Clatsop county phone number Thu, Mar 6 2025, 8 - The Community Development Department is dedicated to the sustainable high-quality development and resource management of Clatsop County. Physical Location: Clatsop County Emergency Operations Center 800 Exchange Street, Suite. – 3:00 p. We strive to encourage job creation and retention; public and private partnerships; and safe, clean and affordable housing stock. By Email : Send your request to clerk [at] ClatsopCounty. When mailing a request, please include the document number and the year of recordation. Phone: 360-904-3766 Many matters can be handled by email, phone or video. , Suite 220, Astoria, Oregon 97103. the next day are required quiet time. 01 KB; Community Development Director 274. . 503-325-8581. Community Corrections is a division within the Clatsop County Sheriff's Office. Upcoming Events. 800 Exchange Street, Suite 410 Astoria, OR 97103 CLATSOP COUNTY GOAL 13 (1980) 1. Thu, Mar 6 2025, 8 - The Clatsop County District Attorney's office receives about 2,000 police reports each year. District Attorney. About Us About Us. 39 MB; M Schedule (Management) 648. Utility Links Menu. Thu, Mar 6 2025, 8 - Clatsop County Public Health will be participating in the Tobacco & Alcohol Retail Assessment (TARA) now through June 2025. O. C. If you need an interpreter or accommodations to understand the information on this page or access services, contact us and it will be provided at no cost. Boyington Meeting Facilities. 71 KB; Saspal Slough Bridge Repair Project -- Bid Tabulation and Intent to Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. CODE CHANGE FLYER. Important : Make sure you include the Document Number and the year of recordation. Mission Statement Mission Statement. Closed noon to 1 p. gov Local Agency Phone Numbers. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County County Manager’s Office 800 Exchange St. gov (Melanie Davis): 503-338-3612 971-418-1813: jdevereaux [at] clatsopcounty. All applicable County transient room taxes shall be paid pursuant to County Code of Regulations Chapter 3. 31 KB; Assistant Public Works Director 185. Columbia River Substation 92435 Svensen Market Road - Knappa Phone: (503) 458-7054 The Clerk, Records and Elections Division encompasses three functions: The County Clerk is the official record keeper for Clatsop County. To volunteer, visit our volunteer page. *** Address The Clatsop County Circuit Court is a State of Oregon agency. This tool helps you connect with the right Clatsop County Court Address 749 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon, 97103 Phone 503-325-8583 Fax 503-325-9300 Clatsop County Clerk Address 820 Exchange Street Astoria, Oregon, 97103 Phone 503-325-8511 ***When you contact us, please include your name, address, phone number and account number, if possible, plus any other information to assist us with answering your questions. Call or stop by for more information or to make an appointment. 4925 (Spanish/En español) Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS): (503) 731-4000. Elections. Support Enforcement (503) 325-2716 (503) 338-3694 fax . Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): (888) 246-2675 (English) (888) 246-2857 (Spanish/en Español) (866) 874-2646 (TTY) Cover Your Cough Be A Germ Stopper Phone Number (503) 325-1000. Quiet Hours: 1. 235) Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. Saspal Slough Bridge Repair Project 2025 ITB 562. The Building Codes Division (BCD) of the Oregon Department of Business and Consumer Services (DCBS) has launched their new online Clatsop County Marriage License, a service of Clatsop County Health & Human Services, offers marriage licenses and related services to couples seeking to wed. Supporting Documents. About Clatsop County About Clatsop Open Monday - Wednesday, Friday, 8:45am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed Thursdays in September-October. Volunteer. Email. This is simply not the way we conduct business as a law Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. County Subscriptions. to 12p. Clatsop County Phone Number (503) 325-1000. History of Clatsop County. We supervise Justice-Involved Individuals under the jurisdiction of the Court, the Clatsop County 2023/2024 pay schedules. Social Security Administration 1479 SE Discovery Lane Ste 104, Warrenton, OR 97146 Click here to contact them . We cannot process Open Monday - Wednesday, Friday, 8:45am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed Thursdays in September-October. Property owners who have signed up for e-Statements will not receive a mailed statement but will instead receive their tax statement via email. Clatsop County Public Health Department offers vaccines to infants, children and adults. Join our elite group of caring volunteers. clatsop. Human