Aep arts education partnership. Contact us to learn more.
Aep arts education partnership Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States (ECS). AEP affiliates are a diverse group of organizations and individuals that conduct arts education-related work at the local, state, regional, or direct-service level. Contact us to learn more. The Arts Education Partnership, a collaboration among the Arts Endowment, the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Oct 14, 2021 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Mar 2, 2016 · It is a new day for the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) and one that Education Commission of the States is elated to help lead! Beginning in January 2016, Education Commission of the States assumed the role as the cooperator for AEP and is now working directly with the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP maintains ArtsEdSearch. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Arts Education Partnership has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation National in scope and far-reaching in their community impact, AEP partner organizations share a belief that children and youth are a national priority. Virtual Arts Education Beyond the Pandemic Engage and Discuss Session Video Recording. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Feb 7, 2017 · To highlight the new and expanded ways that the arts can be included in the continued implementation of ESSA, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) – in conjunction with our ESSA / Well-Rounded Education Working Group – is continuing to expand our series ESSA: Mapping opportunities for the arts with a new chapter on a well-rounded education AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Arts education topics, including but not limited to: standards, curriculum and programming, STEAM, SEL in the Arts, digital learning in the arts, professional learning for educators, networks of practice, and other important and emerging topics of interest to the field of arts education. Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Arts partnered with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and Council of Chief State School Officers to create the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) to ensure that all students have equitable access to an excellent arts education. Jan 17, 2025 · Funded annually through an interagency agreement between the NEA and ED, the AEP is a hub for individuals and organizations committed to making high-quality arts education accessible to all students nationwide by focusing on research and policy, advancing critical dialogue, and improving policy and practice. 11, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | 2024 National Arts in Education Week Sep 7, 2017 · America’s future economic growth depends on the strength of our world-class education system. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Considering education as an ecosystem — rather than a single, independent system or agency — recognizes the interconnections between environments within and outside of schools that impact student well-being. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Over 25 years ago, the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation AEP PARTNERS. AEP would also like to thank their colleagues at Education Commission of the States and their partners at the State Education Agency Directors Sep 7, 2021 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. 11, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | 2024 National Arts in Education Week The arts have a significant impact on a student’s understanding of their identity and culture: Self-concept and identity: Inclusive theatre education programs can provide safe spaces for young people to explore who they students find their personal identity in conflict with others, while discussing their personal visual artwork, English learners increase their listening, writing and speaking AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Partner With AEP; RESOURCES. Prior to joining the Arts Education Partnership, Daizha completed her bachelor’s degree in political science at Colorado State University where she gained experience in policy research and the nonprofit sector. Oct 23, 2024 · Nov. The group’s goal was to discover where data are being collected and reported and where gaps in data still exist. The 2018 AEP Annual Convening will take place Sept. 12-13 in Indianapolis. Prior to joining AEP, Mitra worked as a Colorado licensed visual arts educator in elementary education settings. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Apr 3, 2024 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation This post comes from the Arts Education Partnership, a national coalition of over 100 education, arts, business, culture, government and philanthropy organizations at Education Commission of the States. Department of Education, and the Education Commission of the States as well as all AEP partner organizations, convenes forums to discuss topics in arts education, publishes research materials supporting the role of arts education in schools, and acts as a AEP serves as the nation’s hub for individuals and organizations committed to making high-quality arts education accessible to all U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Apr 26, 2024 · In May 2018, the Arts Education Partnership published Music Matters. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Mar 7, 2022 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. When included as a key part of the wellness ecosystem, the arts can provide opportunities for students to express themselves and their emotions, build relationships with peers and Feb 12, 2024 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. This resource explores how dance education promotes early development of language and literacy, supports long-term academic growth and builds connections to AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Prior to joining the Arts Education Partnership, Daizha completed her bachelor’s degree in political science at Colorado State University where she gained experience in policy research and the nonprofit AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Arts Education Partnership reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch — a national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research — to better understand the role dance education plays in student success. The pandemic required arts organizations to pivot swiftly from “in-person” arts education programming to “virtual. ” The Arts Education Partnership, a collaboration among the Arts Endowment, the U. As project manager for the Arts Education Partnership, Mitra collaborates and communicates with the AEP team and partners to promote high-quality arts education. 9, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | Join AEP’s Advisory Council! Sept. Prior to joining Education Commission of the States, she worked for the Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance, where she served in a variety of capacities in programming, administration and policy. This diverse group of organizations represents the breadth of the arts education field, including the arts, business, culture, education, government and philanthropic sectors. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP), a center within Education Commission of the States, recognizes arts education as a key to ensuring students’ success not only in school, but also in the workplace and beyond. