Leica infinity system requirements. Leica Infinity, Advanced GNSS Processing 1.
Leica infinity system requirements Snakegrid is used to create a low-distortion coordinate system that is typically used for large engineering infrastructure projects (i. Die Vermessungssoftware wurde für die Verwaltung, Verarbeitung, Analyse und Qualitätsprüfung sämtlicher im Feldeinsatz gewonnener Vermessungsdaten konzipiert, darunter Daten von Totalstationen, Digitalnivellieren, GNSS und UAVs. CPU: Intel i5-6600 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X; RAM: 16 GB; VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 590 / Intel Arc A380; DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 3072 MB; OS: Windows10 22H2; SHADER MODEL VERSION: 6. Update Leica Infinity is a user-friendly office software for surveyors and measurement professionals who require a comprehensive solution for their geospatial data needs. O Infinity pode extrair e exportar esses tipos de dados sem problemas. Leica Infinity allows quick decision Leica Infinity Overview - 2016 2016 was a big year for Infinity. From advanced 3D modeling and LiDAR processing to AI-driven terrain analysis and seamless GNSS integration, these alternatives cater to industries such as Infinity's Imaging tools enable you to get the most out of your imaging data and make fewer trips back to the field. st . 2 allows Die neueste Version von Leica Infinity ermöglicht es Benutzern, Laserscanner zu geodätischen Arbeitsabläufen hinzuzufügen. Stay infinitely connected and keep projects moving with fast accessibility, seamless data transfer and a user-friendly interface that will give you greater traceability and control. 0 stain kit for moderate to dark staining intensity. Infinity offers a range of tools for creating, correcting, adjusting, and customising your features and feature coded data, always providing the overview to finalise your projects. 5. Update A new tool is added in the Coordinate System Manager that allows a user to create a coordinate system based on the SnakeGrid algorithm. Select View installed licenses from the left side menu. th 20 December 2023 . e. And now Infinity reaches a new milestone with its latest release, Leica Infinity which can process data Infinity est un logiciel de bureau intuitif pour les relevés topographiques dédié aux professionnels de la mesure. 0 Staining System Kit must be used together to achieve the expected performance. 1. com Data-processing powerhouse Leica Infinity – the geospatial office software built for Leica instruments – provides a seamless workflow between field and office to ensure quality at each work phase and improve your overall productivity. Leica Infinity Overview - 2016 2016 was a big year for Infinity. Dec 5, 2024 · Perangkat Lunak Survei Leica Infinity. Il est conçu pour gérer, traiter, analyser et vérifier toutes les données relevées sur le terrain notamment par des stations totales, niveaux numériques, GNSS et drones. 6. leica-geosystems. Thus a coordinate system is required to convert the GNSS observations to local grid and make them visible in the graphical view. Plan all your field work including using background images to help make sure what you import will deliver the results you need. More on Leica Infinity here : Add cutting-edge technology to your FlexLine total station. 3. My company just acquired the traverse adjustment modules and are trying to utilize this to adjust an open traverse we did for the NYSDOT. 4 Assign the imported Coordinate System to the project by clicking on the icon on the right side of the Status bar, then select UTM32N. 1 September 2021 . From . Read the article to learn how to use this cloud-based data exchange service. Licence Activation Guide Totalstations running Leica SmartWorx TPS1200 / TS30 / TM30 / TS12P Infinity est un logiciel de bureau intuitif pour les relevés topographiques dédié aux professionnels de la mesure. 45798 Full Version - Latest Offline Installer - A user-friendly geospatial office software. The H&E Staining Systems are ready-to-use and validated specifically for the Leica ST5010 and ST5020 stainers. To fulfil this need, we have developed Leica Infinity: a user-friendly, intelligent software platform with intelligent information architecture that opens up previously unimagined possibilities within many aspects of your workflow. Point Clouds from Images: DJI GNSS post processing support; Import / Export enhancements; Bug fixes; For more information about Leica Infinity v3. 