Union county court of common pleas record search by defendant name. Union County Court of Common Pleas General Division.
Union county court of common pleas record search by defendant name View and download Geauga County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division forms, including adoption, birth records, conservatorship, disinterment, estates, wrongful death, guardianship, name change, protective services, and trusts. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. The grand jury is a part of the common pleas court system in Ohio. Civil, Orphans' Court, and probate searches and basic case information are free; case document images may be purchased. The 17th Judicial District is a two county, two judge Judicial District. Allen County Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Division 1000 Ward Hill Avenue Lima, OH 45805 Phone: (419) 227-5531 Fax: (419) 222-7403 Feb 1, 2021 · Union County Ohio Official Website. Fifth Street Marysville, Ohio 43040 Tel: 937. . Also, learn about accessing Supreme Court decisions and checking case status. CASE FILES - CIVIL (1958-1959) 1. Judge Don W. The District Court uses different online systems to provide access to court records. oh. 20-CR-0099 -vs. Oct 28, 2024 · Case docket: Comm. Use Advanced Search for specific queries, such as a single case or person. View information about Drug, Juvenile Drug, DUI, Mental Health, and Veterans Courts. Union County, Ohio. 1-2: 1820-1836: 1303114: Common Pleas court record, v. 0 Cubic Foot Arranged by Case Number . 3: 1837-1842: 1303115 : Common Pleas Find Union County Common Pleas Court Ohio information online, address, contact information, access and directions. There will be a delay between court filings and judicial action and the posting of such data. Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. Administrative Orders. Mugshots may be available through the Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office. Baldwin . Crim. CIVIL CASES - Contains all original papers filed in civil actions showing plaintiff, defendant, attorneys, nature of action, and case number; including original complaint and decision of the court. co. The map is currently undergoing restoration. To find answers to more common questions, visit the jury duty section of the county court website. gov. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Search by Name; Case Number Search; Available Record Searches; Historical Records. • Chain of command – Justice of the Records Search ** NOTICE ** Pursuant to Rule 45(C) of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio, a clerk of court is not required to offer remote access to a particular case file or case document. Union The office is an agent of County, State and Federal government. 2950. Expungement of Records is a procedure whereby a court orders the annulment and destruction of records of an arrest or other court proceedings. The Court of Appeals hears appeals from the Court of Common Pleas, Probate and Juvenile Court, and Marysville Municipal CRIMINAL RECORDS (1852-1886; 1893-1914) 2 Volumes Arranged Chronologically by Hearing . Apr 22, 2015 · These records contain the original documentation in criminal court proceedings including: indictment by the grand jury, entry of plea, subpoenas of witnesses, appointment of counsel, findings of the jury and/or court, sentence, and cost bill. However, if a post decree action has been filed, some older Domestic cases may also appear on the index. Lewisburg Magistrate Court South 2nd Street, Lewisburg, PA The Magisterial District Justice, Honorable Jeffrey A. , 11:00 a. Some Philadelphia Municipal Court cases will be included when searching Philadelphia County. union. Most Requested Forms are provided by Danielle Sullivan, Union County Clerk of Courts, as a Public Service. Apr 22, 2015 · The Ohio Constitution of 1802 provided for the creation of a court of common pleas in each county with jurisdiction in criminal matters. us/ Public-Records-Search/ and provides docket information going back to 01/1990 and case file images back to 01/2002. Learn more about eCourts. 490 and 790. , where the State and defendant agree on a recommended {¶1} Appellant, State of Ohio, appeals the judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, Union County, Ohio, dismissing the indicted charges against Defendant-appellee, Richard F. Sommerfield. Probate Rules of Court. 5), the following local rules are adopted as Local Rules of Court for the Probate Division of the Union County Common Pleas Court. R. Users can search for court records by name or case number and additional filters, provided to aid the user in narrowing down the search. Hours: 7:30AM-4PM. Court Street, 3rd Floor, Athens, Ohio USA 45701 Hours Monday-Friday 8 a. Veterans Common Pleas Court. You MUST attach the required Pennsylvania State Police background check, Request for Individual Access and Review, as per Pa. e, dismiss one or more charges in return for a guilty plea to other charges) and argue sentence after the completion of a pre-sentence investigation versus "Sentence Bargaining" (i. O. Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM . at the Union County Magistrates Office located at 3344 Presson Road Monroe, NC 28212 Looking for Union Common Pleas Court records, case searches & calendars? Name Union Common Pleas Court 937-645-3015 Fax 937-645-3149. Some future docket events will be included. The grand jury is composed of nine persons and not more than five alternates. Pursuant to direction from the Common Pleas Court general Division, Civil Stalking Protection Order cases are also not available on the Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Union County Courthouse 103 S. Diane Miller To search and view individual court case information—for free—please go to the UJS web portal. NOTICE:Pursuant to Federal Law and at the direction of the Domestic Relations Court, Domestic Violence case information is no longer available via internet access. The trial court held that R. The Union County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Union County Court of Common Pleas and the Third District Court of Appeals. Union County. , 3:00 p. The current online access to the Court of Common Pleas clerk's public records and index is at Online Court Resources. Union County Ohio Official Website . Union County Courthouse 101 N. e. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. The Court of Common Pleas is a trial court of general jurisdiction handling all civil and criminal matters including child and spousal support matters, child custody matters, juvenile delinquency, juvenile dependency, and Orphan's Court matters. The Court of Common Pleas hears civil, criminal, and domestic relations cases. Phone: (570) 524-8751 Fax: (570) 524-8628. 03, Rule 33 , Exhibit A , Exhibit B , Exhibit C and Exhibit D, Court of Common Pleas, Union County, Ohio. Disclaimer. Fraser Union County Common Pleas Court 215 W. If you need certified copies please email ClerkofCourtsLegal@unioncountyohio. The application is not complete until both applicants appear together at the Register of Wills office with required documentation, including a printed confirmation number, valid photo ID and divorce decree if applicable. Shepherd - 4th Division Union County Courthouse 101 N. Washington, Suite 303 El Dorado, AR 71730 A search tool to find civil, criminal, and domestic relations records by name in Hamilton County. All users of this service agree to hold the Union County Clerk of Courts harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities, directly or indirectly relating to this service and/or the networked information available via this service, caused thereby Access court records for Geauga County Common Pleas Court, OH. eFiling is required for attorneys filing in eCourts counties. Feb 9, 2017 · The Adams County Common Pleas, Juvenile and Probate Court, has jurisdiction over the General Division, Domestic Relation Division, Juvenile Court and Probate Court. Jun 15, 2017 · The current online access to the Court of Common Pleas clerk's public records and index is at https://www. • Common Pleas judge had control of many court functions in early Ohio. Athens County Common Pleas Court. Monroe County Court of Common Pleas Civil Case Docket and Judgment Index (C-Track) CASE SEARCH - Search the system for case records by case number, title, status, or filed date. Apr 15, 2015 · These records contain a records of complaints in probate related actions in the court of common pleas showing the names of the plaintiff and defendant, complaint and remedy sought, and the decision of the court. The Department of Court Records also helps the public file and obtain many Parts: Dates: LDS FHL microfilm numbers: Common Pleas court record, v. We will post scheduled maintenance periods here as they occur. Neal Eugene Lilley CALENDAR EVENTS Schedule Status Start Room Judge Name Time Schedule Start Date Case Calendar Event Type 02/06/2023 8:30 am Union County Courtroom President Judge Lori R Apr 13, 2015 · It was to be composed of one Supreme Court Judge and judges of the common pleas court, any three of whom constituted a quorum, as the legislature divided the state into judicial districts. BALDWIN’S SENTENCING MEMORANDUM On January 2, 2025, the Court issued a written decision finding Mr. Maumee Municipal Court Case Records Search Maumee Municipal Court case records online. Q. Please use our online search tool above for public records search. A record owner's name is used as the search parameter in a name-based court records search. There is no implied guarantee that your entries will yield all docketing for an individual or case. The first floor of the courthouse displays an original 1866 map of Pike County, measuring approximately 5. Resources for the Union County Court of Common Pleas - Probate Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Union County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Contacts Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Union County, OH? Union Common Pleas Court 215 West 5th Street, Marysville, OH. Search Public Records - Court records January 1990 to Present. m. 3015 For Fax Filings with the Clerk of Courts - 937-645-3162 For Judge's Chambers - 937-645-3149 RECORDS OF THE UNION COUNTY COUNTY COURT . In her capacity as Clerk for the 11th District Court of Appeals, she supports any individual appealing cases from the above mentioned courts, Juvenile, Probate or any of our three Municipal Courts. 