Resources. Monday - Friday 8:30 a. gov (tteague[at]clatsopcounty[dot]gov) Hours: Monday - Friday Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. Read More. Clatsop County Voters Pamphlet. May 20, 2025 Regular District Election Candidates Public Notice of District Board Members Election . everyday. Fax Number (503) 325-8325. We will automatically contact people with residential or business landline numbers. Employee Benefits. From Monday, November 4 to Monday, November 11, Make the money order out to “Clatsop County Jail Inmate Trust” and put the adult in custody’s full name in the memo. Ballot Drop Site Locations. Inclement Weather Policy. gov (tteague[at]clatsopcounty[dot]gov) Hours: Monday - Friday Phone Number (503) 325-1000. Clatsop County Fair and Expo 92937 Walluski Loop Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: (503) 325-4600 Fax: (503) 325-5658 Email: fair [at] clatsopcounty. Every report is reviewed vertically by a deputy DA – meaning the same deputy DA will review the case and, as necessary, deal with witnesses and victims, present the case to a Grand Jury and (in less than 8 percent of cases, because most are either dismissed or resolved) take the case to trial. , 2nd Floor, Astoria. Mailing Address: Clatsop County Circuit Court PO Box 835 Astoria, OR 97103. us Ambulance Services Area Advisory (ASAA) Committee Meeting (Hybrid) Tuesday, August 6, 2024 | 1:00 p. If You Have a Landline. 800 Exchange Street, Suite 410 Astoria, OR 97103. Get names, titles, departments, and phone numbers. The County and Circuit Trail Courts Division: 18th. Astoria, OR 97103. The Clatsop County Clerk is the chief election official of the county. The flyer lists some of the most significant code changes. Resources Resources. Update of Comprehensive Plan Goals 16-18. 800 Exchange Street, Suite. Clatsop County Courthouse P. First Name. Oregon GeoHub: an authoritative geospatial repository, Oregon GEOHub collaborates with public bodies to reduce redundancy in data and is a source for authoritative datasets on themes from administrative boundaries to transportation networks to Clatsop County Sheriff's Office Lt. This mission is accomplished within each of its divisions by working to implement Board of Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. Preparedness Preparedness. in Astoria; Online via My Vote at the Oregon Secretary of State’s website; When you obtain or renew your driver’s license; Print. Phone Number. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County Any owner or owner’s authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any gas or mechanical system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the building Local governments. (ORS 255. m. Phone: (503) 325-8555. *** Print. Assistant Professor of Practice, Coastal Hazards Specialist, Oregon Sea Grant. About Land Use Planning About Land Use Planning. *** Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. gov ( clerk[at]ClatsopCounty[dot]gov ) . 86 MB Ordinance 21-04: LAWDUC Article IV Revisions 2. Customer Service Window hours: Mon-Fri, 8AM - 4PM. 11 and 8. Non-evidentiary hearings will generally be held by (Astoria, OR) — Clatsop County invites applications from individuals interested in serving on one open seat on the Clatsop County Recreational Lands Planning Advisory Committee. Land Use Planning. Resources. Housing Studies and Reports. Without our volunteers, the shelter could not be the success that it is. May 20, 2025 Regular District Election May 20, 2025 Regular Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. Hours of Operation for County Offices. Thu, Email permit application to roads [at] clatsopcounty. It is a state-mandated program to ensure compliance with elements of the International Building Code (IBC) regarding Supporting Documents. Make an Inmate Deposit over the Phone – Correctpay will accept deposits over the phone with a debit or credit card. until 7:00 a. FEMA Biological Opinion (BiOp) LAWDUC Housing Amendments . Call us for more information or to schedule an appointment at (503) 325-8500. Free Veteran's Breakfast. gov (fair[at]ClatsopCounty[dot]gov) Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm ***Use main entrance (Gate 3) and follow signs to office. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. - 5:00 p. Completely darken the oval next to the yes or no response of your choice using a black ballpoint ink pen or pencil. Thu, State Highway Cameras (Clatsop County): Highway 26 ; Highway 101; Highway 30 ; Road Information. 800 Exchange Street, Suite 300 Astoria, OR 97103. The ballot may have contests printed on the front and back. The County Clerk directs Our mailing address and physical location are: Clatsop County Clerk, 820 Exchange St. Nehalem Valley Substation 79532 Oregon Highway 202 - Jewell Phone: (503) 755-2359. gov (Jasper Devereaux): 503-338-3785 971-468-8189: bhazel [at] clatsopcounty. County Manager’s Office 800 Exchange St. U. Emergency Management . 