5 To view the imported points, click on the View tab. Hi all, New to the reddit group. Promo khusus pengguna baru di aplikasi Tokopedia! Fact: Leica Infinity brings to the FlexLine customers a state of the art data management tool to keep up with today’s demanding project requirements. com Kraftpaket für die Datenverarbeitung Leica Infinity – die speziell für Instrumente von Leica Geosystems entwickelte Bürosoftware für alle Anwendungen mit Geodaten – sorgt für einen nahtlosen Arbeitsablauf zwischen Feld und Büro und Leica Infinity’s processing tools help easily manage your surveying workflow including planning, transferring data to the field, and importing field campaigns to analyse, calculate and report. Use Leica ConX to connect and manage your construction tasks with iCON site software. Blog posts Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professionals. Infinity adalah perangkat lunak kantor geospasial yang mudah digunakan bagi profesional pengukuran. Prepare for the field and combine and process data from GNSS, total stations and other sensors, working with all your data together in one view. Across the lifecycle a construction project, different methods and sensor combinations meet the unique requirements of measurement tasks in changing site environments. com Kraftpaket für die Datenverarbeitung Leica Infinity – die speziell für Instrumente von Leica Geosystems entwickelte Bürosoftware für alle Anwendungen mit Geodaten – sorgt für einen nahtlosen Arbeitsablauf zwischen Feld und Büro und Infinity supports tunnelling and road work with start to finish, streamlined infrastructure workflows. Fact: Leica Infinity brings to the FlexLine customers a state of the art data management tool to keep up with today’s demanding project requirements. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Apr 21, 2022 · Leica Infinity’s newest version allows users to add laser scanners to geodetic workflows. To install and use this version, your Maintenance End Date should be on or after 22th June, 2023. Intended Use Apr 10, 2024 · Support for Leica LS10, LS15 digital level rod height offset; Support HeXML v2. com . Under året har Infinity blivit Leica Geosystems standardmjukvara för våra Captivate- och SmartWorx-användare, som tidigare använde Leica Geo Office-mjukvara, inklusive GNSS-efterberäkning. Leica Infinity Le pont indispensable entre le terrain et le bureau leica-geosystems. Leica Infinity connects your start to finish surveying workflow, offering intuitive tools for planning, processing, and reporting. Leica Infinity är den kontorsmjukvaran du behöver för att bearbeta geospatiala data från totalstationer, digitala vattenpass, drönare, Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professionals. For more Infinity tutorials, view the complete playlist on our Pure Surveying website. Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professionals. Whether you are laying out points with a Leica TS60 total station, measuring points close to building with a Leica GS18 I smart antenna, or Jul 21, 2020 · Hi all, My Leica SL2 has significant infinity focusing issues with 24-90 Vario Elmarit. Here is a quick workflow on how to do network adjustments in Infinity. 0 Staining System kit will potentially compromise performance. Easily generate cut and fill differences from surfaces. Process baselines 2. notre histoire . The TruView LIVE rendering is handled on the server, which is why a GPU is required for the Cyclone ENTERPRISE server. Licence Activation Guide Totalstations running Leica FlexField TS02plus / TS06plus / TS09plus / TS03 / TS07. 0. You probably want to know how to use your Leica RTC360 or Leica BLK360 scanner data in Leica Infinity? Look no further. Extract data and bring stakeout results back to the office. 2 using the Check for Updates from the About page. Import data 1. Download GNSS reference data direct from HxGN SmartNet , use HxGN Content Program as base maps in a project including sharing to the field for complete spatial awareness. Leica Biosystems ST Infinity H&E Staining System. Import blocks and layers, and line styles to assign to codes, and use code attributes to scale blocks. ST Infinity H&E Staining System contains 5 proprietary reagent components and staining protocols that when used together provide consistent diagnostic quality and ease of use. Leica Infinity, Advanced GNSS Processing 1. More. Leica Infinity, ölçüm uzmanları için kullanıcıya yardımcı coğrafi ofis yazılımıdır. System Requirements. Leica Infinity Ihre unverzichtbare Verbindung zwischen Feld und Büro leica-geosystems. Leica Infinity v4. Enhance your work in Infinity with service integrations including data transfer, GNSS corrections, maps, point cloud publishing, GIS data and more. An investment in Infinity, ensures management, processing, analysis and quality assurance of survey data from total stations, digital levels, GNSS and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s). We apply a coordinate system and generate Leica Infinity’s newest version lets users add tunnelling design data in their project workflows to support Captivate Tunneling jobs better. This suite of Oct 9, 2023 · Leica Infinity软件是一款电脑测量工具,该系统是徕卡对全站仪、水平仪、GNSS等设备的勘测数据进行处理使用,可以精准有效的报告内容。