00 on the filing of each cause of action or appeal under divisions (A), (Q), and (U) of R. The cases contained on the Public Records have a beginning date of JANUARY 1, 1990. This includes, but is not limited to, juvenile cases, expunged cases, limited access cases (Act 5 of 2016), and civil cases in the Courts of Common Pleas. The 17th Judicial District is a two county, two judge Judicial District. Baldwin guilty Probate Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Union County, Ohio JOURNAL ENTRY Pursuant to the Ohio Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence for Courts of Common Pleas (Sup. If you have additional questions about case records or filing fees, please contact the Clerk of Courts Phone: 740-652-7360 The Public Records and Index include Domestic, Civil, Certificate of Judgment, Court of Appeals and Felony Criminal cases. - JUDGE DANIEL T. 00 for deed preparation; (3) To the Auditor of Union County: Conveyance and transfer fees; (4) To the Treasurer of Union County: $0. NOTICE The same building currently houses the Pike County Court of Common Pleas, General Division, the Pike County Prosecutor’s Office and the Pike County Clerk of Courts. These are specialized divisions of Courts of Common Pleas that can set up treatment and supervision in lieu of incarceration for some non-violent offenders with substance abuse and mental health problems. The Clerk of this Court shall collect as a part of court costs deposit, a fee of $3. Searching for court records by name is one of the most common ways of locating court records in Montgomery County. Access docket sheets . The records maintained in this system include those created by the Criminal, Civil, and Domestic Relations Divisions of the Stark County Court of Common Pleas. Box 524 Camden, AR 71701-0524 Phone: (870) 231-9145. P. 201(A)(1). Their Case Management System The Union County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Union County Court of Common Pleas and the Third District Court of Appeals. - 4 p. Search Court of Common Pleas civil and criminal case records online. This site allows you to search for information in the Legal Division. 215 West Fifth Street. The Courts of Common Pleas are organized into 60 judicial districts and are the trial courts of Pennsylvania. • After 1852, the Court of Common Pleas was one of many equal court divisions. Edwin A. The records maintained by the portal date from 1992 through the present. Union County Court of Common Pleas General Division. Information includes defendant name Nov 30, 2021 · November 2021 Access court records for Columbiana County Common Pleas Court, OH. 04, which requires convicted sex offenders to register with their local Nov 17, 2008 · Case docket: DEXSTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION VS BARRY K LEICHTMAN, CPU4-08-000431 in Delaware State, Court of Common Pleas, New Castle County, last filing 06/07/2019, filed 11/17/2008. 5 feet wide and 11 feet long. Court Costs / Tickets; Forms; Our Office; Records Search. 2303. All prior rules of this Court are Oct 1, 2023 · Our eFiling system will undergo occasional technical upgrades and you may experience interrupted eFiling service during that time. Visit Website. Insolvency Divorce Court; Common Pleas Court 1802 to 1884; Superior Court of Cincinnati, 1854 to 1884; Request Record In addition to the name and contact information of the requester, requests should identify the court records sought using some or all of the following information: the full name of the plaintiff, defendant, or attorney involved in the case; the case number; a date range for when the record was filed; and/or document type. Forms Required For Domestic Relations Filings: Department of Court Records. 00 Name: Union County District Attorney's Office District Attorney Supreme Court No: Phone Number(s): 570-524-8651 (Phone) Address: Union County Courthouse 103 South Second Street Lewisburg, PA 17837 ATTORNEY INFORMATION Name: Roger Vaughn Wiest II Private Supreme Court No: 085089 Rep. Union County had a population of 20,687 according to the 1950 census and was only allotted one judge for the county court. The District Courts Annual Reports Attorney Search Case Records - Trial Court CDR Codes Court of Appeals Opinions Court Calendar Court Forms Court Rosters Court Rules E-Filing for RECORDS OF THE UNION COUNTY COUNTY COURT . You can search by name, case number, or date filed. The Municipal Court civil case search and the Court of Common Pleas case inquiry search tool can be utilized to look up civil court records remotely. ) Steffen E. 645. Oct 28, 2024 · eCourts Services are now available. Helpful Resources. The name used is either that of a litigant or defendant in a civil case or a defendant in a . To narrow-down search results, click on "Marriage" under the case type area to view only Defiance County marriage records. Athens County Courthouse, 1 S. Users may enter a name, case number, or file date to initiate the search. , and 5:00 p. Union County Ohio Official Website. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. CourtCaseFinder. Public access to court records in Sixteenth Circuit - Union County Common Pleas Court, Union County South Carolina Court, South Carolina. Statutory enactments, increasing case loads, and a changing society have led to the creation of a number of courts and departments of special jurisdiction under the court of common pleas umbrella. Common Pleas docket sheets are maintained by the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania. (1) To the Clerk of this Court: Court costs assessed, including the invoice for the cost of the title insurance policy; (2) To the Sheriff of Union County: Sheriff’s fees, including $75. The delay could be at least twenty-four hours, and may be longer. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Collects in one section defendant, case number, prosecuting county or city, general charge (housebreaking, theft, providing intoxicating liquor to a minor, habitual drunkenness, assault and battery, destruction of private property, cruelty to animals, sale of unwholesome meat, petit larceny, vagrancy Search Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas criminal and domestic relations bench warrants, Prothonotary civil case records, and Orphans' Court and probate case records online. R. COUNTY – The Legal division of the office supports the General and Domestic Relations Courts. v. Major civil and criminal cases are heard in these courts. 2021 Probate Division Local Rules - revised 2/1/2021 Appendix: Table of Contents- revised August 2018 Abstracts of court records, including probate matters, divorces, licenses, guardianships, apprenticeships, naturalizations, and chancery proceedings. How do I file divorce, custody or child support documents? See the representing yourself page for family court forms and instructions. Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System provides comprehensive public access to court records online and upon request. Status: Active Phone Number(s): 570-286-7777 (Phone) Address COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF UNION COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-60-CR-0000305-2022 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 2 of 14 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. • Probate court was not formed until 1852, so common pleas included probate and guardianship records. Washington, Suite 203 El Dorado, AR 71730 Phone: (870) 864-1937. Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. Montgomery County Court Records Search by Name. 43040. Search Lucas County Court of Common Pleas Probate Court case records by name, date, party type, case type, case number, case status, birth date, and death date. DEFENDANT STEFFEN E. Couples can begin the marriage application process online at the county website. Search results include basic case information with links to docket sheets and court summaries. The population of each county dictated how many judges it was to receive. Where more than one judge was assigned to a district, the court of common pleas assigned each judge to a specific jurisdiction within the county. The Defiance County Common Pleas Court Domestic Relations Division provides divorce records online and in person to members of the public. Main Phone: 937-645-3032. 233 W 6th St. Keaton - 3rd Division Ouachita County Courthouse 109 Goodgame St. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, UNION COUNTY, OHIO. Search Official Records Now! The Union County Clerk of Courts presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. ; Find local administrative orders and rules; Weddings will be conducted by appointment only Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 10:00 a. Additionally, the Adams County Common Pleas, Juvenile and Probate Court is responsible for the Probation department, which monitors and supervises those criminal defendants placed The Court of Common Pleas is a trial court of general jurisdiction handling all civil and criminal matters including child and spousal support matters, child custody matters, juvenile delinquency, juvenile dependency, and Orphan’s Court matters. It is the practice and policy of the Union County Prosecutor's Office to engage in "Charge Bargaining" (i. Defendant. The Public Records and Index include Domestic, Civil, Certificate of Judgment, Court of Appeals and Felony Criminal cases. John T. C. Follow Us Auditor Prosecutor Board of Elections Health Dept. One or more grand juries sit in each Ohio county for a period of four or more months at a time all year round; grand juries meet every day in some counties, once a month in others. The Adams County Common Pleas Court computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Adams County Common Pleas Court data retrieval system. The name and contract information of the person