background color when user mouse clicking. wrongusername HowTo draw border for QTableWidget row? 29. e. 2 pyqt5 qtablewidget cell background while editing cell. could you post the code of your model? "La mort n'est rien, mais vivre vaincu et sans gloire, I wrote a custom table widget which is derived from QTableWidget. How to customize rows in QTableWidget. 8. Improve this question. In fact, it turns out that , There are two main reasons for unsuccessful setup : * firstly , The method provided in other people's blog was wrong ;. cellChanged (row, column) # Parameters: row – int. Can you set a specific colour for I create a class 'pandasModel' based on QAbstractTableModel, shown below: import sys from PyQt5. Not necessarily, my problem is basically how to selectively apply a style to the table (it is currently looking like the signal-method is the way to go) -- as long as I can style the background colour of the cell-table to match the colour of the other selected items in the same row, I can use the first solution in my question to adjust the colour of the other items in the row Using Qt 5. setAlternatingRowColors extracted from open source projects. Subclass QStyledItemDelegate. Can you set a specific colour for whole QTableWidget? Hot Network Questions Extra vertical space when using \only and \onslide Improve traction on icy path to campsite CD with physical hole is perfectly readable - how? I know how to set the Horizontal Headers background color, but how can i set the Headers Background Color for a specified Row? In this example, say i want to have the Header Row with the Label "3" to be red? The above screenshots code: okay so the final part is: now that i've got the BG colors lookin sweet, suddenly the SELECTION color is all wiggy. 1 Reply Last reply . ItemIsEnabled)", you use it to set the cell property QtCore. You can set the column name using the QTableWidget - Change the row color. Integrate[D[ArcSin[2 x/3], x], x] You will need to set the row to highlight in the delegate and based on that, do the highlighting. 12. Then use delegate to change the color of the row/col When you click the button, perform your actions and then update the Setup a CSS/QSS class for each type of row and set their colors in the stylesheet. setBackground(QColor(255,128,128)) Is it possible to set the whole table at initiation or during QTableWidget - Change the row color. class TableDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: TableDialog(QWidget *parent = 0); private slots: void addRow(); private: QTableWidget *tableWidget; QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox; }; QTableWidget { color: red; } QHeaderView { color: blue; } Edit: I saw later that you asked without using code to set any styles. Is there a simple way to change background color of row in a QTableWidget? 3. this is def stylesheet(self): return """ QTableWidget { background: #e9e9e9; selection-color: white; border: 1px solid lightgrey; selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: How to set background color rows number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 to (example) blue, and rows number 2,4,6,8 to red? If I had a model-view-delegate pattern, I could do it in delegate, but I've I try to set a background color to my QTableWidget (particular celle or row) with setBackgroundColor. @class MyDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate {public: MyDelegate( QObject *parent ) : QStyledItemDelegate( parent ) { } for ex. For example I give row 2 and column 2, and I want that cell to be highlighted to edit,i mean for the element in blue change color/focus in qtablewidget I try to explain my doubt. You can try to resizeColumnsToContents() before you fill the table with items. QTableWidget Horizontal Header CSS. could you post the code of your model? "La mort n'est rien, mais vivre vaincu et sans gloire, In my project I've faced the problem of hiding row count in QTableWidget, I need to display the table but without row numbers and borders, here is standard QTableWidget. setFamily("Arial Black") afont. The hi; I created a graphical application with Qtdesigner and pyqt5. 0 Remove cell padding from QTableWidget in PyQt5. QBrush b (QColor(224,224,224)); item->setBackground( 0 , b ); item->setBackground( 1 , b ); item->setBackground( 2 , b ); QTableWidget - Change the row color. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog in the picture below, i have a QTableWidget to view data from one to many relation sqlite database, i managed to merge some columns output to display data correctly using setspan feature and help of this answer by @eyllanesc. Here's a C++ I am using Qt 4. like I want to set color for specific rows in QTableWidget, like setAlternatingRowColors does, only I should be able to specify which rows and which color I want. 1. I tried the code . So your means to setting font is completely right. How can I retrieve data from a QTableWidget - Change the row color. horizontalHeaderItem(0). @sunil. These are the top rated real world Python examples of PyQt4. setFont(font) And I want to set/change the default blank/white color of these background. you can also tried style sheet: QTableView::item:hover { background-color: #D3F1FC; } QTableWidget - Change the row color. How do I do this? Is creating a delegate the only way to do this? How can it be done with delegates? background-color: red; For QTableWidget, when you add or modify the QTableWidgetItem(s) in the rows, you set the color using QTableWidgetItem::backgroundBrush(). Returns the item for the given row and column if one has been set; otherwise returns 0. I've found it simple to set the background of alternate rows but I want to set the background for rows where one column matches a specific value (i. Please help me, many thanks ! QTableWidget: Set specific row's color; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! QTableWidget: Set specific row's color. t. By Erik_Klein in forum Newbie Replies: 2 Last Post: 17th July 2010, 22:07. want to change the color where blue arrow is marked. bwtgu gsbc szvbu jvumm yeddp rhgn beti ezfcb wfxhl seivkl
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