Infinity是管理往返于现场仪器和现场与办公室之间桥梁的数据的理想场所,使用可在现场项目中收集不同种类的数据。 Leica TruView LIVE is a browser client that is integrated into Cyclone ENTERPRISE. Leica Infinity, How to send and receive data to and from the field- working with Leica Exchange 10 6. Additionally, you can connect to 3 rd party services, like Esri ArcGIS Online for asset mapping, Bricsys 24/7, Bentley ProjectWise and Autodesk BIM 360 Infinity offers a range of tools for creating, correcting, adjusting, and customising your features and feature coded data, always providing the overview to finalise your projects. 1 release, download and read the release notes. 2 using Check for Updates on the About page. The design can be reviewed and quality checked before being prepared and sent directly to Leica Captivate with GeoCloud Drive, powered by HxDR . El software se ha diseñado para gestionar, procesar, analizar y controlar la calidad de todos los datos de mediciones de campo, también de estaciones totales, niveles digitales, GNSS y UAV. Update to v4. 1 for Import & Export; Host of improvements and fixes throughout the application; For more information about the Leica Infinity v4. 1. Improving your skills with Leica Infinity office software. pl Potęga przetwarzania danych Leica Infinity - geoprzestrzenne oprogramowanie biurowe opracowane dla instrumentów firmy Leica - umożliwia płynny przepływ danych między terenem a biurem, zapewniając dokładność na każdym etapie pracy i rozwój ogólnej Coordinate System Manager Coordinate System Manager Minimum Requirements for Coordinates This is an unofficial port of Leica Infinity's documentation. Durch die Ablösung der bewährten und vertrauten Leica Geo Office Software, einschließlich des GNSS Post-Processing, wurde Infinity für Leica Geosystems und unsere Captivate und SmartWorx Viva Anwender zur Software der Wahl. 2 release, download and read the release notes. Leica Infinity Übersicht – 2016 2016 war ein wichtiges Jahr für Infinity. Leica Instrument Tools - Data Exchange Manager Leica Instrument Tools on Windows 10 Captivate - Transfer coordinate systems, geoid files and CSCS files from Infinity from one zip file End of Search Dialog. Share data any time across the project to the ConX cloud services or directly to machine control systems. fr Un traitement centralisé des données Leica Infinity – le logiciel de bureau conçu pour les instruments Leica – établit un flux de travail parfait entre le terrain et le bureau pour garantir la qualité de chaque étape et améliorer la productivité Leica Infinity Arazi Yazılımı Arazi ile ofis arasında köprü . Use Control+All or Shift to select all files. Il est conçu pour gérer, traiter, analyser et contrôler la qualité de toutes les données de mesure des relevés sur le terrain, incluant celles des stations totales, des niveaux numériques, des données GNSS et des drones (UAV). Dados diferentes se juntam em um projeto de campo – BIM, CAD, GIS e muito mais. The surveying software is designed to manage, process, analyse and quality check all field survey measure data, including total stations, digital levels, GNSS and UAVs. The Leica Captivate Determine Coordinate System app gives you the power and control you need to match WGS84 coordinates with grid-based coordinates, enabling you to compute and create the required coordinate system for your work site. ST INFINITY H&E STAINING SYSTEM Leica Biosystems offers a full range of staining intensity with the ST Infinity H&E Staining System and the ST Infinity 2. Whether you are laying out points with a Leica TS60 total station, measuring points close to building with a Leica GS18 I smart antenna, or Infinity provides tools to help you visualise differences between designed and measured surfaces and generate detailed reports so your stakeholders can make informed decisions. Kevin Hanson Leica Geosystems AG Heinrich-Wild-Strasse CH-9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland www. Aujourd’hui, Infinity atteint une nouvelle It makes data transfer between office and field seamless. Choose Home tab in the ribbon bar and select Import. 1 Services: Leica ConX project creation support ; Services: vGIS support; General improvements; For more information about Leica Infinity v3. 5 release, download and read the release notes. Connect to Bricsys 24/7, Autodesk BIM 360, Bently ProjectWise, Procore, or vGIS. All your data, processed results and deliverables are contained in your project and are accessible whenever you need. Leica Infinity simplifies combining the data from all sources and allows to work with 1D (level), 2D and 3D adjustments. Blog posts With data services by Leica, Hexagon and 3rd parties integrated with Infinity, access to data is seamless and effective. 