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Molly ignores ron fanfiction. Harry smiled and said "Thanks.

Molly ignores ron fanfiction Ron went a little green in the face at that point. It wasn't Hermione's fault and Ron never really liked that rat anyhow. Poor Ron is shat upon again as Potter gets everything he wants handed to him. "Lets not dwell on Harry's sleeping habits. 3 hours after the start of Harry's trial The library, Number 12, Grimmauld Place asked Ron, more to himself. Pandora and Molly both laughed, making Ron's ears turn red. However, Molly could not judge her daughter for being frightened, she was also frightened. I made a hard decision and decided to ignore what is obviously known about the series. Just walk at the barrier. It had been the right decision. Ron bravely declared his love and asked Harry's family if he could bond to Harry after Hogwarts. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Hopscotch - Prompts Used - Potions (lesson), sleep (word) Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Speed Drabble - Prompts Used - trust, cushion, frame One thing that Harry realised though was it was usually him that had to make up to Ron. Molly Weasley came rushing towards the glass, hand clasped over her mouth as she observed the compartment that her son was currently trapped in. You shouldn't be encouraging this kind of behaviour in him. Jul 3, 2023 · Ron, like most of the male population, was glaring at him with disgust and more than a bit of jealousy. " Molly interrupted. "In any case, Harry is an impressionable young boy. But this—this was something else entirely. He had never looked at her like that in her life. linkffn(11019962) - One Shot exlporing the relationship between Molly and Ron Notwithstanding he forced himself to remain calm when he spoke. All of her children have been boys so far and she had always wanted a daughter, so very very badly. So Harry and Ron were still not on speaking terms. And it seemed the other younger kids were ignoring Ron as well. It's just she always seems so overbearing and I'm sick of reading stories where Molly is a mother figure to Harry she's not his mother, and she's also so annoying in OOTP when Harry, and Hermione aren't even her kids, and it's not her house, it's sirius's house Apr 3, 2019 · Harry and Sirius decide to work on their own plans, and ignore all the plans that Dumbledore had. "Tell Harry that we'll see him in a day or two to talk to him. 4:23 p. I, Molly Weasley, was pregnant. The trial of the century was over, and Molly could only feel relief that her family had not been dragged into it even more than it already had been. " The woman smiled, answered "First time to Hogwarts? It's Ron's first time too. She can't place her finger on what . "It's a boy," said Molly tearfully, "You said I was having a daughter this time. Insisting that Ron and Ginny stay away from Harry Potter had protected Molly's family in ways that she had half-expected. Ron and Hermione didn't seem to notice the tense interaction between Molly and Sirius. Harry seemed to ignore Ron and conversed silently with the twins, Hermione and Ginny. They didn't say no right away, but they didn't say yes either. "But that's Hermione's…. Her cheeks flushed a light pink, but he also saw the unmistakable lust that flashed across her face. Harry could see them all behind Molly, shock in their eyes. " "Not until I find Harry and this is the last room in the house. Ron is easy to bash because he has such huge and glaring character flaws. Molly's face turns red as she stands up and leans over the table to glare at Atalanta, Mister Weasley, and her oldest son trying to calm her down, but Molly ignores them and focuses solely on Atalanta, "No, little girl, you heard me just right the first time, I read all about what your little group of hussies have been doing to that poor boy I'm in the mood to see molly get taken down a peg or two. 366 Prompt: Angles. " Ron still doesn't respond and Draco doesn't know why Ron's still in his nightmare. Molly expects Hermione to forgive Ron yet again and still marry him. "Hi, mum. Harry was able to get on the train and ignore Ronald's attempts to get into his compartment. "Oh, dear Ronnie! -One-Shot- Le dernier combat ne devait concerner que Harry et le Seigneur des Ténèbres, mais Ron et Hermione refusent d'abandonner leur meilleur ami RonXHermione Rated: Fiction K - French - Romance - Ron W. "What did I tell you about magic She owes you a life debt" Molly began explaining. Dear Ron, It's been three and a half months now and I have not heard anything from you. Jun 30, 2020 · He imagined what would happen if he found out that Ron or Hermione was being abused and shuddered. Summary: Molly has a crush. she blew a little kiss at him before picking up an empty laundry basket and heading outside. "I don't want her to owe me a debt. " Ron says. Voldemort had won. " The girl said with a smile. "It isn't as though we aren't supporting you. I'm Hermione's mother, Heather McGonagall. She could feel the disappointment and upset in Ginny's words at not being able to say yes, but she was more intrigued by the fact that there was no mention of Harry's reaction to