93 KB LAWDUC - LWDUO Code Citation Cross-Reference 437. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Clatsop County Sheriff's Office Lt. Vaccines & The Clatsop County Circuit Court is a State of Oregon agency. Please see recording fee schedule for recording and mailing costs. Contact & Find Us. If you have questions about remote appearance, please call 503-325-8555 or Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. After we check your voter registration status, we will send you a replacement ballot or explain your other options. Home; Sitemap; Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm ***When you contact us, please include your name, address, phone number and account number, if possible, plus any other information to assist us with answering your questions. TARA is a statewide effort, in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority, to collect information on tobacco, alcohol, and other health-related Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. School & Childcare Immunizations. This tool provides access to information such as an inmate’s name, booking date, charges, bail amount, and mugshot. 61 KB; Clinic Manager/Nursing Supervisor 217. Astoria Police Department Non-Emergency Dispatch (24/7) 503-325-4411. *** Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm ***Closed holidays. on Tuesday and Thursdays. Healthy Communities Dashboard. Contact Information: Phone Number: 503-325-8583 Website: http://courts. Clatsop County's Code Compliance program works to resolve citizens' concerns effectively and to develop solutions to individual situations by providing public awareness of code requirements pursuant to Clatsop County Land and Water Development and COVID; Masks are welcome but not required. Return your petition with the $35 filing fee to: Clatsop County Circuit Court Contact Information. Voting on a Measure - Locate the measure response (YES or NO) of your choice for each contest. The elections office will be open from 7 a. City of Astoria GIS; City of Cannon Beach GIS; City of Warrenton maps; City of Seaside maps; State government. County Government. Employee Policies Employee Policies. That way each of you can receive timely updates on your mobile phones, mobile text, e-mail, fax and the ClatsopALERTS mobile app. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County County Manager County Manager, Don Bohn, has served with Clatsop County since September 2019. 58 MB The form below will contact Clatsop County government. The Records Division administers public records, legal recordings, marriage licenses, The Clatsop County Circuit Court is a State of Oregon agency. Appendix A (AFSCME, Nurses, Temporary) 1. 12. Call 1-855-836 800 Exchange Street, Suite. Thu, Feb 6 2025, 8 - Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm ***When you contact us, please include your name, address, phone number and account number, if possible, plus any other information to assist us with answering your questions. Location: 820 Exchange St. Sign-up each person in your household who has a cell phone for ClatsopALERTS. , Suite 100, Astoria, OR 97103. Many matters can be handled by email, phone or video. to 8 p. This site is protected by Phone Number (503) 325-1000. You can call 503-325-8555 or email us (see our contact page for email addresses) to see if a visit to the courthouse is necessary. 235) March 20, 2025 - Last day for district candidate to file declaration of candidacy or nominating petition or to withdraw. 83 KB; RU Schedule (Unrepresented, CCLEA, FOPPO) 480. Mark location of approach road with flagging tape. Our agency coordinates and supports a wide-range of activities that help prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and large-scale emergencies. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Through our clinic located in Astoria, Clatsop County Department of Public Health offers vaccines, sexually transmitted infection testing and Reproductive Health services. Welcome Message. Thu, Mar 6 2025, 8 - Clatsop County Jail offers an online inmate search tool that allows the public to search for information about incarcerated persons. gov (Barry Hazel): 503-338-3783 971-606-0523 CLATSOP COUNTY FAIR BOARD AGENDA WORK SESSION & REGULAR MEETING 92937 WALLUSKI LOOP, ASTORIA Tuesday, July 9th 2024 FAIR BOARD MEMBERS: Matt Bellingham– Chair Sarah Finn – Vice Chair Kallie Linder Brittany Israel Mallory Litehiser CONTACT: 92937 Walluski Loop Astoria, OR 97103 Phone (503) 325-4600 Ballots can also be delivered in-person to the County Clerk’s Office, 820 Exchange St. We have reports of individuals at the bank trying to withdraw thousands of dollars to pay for “fines” to avoid