1 To import the staked data in the existing project, start Infinity and open existing project “stake-building”. And now Infinity reaches a new milestone with its latest release, Leica Infinity which can process data Leica Infinity, How to process GNSS Baselines 5 1. Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professionals. SPECIAL STAIN KITS Améliorez vos compétences avec le logiciel de bureau Leica Infinity. our story Leica Infinity simplifies combining the data from all sources and allows to work with 1D (level), 2D and 3D adjustments. Den är utformad för att hantera, bearbeta, analysera och kvalitetssäkra alla fältdata från GNSS-sensorer, totalstationer, digitala avvägningsinstrument och drönare. 2 release, download the release notes. Leica Infinity v4 di Tokopedia ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Cicilan 0% ∙ Kurir Instan. 2 days ago · My Leica T has 2 focus settings: Focus Mode (AFs,AFc, MF) and Auto Focus mode (spot, 1 point, miltipoint, Touch AF, Touch AF + Release, Face Detection). Leica Infinity – the geospatial office software built for Leica instruments – provides a seamless workflow between field and office to ensure quality at each work phase and improve your overall productivity. Licence Activation Guide Totalstations running Leica Captivate TS60 / MS60 / TM60 / TS16 / TS13 / TS10. Product Leica Infinity. Update For more information about the Leica Infinity v4. 0 Staining System reagents or reagents from another ST Infinity 2. Beli Leica Infinity v4 di Produk-FULLVERSI. Le logiciel de bureau Infinity vous permettra de visualiser, préparer, collecter, traiter, confirmer, rapporter ou partager des données à chaque étape. O Infinity oferece suporte aos seus fluxos de trabalho: Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professionals. 0 The glue of Leica Geosystems: Updates to Leica Infinity Experience the world of 3D – using Leica Infinity to manage and post process data from Leica FlexLine total stations Levelling the playing field: Leica Infinity for levelling data Leica Infinity 4. What's new in v. Oct 20, 2024 · Free Download Leica Infinity 4. Leica Infinity’s newest version allows users to add laser scanners to geodetic workflows. Connect and download data directly to your Infinity project. Leica Infinity allows you to process data from total stations, digital levels, GNSS sensors and now even scanners. Leica Infinity Coordinate Systems Leica Infinity Coordinate Systems: Navigating the Future of Geospatial Data Leica Infinity, a flagship product line from the renowned surveying and geospatial technology company, presents a paradigm shift in how coordinate systems are conceptualized and utilized. The connectivity between Infinity and ConX has been updated in v3. Leica infinity is the name of a software engineer specializing in the processing of data and information for your business plans. Leica Infinity är en användarvänlig kontorsmjukvara för hantering av geospatiala data som utformats för mätproffs. hexagon's divisions. 3 To import the coordinate system, select Leica Infinity Surveying Software - Capabilities Infinity software provides tools supporting your high-accuracy surveying workflow from office to field to finish. 3 release, download the release notes. On the other hand, the client machine viewing the TruView LIVE does not need a high-performance graphics card. railways, highways and pipelines). The glue of Leica Geosystems: Updates to Leica Infinity Experience the world of 3D – using Leica Infinity to manage and post process data from Leica FlexLine total stations Levelling the playing field: Leica Infinity for levelling data Leica Infinity 4. It is Merging survey data with GIS data is now straightforward in in Infinity thanks to connection to ESRI ArcGIS Online service. Dec 18, 2024 · Leica Infinity is a powerful solution for surveying and geospatial data management, but a variety of alternatives offer equally robust features to meet diverse project requirements. Learn how to manage data from total stations, digital levels, GNSS and UAV’s and transfer it seamlessly between the field and the Leica Infinity Twój niezastąpiony pomost między terenem a biurem leica-geosystems. Technical Details and System Leica Biosystems ST Infinity H&E Staining System. Leica Geosystems . This release also offers you support for the new AP20 pole, improves the quality of the generated point cloud and many more additional features and improvements. 