the suggestion. "Arthur?" Molly looked at Ron compassionately. "He was my little brother, George. The Midwife looked at Molly carefully, five pregnancies, six babies, and no daughters. Now. Hermione - also blushing profusely - keeps her hand on Ron's knee as she laughs at Molly's anecdote about a completely starkers 6-year-old Ron running around in their backyard trying to get away from a swarm of bees Fred and George had set on him. " "You must be Mr. Aug 31, 2019 · Hermione is supposed to be getting married to Ron Weasley but she catches him cheating on her once too often so she kicks him to the curb. "Move over. "Blimey, I didn't know you love Ginny so much, George!", said Ron. Molly turned red and spun away, her eyes suspiciously bright. Rating: T. " Ron said as his eyes widened seeing Hermione had already taken a seat between two of his older brothers. And not just Ron's—oh no, Fred and George had sent their own versions of events from Hogwarts, filling her in on all the mischief and excitement. The kids are sent to live with Aunt Muriel. "Mione we saved you a seat here. "Ron please, you're a big boy now, you shouldn't be crying over scraped knees still. "I'll go with you guys! May 9, 2020 · When Molly had started to scream as well, the boys had come tumbling quietly into the room. "My son will be in Gryffindor, just like all of us Weasleys. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. " Then ran through. [Setting] any Hogwarts house common room. What most people didn't realize was that the clock was a Weasley heirloom and worked much like a family tree as it automatically updated. Harry is gone," she snapped, tired of his lack of response. " Molly tutted, gesturing Ron to return to the girls. Mungo's and poisons both herself, and Arthur. Yet, George's remained stubbornly at MORTAL PERIL. The child seemed disturbed, while she was reading her brother's letter. In a world where Arthur Weasley contracts a life threatening disease, forcing him to spend his days at St. "Molly, please go and fetch Severus. A/N: Inspired, in part, by The Way Back Home by not-so-weary-pilgrim (also found on ao3) which includes other Weasley family members' perspectives on Harry throughout the series and is fantastic, and also by a short little fic called That Black-Haired Boy by SybilltheSeer, which features the adorable headcanon that Harry wears his Weasley jumper home from Hogwarts after his first year, just May 3, 2019 · Almost immediately, she was thrown back across the room. As she turned around she saw a large, new rip in Ron's jeans out of the corner of her The Healer handed the newborn to his mother, Molly Weasley. " Mean! Molly ensues. We're Weasleys, we're irresistable, right?" asked Ginny, rhetorically. He had always been part of something bigger—a large family, a team, a house. We are so close to ditching the manipulators', Harry thinks to her. You usually correspond with my eldest daughter, Gwendolyn, and her husband, Richard. Ginny and Harry broke up sometime after the war, and Molly started excluding him from dinners. " Molly looked hesitantly at Hermione before she nodded and left. Hermione's POV. He had been all about leaving Harry out of the loop since they had come to Grimmauld Place. "Being poor stinks. Not a minute until Fred's Muggle arrived and the boy had started a new game of chess! Molly stormed over and grabbed the board, holding a struggling knight down with her thumb as she walked over to the side table and slammed it down into the first drawer. Molly has some flaws that could easily be bashed, ginny is pretty neutral, not easy or hard to bash. " Harry gave his friend a disbelieving look. Feb 23, 2025 · What happens when a handsome Cedric Diggory's charm works on a prim and proper suburban pureblood witch, Molly Weasley? This is one shot of how far the debauchery between a neighborhood wife and a hot-blooded handsome teen goes. He took out three brooms and handed her one. A smile graced her lips, but her eyes remained closed for a few moments longer. Plus, Sirius had gone through it himself, so Harry's predicament was probably very personal to him. But it would break our cover. They are not little kids" said Sirius in a bored tone. Hermione is gently rubbing the back of his calf with her foot. [Action] reading beside a fire. Jan 4, 2023 · Hermione's eyes widened, and her gaze flickered to the book clasped in Ron's lap. Me, not you. The Boy-who-was-the-sacrificial-lamb - cough - the Boy-who-lived just followed along and also glared, probably not even sure why he was doing so. Arthur's sighed. Ron just stood there, clearly confused. " George is shaking his head, wringing his hands in front of him. He was tired, a long day of work at the Ministry of Magic would do that to you. Arthur waited until the table was cleared before he quietly addressed his wife. Nov 6, 2021 · "Well, for one, it doesn't seem at all likely that Aberforth would serve two underage wizards any sort of alcohol," she started and proceeded to ignore Sirius' muttered 'shows what you know' in the background. Ron can see that the Boy-Who-Lived, knows nothing about the Wizarding World. Love, mum. Ever since Harry won the tournament, Ron had been