making Jun 15, 2017 · The Court of Common Pleas Court in Union County Ohio is switching to a public access system to view dockets and case images. Box 1243 Lima, OH 45802 Phone: (419) 223-8525 Phone: (419) 223-8513 Fax: (419) 222-8427. The District Court was given the same original jurisdiction as the Supreme Court and appellate jurisdiction from the common pleas courts. The "search tips" are intended to provide assistance. HOGAN (Sitting by Assignment. com is not a “consumer reporting agency” and does not supply “consumer reports” as those terms are defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Online Court Resources. • Wills were not pulled in some counties. Rowe, presides over the 17-03-01 Magisterial District Court in Union County, Pennsylvania, handling legal matters like preliminary hearings, traffic violations, landlord-tenant disputes, and small Dec 24, 2021 · Access court records for Stark County Common Pleas Court, OH. Snyder Common Pleas Court South 2nd Street, Lewisburg, PA. 215 West Fifth Street, Marysville, OH 43040 Mailing Address: P. Resources for the Union County Court of Common Pleas - General and Domestic Relations Divisions as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Union County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. The Union County circuit court joined the Oregon eCourt Case Information Network (OECI) electronic records system in 2016. The Ohio Supreme Court from this date until 1851 also possessed both original and appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases, so some cases may be found in Ohio Supreme Court records. Search Union County Common Pleas Court records online. State of Ohio . The Department of Court Records is made up of three divisions: Civil/Family Division; Criminal Division; Wills/Orphans’ Court Division; These divisions file and maintain court documents for the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. Learn more . Guide to Ohio Court Case Lookup: Understand your rights under the Ohio Public Records Act, how to conduct online searches for court case details, the significance of a court case number, steps to remove cases from public records, and the percentage of court cases that go to trial. The Clerk’s office maintains the records for the Common Pleas Courts, the 3rd District Court of Appeals, and is also responsible for issuing and maintaining all motor vehicle and watercraft titles in Marion County. Welcome to the website for the Marion County Clerk of Courts. For legal and technical reasons, some case and calendar event information will not display in search results even if the correct search terms are entered. 🔍 Explore Union County, OH court records: manage and retrieve public court records, search civil cases, and access court databases for free. Allen County Courts of Common Pleas Allen County Court of Common Pleas Allen County Courthouse 301 North Main Street P. Plaintiff, Case No. Second Street Lewisburg, PA 17837. On the web portal you will find: appellate court case information (Supreme, Superior and Commonwealth); criminal Common Pleas court case information; magisterial district court case information including: civil cases; criminal cases; traffic cases Other Courts Nearby. Judge George P. Marysville, OH 43040. Effective June 12, 2017, the Clerk's office is moving to a different online system. Court records from Portage County Common Pleas Court, General and Domestic Relations Divisions, Probate Court, and the Portage County Municipal Court, Ravenna and Kent Traffic/Criminal and Civil Divisions can be searched online. An account is required to use CJIS to access criminal court records. View this catalog record in WorldCat for other possible copy locations. Box 723, 215 West Fifth Street, Marysville, OH, 43040 Rules of Domestic Relations Division: Rule 18, UCD1, Rule 30. P. Roser, Brenan Stant, CP-60-CR-0000333-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Court of Common Pleas, Union County, last filing 10/28/2024, filed 10/28/2024. Courts Supplemental Search These records include information about the defendant, charges, the timeline of hearings, arrest dates, physical description of the offender, offender’s attorney, and the judge hearing the case. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. 00 for recording, $50. McCarthy (740)593-3591 Fax (740)592-3020 Judge Patrick Lang (740) 592-3236 Fax (740) 592-3215. All state tax liens are filed with the Clerk of Common Pleas Court. 20, for computerization and legal research of the office of Common Pleas Judge. 4 days ago · The phone number for Union County Court of Common Pleas is 937-645-3006 and the fax number is 937-645-3162. Courts Supplemental Search In Union County the probate court was begun as a separate court instead of a division of the common pleas court. Requests should identify the records using some or all of the following information: the name of the plaintiff, defendant, business, and/or attorney involved in the case; the case number; the document type; the status of the case (open or closed); and/or a date range for the record filing.