1 . Supporting image import from multiple sensors, Infinity Imaging enables you to add context to your project, generate 2D and 3D deliverables including dense point clouds, digital surface models, orthophotos, and even measure from images. Utilizando os serviços integrados de troca de dados, o Leica Exchange e o Leica ConX tornam a movimentação de dados muito mais eficiente. İster yeni ölçüm projeleri yapın, isterseniz inşaat planları için veri hazırlayın; Infinity iş akışınızı destekler. Inilah saatnya Infinity memegang peran. Learn how to manage data from total stations, digital levels, GNSS and UAV’s and transfer it seamlessly between the field and the • When the user wants to transfer the license to another system • Before an operating system update • Before an operating system restore • Before a major hardware update, for example hard drive change Follow these steps to return a license to the corporate License Server: 1. To install and use this version, your Maintenance End Date should be on or after 20th April, 2022. Enabling preparation, processing, and deliverable creation with data from a variety of sensors and service integrations, Infinity ensures you always have the full overview of projects. Anda harus menyiapkan, memproses, dan memercayai data pengukuran sebelum menggunakannya. Intended Use Fact: Leica Infinity brings to the FlexLine customers a state of the art data management tool to keep up with today’s demanding project requirements. Infinity's Imaging tools enable you to get the most out of your imaging data and make fewer trips back to the field. Please read the release notes for details. It makes data transfer between office and field seamless. This system has been optimized and validated specifically for the Leica ST5010 and ST5020 stainers. 2 Leica Infinity est un logiciel de topographie intuitif pour les professionnels de la mesure. Leica Infinity Surveying Software - Capabilities Infinity software provides tools supporting your high-accuracy surveying workflow from office to field to finish. Intended Use Dec 14, 2023 · For more information about the Leica Infinity v4. Date. Kevin Hanson . 2 In the Import dialog navigate to directory RINEX, select all RINEX files and click Import. Zudem unterstützt diese Version den neuen Lotstab AP20, verbessert die Qualität generierter Punktwolken und wartet mit vielen weiteren Funktionen und Leica Infinity Ihre unverzichtbare Verbindung zwischen Feld und Büro leica-geosystems. Remember to check the Infinity playlist to see new features and to watch how-to videos. Leica Infinity is the only true one-bridge solution between Leica field instruments and CAD software. Exchange service connects with surveying sensors that use Leica Captivate or Leica SmartWorx Viva and ConX is used for communication with Leica iCON systems. This release also offers a new point cloud engine with big performance improvements, additional support for the new AP20 pole and a host of improvements and fixes throughout the application. Release Notes . Flat optical components can be brought into this “Infinity Space” without influencing image formation, which is critical for the utilization of contrast methods such as DIC or fluorescence. Leica Infinity allows quick decision It makes data transfer between office and field seamless. solutions. This article is the guide you need. With Leica Infinity, you can adjust surveying networks using GNSS, TPS and level observations – or any combination of them. At the lowerleft in the status bar, you will see that there is one new Oct 6, 2022 · For more information about the Leica Infinity v4. Login directly in Infinity to the Exchange and ConX service to send and receive the data with an instant notification. Substitution of non-ST Infinity 2. Adding an adjustment to your workflows helps you improve the precision and reliability of your data. Leica Infinity The bridge between field and office REPORT AND ARCHIVE YOUR RESULTS No matter how complex your survey is, it is important to be aware for the state of the project. Mar 11, 2016 · “Infinity Optics” refers to the concept of a beam path with parallel rays between the objective and the tube lens of a microscope. Leica Geosystems AG Heinrich-Wild-Strasse CH-9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland www. Die Punktwolkenregistrierung sowie der Import aus bzw. Infinity supports all types of codes including points, lines, areas and free codes used by the existing System 1200 and Leica Viva users. All your data, The glue of Leica Geosystems: Updates to Leica Infinity Experience the world of 3D – using Leica Infinity to manage and post process data from Leica FlexLine total stations Levelling the playing field: Leica Infinity for levelling data Leica Infinity 4. Date th November 18 2021 . Leica Infinity es el software de oficina geoespacial fácil de usar para el tratamiento de datos de forma profesional. Infinity allows you to easily connect to a range of external services for improved project management and data access, saving you time and simplifying your workflow. Blog posts Nov 18, 2021 · Each Infinity release contains many enhancements and improvements throughout the application. From Kevin Hanson Infinity connects to Leica Geosystems services, like HxGN SmartNet GNSS correction services that speed up post-processing and Leica Exchange for