warrants and jail time. Food, Water & Shelter Food, Water & Shelter. on election day. You can call 503-325-8555 or email us (see our contact page for email addresses) to Review the Guidelines for Video Court Appearances in Clatsop County Circuit Court or visit our Remote Hearings page for more information. Physical Address: Clatsop County Courthouse 749 Commercial Street Astoria, OR 97103. The County Clerk coordinates and conducts all elections in the county and ensures that elections are conducted according to election law. Whether you are a business owner, property manager, or resident, we will work with you to tailor recycling Assistant County Manager 281. Please visit its website for more information about court matters. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County 2022 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) Effective: October 1, 2022 with a 6-month phase-in period Mandatory April 1, 2023. To do this you will need the inmate’s offender number (Inmate ID#) and full legal name. Astoria Police Department Records Division (Monday thru Friday 9am to 4pm) 503 Use the Clatsop County Employee Directory to find public employee contact information. Our Division is comprised of seven Parole and Probation Deputies, two Records Specialists, two Pretrial Specialists, two Sergeants, and the Division-Head Lieutenant. S. Below are the steps on how to search for an inmate in Clatsop County Jail: 1. Some vaccines are available at low or no cost. Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm. 35 KB; County Engineer 461. 4H and Welcome to the Clatsop County Emergency Management Department homepage. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County The Assessment and Taxation Office phone number is (503) 325-8522. Community Hazards. 92 KB; Saspal Slough Bridge Repair ITB Attachments 6. Bids/RFPS; Passports; Pay Taxes; Public Comment; Public Record Requests; Sheriff Record Requests ; Councils, Commissions & Committees. B. Phone: 503-325-8500 3. To obtain a marriage license, couples must provide Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. Volunteers are the heart of our shelter. Columbia River Substation 92435 Svensen Market Road - Knappa Phone: (503) 458-7054 Recology builds exceptional resource ecosystems. Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. For the 2024 general election, the Clatsop County voters’ pamphlet will be in the center of the State Voters Pamphlet. Fair & Expo. Special Announcements. Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. . 97 KB; Print. The court is available by phone: Mon-Fri, 8AM - 5PM. To sign up for an e-Statement for the 2025 tax year, visit Clatsop County e-Statements. Immunization Resources, Oregon Health Authority. Economic Development. Career Opportunities. Phone Number (503) 325-8581. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County Probation Deputies Desk Phone Work Cell: mdavis [at] clatsopcounty. Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone: (503) 325-8641 Fax: (503) 325-8590 Email: tteague [at] clatsopcounty. , Suite 220, Astoria, OR 97103. 16. Elections LIVE Video Streaming. Criminal Division (503) 325-8581. Thu, Mar 6 2025, 8 - Our mailing address is: Clatsop County Clerk, 820 Exchange St. Last Name. Volunteer opportunities are boundless. Customer Feedback. The new code changes become mandatory on October 1, 2021. Please make checks payable to: Clatsop County Clerk. Visit the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm ***When you contact us, please include your name, address, phone number and account number, if possible, plus any other information to assist us with answering your questions. 8:30am - 5:00pm ***Hours change to 8:30 a. Volunteers must be 14 or older (with parent participation). Box 149 * 749 Commercial Clatsop County Roads Map (print copies of this 48”x36” map are also available for purchase from the Assessment & Taxation Department) Phone Number (503) 325-8662. Homelessness MAC Group in Clatsop County . 38 KB Ordinance 22-06: Goal 11 Exception / Shoreline Sanitary District Expansion 15. Clatsop County will mail approximately 33,560 property tax statements to real and personal property owners by October 16, 2024. 47 KB; Chief Medicolegal Death Investigator 204. 84 KB; County Clerk 280. Jury Clatsop County Democratic Party Phone Number (503) 325-8511. Columbia River Substation 92435 Svensen Market Road - Knappa Phone: (503) 458-7054 If You Have a Cell Phone. Question/Comment . Appeals can be filed after receipt of tax bills but no later than December 31, 2024. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. Elections Calender. Victim's Assistance (503) 325-1599 (503) 325-9305 fax. Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm. Clatsop County Public Health Information Line: (503) 325-8500 Ext. Contact Group. If you don’t have flagging tape, we have it available at our office. *** Address. Located at 820 Exchange St # 220 in Astoria, Oregon, the office provides both online and in-person services, including premarital counseling and wedding ceremonies. Please review the instructions included with the petition form. 4921 (503) 325-8500 Ext. , Suite 400 Phone (503) 325-1000 Astoria, Oregon 97103 Fax (503) 325-8325 www. Home; Sitemap; If your ballot does not arrive within 5 days after we’ve mailed them, please call the Clatsop County Elections Office at 503-325-8511. For resources, refer to the buttons on the left of the screen or the links below. Child Support Enforcement. 47 MB; Saspal Slough Bridge Repair Design Drawings 1017. Directions to County Facilities. 34 KB; County Manager 160. 06 MB; GOAL 13 BACKGROUND REPORT 455. Clatsop County chapter 1054 Exchange St. oregon. More Resources. Renters who violate this standard may be issued a citation and be subject to a fine pursuant to Clatsop County Code Chapters 1. The hours of 10:00 p. Office Hours. This permit requires two separate approvals, one for the initial approach location and a second In-person at the Clatsop County Elections office, located at 820 Exchange St. 820 Exchange Street Astoria, OR 97103. or. 49 KB; County Counsel 233. Land The building code program is a division of the Clatsop County Community Department and is self-supported by revenue collected from the review of submitted construction documents and the issuance of associated permits in accordance with the fee schedule approved by the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners. Public Records Request. Recology Western Oregon provides garbage and recycling collection services to residents and businesses in Clatsop County, including Astoria, Cannon Beach, Gearhart, Seaside, Warrenton, and Unincorporated Clatsop County. Clear and Objective Standards Code Audit. Weekly Bulletin. Address. The county manager is appointed by the Board of Commissioners to carry out policies approved by the board, oversee the day-to-day management of the county government and ensure business activities by the county are conducted in accordance with the County Charter. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop County There are many ways to help the animals at Clatsop County Animal Shelter. Print. Fax Number (503) 325-9305. Directions. Fax Number (503) 325-9307. us Ambulance Services Area Advisory (ASAA) Committee Meeting (Hybrid) Tuesday, November 5, 2024 | 1:00 p. * Only the property owner, and certain people he/she authorizes, can sign a petition to the Board. For the third year, Clatsop County was honored to join the National Association of Counties (NACo), the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers (NACVSO), other counties across the United States, local jurisdictions, community partners, and Clatsop County residents in Operation Green Light for Veterans. (503) 325-4721. February 8, 2025 - First day for candidate to file declaration of candidacy or nominating petition. The Clatsop County Building Codes Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. Register to Vote. Department Information Department Information. gov (roads[at]clatsopcounty[dot]gov), or mail to Clatsop County Public Works, 1100 Olney Ave, Astoria, OR 97103. Physical Location: Clatsop County Public Services As of January 27, 2017, the Clatsop County Assessor's Office is no longer authorized to process applications for manufactured home ownership or situs changes; however, we will provide certification that taxes have been paid. co. 98 KB; Print. Dial 511 on cell phone for Statewide Road Information; Print. 92937 Walluski Loop Astoria, OR 97103. 37 KB; Building Official 179. About Clatsop County About Clatsop County. Bids/RFPS; Passports; Pay Taxes; Public Comment ; Public Record Requests; Sheriff Record Requests; Councils, Commissions & Committees. The 2021 OSSC is based on the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) and International Phone numbers. Sunset Empire Transit District 900 Marine Drive, Astoria OR 97103 1-866-811-1001 RidePal: (503) 861-RIDE (7433) Veteran Services. Thomas Teague Mailing & Street Address: 1250 SE 19th St. Economic Opportunities Analysis. April 26, 2024 – Our Office is alerting residents to a surge in phone scams targeting individuals in our community. Clatsop County Sheriff's Office Issues Warning on Recent Phone Scams. Home; Sitemap; Contact Us; Outlook Web App ; Send Files; Web Management; 800 Exchange Street, Suite. Thu, Feb 6 2025, 8 - Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard Clatsop County’s Housing Dashboard. Clatsop County assumed the Building Codes Division from the State of Oregon in July 2001. hkhq lpwx ivc dnatbe xrgfh dnpu qubpns qrccei hyuhp tbijomn djzmj crim iwykfsk wjyw inczym