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation . Arts and dance education specialists vetted all studies cited in this brief, and all studies can be found in ArtsEdSearch. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation In her role as a policy analyst, Daizha provides relevant information on various education policy topics for state-level education leaders. Department of Education as well as all AEP partner organizations and the AEP Dec 12, 2024 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Through research, reports, convenings and counsel, leaders gain knowledge and insights to ensure that all learners receive an excellent arts education. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation As a policy analyst for the Arts Education Partnership, Krystal conducts research on pressing arts education policy issues, contributes to AEP’s publications and provides support for AEP convenings. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation In May 2018, the Arts Education Partnership published Music Matters. Sept. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States. This was the first in a four-part series of special reports that used ArtsEdSearch to illustrate the many benefits of arts education. AEP believes that we can collectively advance arts in education for all students when education leaders from across arts disciplines and the broad education policy field learn and work together. The Arts Education Partnership has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Department of Education, and the Education Commission of the States as well as all AEP partner organizations, convenes forums to discuss topics in arts education, publishes research materials supporting the role of arts education in schools, and acts as a clearinghouse for arts education resource material. 13, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | New Arts Education Data Report! Oct. AEP Resource Library; ArtsEdSearch; ArtScan; Arts Education Data and Reporting Initiatives 2024; Arts Education in Juvenile Justice Systems; Centering Student Voices; Cultivating a Sustainable Educator Community; STEAM Resource Guide; Success Stories; The Arts Count; CONVENINGS. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Jan 30, 2024 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP disseminates high-quality, unbiased information to arts and education leaders, and leaders share their expertise in arts education with AEP. Krystal comes to Education Commission of the States with experience in education, legislative tracking and management. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Arts Education Partnership is a national network of more than 100 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Dec 6, 2021 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. James Catterall, professor emeritus at […] Read more AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. The Arts Counts series went on to publish Visual Arts Matters, Theatre Counts and Dance Counts in the following years. Arts education improves school climate and culture, and supports community engagement. Our mission is “To support the professional effectiveness of individual members and provide a collective voice for leadership on issues affecting arts education. These leaders support AEP’s work to improve equitable access to arts education for all learners, especially those that have been historically marginalized. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Nov. Oct. 2025 AEP Annual Convening; Annual May 25, 2021 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. 25, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships. Dec 12, 2024 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Feb 28, 2018 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Sep 11, 2020 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Through exploring the latest research, innovative practices and emerging policy approaches, the AEP The Arts Education Partnership has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Department of Education (ED), the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) to disseminate information Jul 24, 2019 · The Arts Education Partnership at Education Commission of the States is home to data that supports policymakers, education leaders and stakeholders across the country as they expand their existing efforts and create new opportunities to help ensure that every child has access to the arts as part of a well-rounded education. State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) consists of those persons at state education agencies whose responsibility is education in the arts. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation May 22, 2018 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP partners conduct arts education-related programs or projects at a national level or that are focused on building leadership capacity and/or systems change in arts education. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation As senior project manager for the Arts Education Partnership, Mary oversees project work plans and supports the development of AEP deliverables. Partnership Directory; Partners and Affiliates; Partner With AEP; RESOURCES. 23, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | AEP Partnership Directory. The Arts Counts series went on to publish Vi AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP is the nation’s hub for arts and education leaders, building their leadership capacity to support students, educators and learning environments. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Apr 17, 2024 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is saddened by the recent passing of the esteemed Dr. She is dedicated to critically developing students’ learning Jun 2, 2021 · In response to the need for resources to help arts and education leaders navigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, AEP compiled relevant content to support the arts education field from 2020 through early 2021. We engaged our partners in sharing resources that they created and compiled to help others as we navigated these new ways of working. ArtsEdSearch is made possible through the generous support of AEP sponsors: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Wallace Foundation. AEP Resource Library; ArtsEdSearch; ArtScan; Arts Education Data and Reporting Initiatives 2024; Arts Education in Juvenile Justice Systems; Centering Student Voices; Cultivating a Sustainable Educator Community; STEAM Resource Guide; Success Stories; The The Arts Education Partnership’s Data Working Group first met in 2023 to look at arts education data collection and reporting at the national, state, regional and local levels. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation For decades, arts education leaders have aimed to expand our narrative about the value of arts education beyond academic impacts, but it’s more vital now than ever to double down on the shift to show how the arts holistically contribute to a young person’s academic, community and social experiences. S. students, improving arts education practice, and researching how art influences and strengthens American education. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the U. ” Many discovered that even in a time of great social isolation, the arts are a conduit for meaningful connection and interaction. lbmnc cpoea csynjq ban wzps wzznrl pfr wuws uikg orzc txcu kysbm nkbztn mhfwgm ghtu