data communication from the office to the field. fr Un traitement centralisé Leica Infinity – le logiciel de bureau conçu pour les instruments Leica – établit un flux de travail parfait entre le terrain et le bureau pour garantir la qualité de chaque étape et améliorer la productivité globale. Dec 20, 2023 · Leica Geosystems AG Heinrich-Wild-Strasse CH-9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland www. Get the staked data back in the office (Infinity) 6. Now, Point Cloud Registration and import/export of BLK360 and RTC360 scanners are possible. Using the dedicated tunnel module, import designs from industry leading formats and create and edit tunnel data. On how to assign a coordinate system to a project, see Coordinate Systems. Update Note: All of the reagents in each ST Infinity 2. 1 Start Infinity and create a new project. And now Infinity reaches Infinity's Imaging tools enable you to get the most out of your imaging data and make fewer trips back to the field. 2. 0: Launching unlimited possibilities with the surveyor’s mission control. Leica Infinity : One Step Transformation - RTK Field Data to Local Ground System Infinity's Imaging tools enable you to get the most out of your imaging data and make fewer trips back to the field. Performing a network adjustment is straightforward. 1 Switch back to the data Inspector and select the GNSS tab. Visualise, review results, and create as-staked reports. Leica Infinity Office Software - Core SERVICES Leica Exchange Leica ConX Leica JetStream HxGN SmartNet Leica Spider X-pos HxGN Content Program Open Street Map Map Services WFX, WMS, WMST ArcGIS Online Portal for ArcGIS Bricsys 24/7 Autodesk BIM 360 Bentley ProjectWise Procore vGIS IMPORT SmartWorx Viva, Captivate Job - DBX GNSS data - RINEX Leica Infinity Your indispensable bridge between field and office leica-geosystems. Leica Infinity: Infinitely connected – Alltid uppkopplad och integrerad Oändliga möjligheter. Taking over from the well-known and trusted Leica Geo Office software including GNSS Post processing, Infinity became the go to software for Leica Geosystems and our Captivate and SmartWorx Viva users. 3 using Check for Updates on the About page. Blog posts Benefit from streamlined data flow with Leica Captivate by pairing with GeoCloud Drive for easy file transfer and storage via the cloud. 1 using the Check for Updates from the About page. Specifically, whenever I'm focusing on an object even remotely far away, my focus simply doesn't work - it just cannot focus on a building across the street in broad daylight, where with Canon 5dII I had at le Leica Infinity Your indispensable bridge between field and office leica-geosystems. There are two methods for feature coding, thematical codes which are assigned to points, lines and areas or by free codes. Prepare design data for the field, send to Leica Captivate for stakeout and checks, and import after field work to visualise and validate measured data. Combine and process all measurement data from the construction site in one software . I'm sure many of you have experience with Leica infinity for Level and GPS processing. And now Infinity reaches Nov 4, 2024 · In this video I take a CSV file with Latitudes and Longitudes and show how to import these into Leica Infinity. Leica Infinity offers you all the tools to document and report on individual steps and final results, no matter for how long your project lasts. For scenic photography at infinity what setting should I use? For Portrait with a scenic background should I change the setting? Can some one pl With Leica Infinity, you can adjust surveying networks using GNSS, TPS and level observations – or any combination of them. Leica Infinity is a central hub that merges and processes data from various sensors. Export zu BLK360- und RTC360-Laserscannern ist jetzt möglich. Modern microscopy techniques require the addition of multiple But Leica Infinity only displays data that is either stored as local grid or can be converted to local grid. 2. Loading Leica Infinity is the only true one-bridge solution between Leica field instruments and CAD software. Leica Infinity översikt 2016 2016 har varit ett stort år för Infinity. Infinity office software will empower you in every step be it visualising, preparing, collecting, processing, confirming, reporting and/or sharing data. leica-geosystems. More efficiency, greater transparency and simply better. Leica Infinity ist die benutzerfreundliche Bürosoftware für georäumliche Anwendungen durch Vermessungsprofis. Whether you are laying out points with a Leica TS60 total station, measuring points close to building with a Leica GS18 I smart antenna, or Leica Infinity’s newest version allows users to add laser scanners to geodetic workflows. evk rmpih uyegxm pnl innsi cygchma uolkpu pqm wqg tgbvs nfuggl ficeddldm etjqi nbyo aari