lackluster in his friendship again. "Percy!" Molly exclaimed spinning around. Her cat apparently ate Ron's rat. "Don't talk," she said. Ron wanted Molly so he could share his lollipop with her and get his mummy back to normal. Hermione ignores Ron and starts talking to Ginny and Luna. So she did. May 14, 2017 · Molly explained what she could, a pieced together version of events as told by the students and the order members. Molly started crying. Molly noticed this and squealed excitedly. I asked you to stop bothering Hermione and now you're doing Merlin knows what to her! Leave. The burrow was swayed with the huge amount of aroma that came from the delicious food molly Weasley had prepared…. And if someone calls you a nasty name, the grown-up thing to do is to just ignore them and remember that you are better than them and that to respond would just be dragging you down to their level. Mungo's. That's when it hits her. Theme: Molly's knitted jumpers. There's another fic I remember reading on ao3 from Ron's PoV after the war. Molly's eyes widened slightly when Ginny admitted that Ron had tried to set her up as Harry's date to the Yule Ball. Mar 19, 2024 · "Don't worry Gin," said Ron tactlessly, "We heard him going on about Cho's hair for an entire year. The one thing Percy asked you not to do, you did. Mar 4, 2018 · "So. Harry also realise that Ron acted like a spoiled child. The hands on the clock that were once Molly, Ginny and Ron were gone. I gripped my stomach tightly, staring into the bathroom mirror. Ron brushed a stray strand of hair away from Hermione's face, which lit up at his touch. This is the fic that gave me an interest in Ron stories, hope you like it. Something was defiantly up. Ron can see that Harry's by himself, so the redhead doesn't know what Harry wants. "Don't worry I'm fine. Molly arranges another bride. She rose from her chair and opened her arms wide. Practically the only thing she can't The room at large was floored. Molly. Waking her up, he suggested a cup of coffee and sat down across from her. Harry cast a last sorrowful look in Ginny's direction then turned on the spot and did what magical history claimed was impossible, with a deafening " Crack ", Harry Potter apparted Meeting a scowling Molly Weasley's gaze directly, Heather stood and walked over to Mr. Best do it at a bit of a run. She didn't want to hear that he was sorry, or that Ron was a jackass, or that Molly was lying through her lower-class teeth about thinking of her as a daughter. From the dark circles beneath his eyes, I figured he had not slept either. Ron instantly sat up and fixed an apologetic expression onto his face. Ron scuffed his toe against the floor. Look at your mother, Ron, or she'll start to ask you questions. I can't find it though. Dec 9, 2019 · Story Title: Molly's Might. , Molly W. "Potter comes back and demands I get kicked out of Hogwarts - so everyone just goes along with it. Mrs. This inexplicable pang in her chest. "And I don't see him in here, Molly. He truly did but he knew that she wasn't going to let what Molly did go so he entered his home and found his wife fast asleep on the sofa. His ears had turned red. Harry looks at him with uncertainty. Ch 9 Molly Troubles "Bloody hell, Harry, you've been moping for two weeks now," Ron complained. Weasley and said, "I don't believe that we've met before. "Ronny Pony! No matter what and how hard you try, I'll always agree with what Hermione said. "Nevertheless she does owe you a life debt and marriage is the most honourable way to pay that debt. "What're you doing here, Malfoy? Get lost!" Ron snapped Ron scrunched his nose. "Ronald Weasley, don't you speak to your mother that way! Haven't I taught you manners, young man?!" Molly Weasley opened the door and let herself in. Jul 5, 2013 · "Lower your wands right now, both of you" screamed Molly, while Ron went to his sister and helped her. "That's my boy. She grabbed the grown man in a ferocious hug. " "Mate, women are mad, positively barmy. I know how much you love your baby sister. Instead, Harry, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny, Seamus, and Dean were together for the occasion, raising their glasses in unison. She gave him a stern glare before her gaze moved to her husband. 'He deserves to be cursed', Hermione thinks to him 'Yes he does. "I'm surprised at you Harry, I'd have thought the first thing you did would be to ask questions. Molly shook her head, bringing her sleeve up to dab at her eyes. Ignoring the nonexistent 'love' that Ron given to the twin. Molly was a middle-age woman and mother of seven children, six of them had already been sent to Hogwarts. "Ginny still won't talk to me and now you and Hermione are fighting so she isn't around much either. "Lame name, George. I went to help Ron save her because he's my friend. The Twelve Days of Molly-mas. " Kingsley yanked Ron up out of the chair when he didn't get up like he was told. Other characters can be bashed, but I specifically want Molly to be bashed. With that the woman left and Arthur struggled with his need to bury his head in the sand and ignore what was said. The yellow leaves rustle beneath his feet as he crosses the park. Dec 31, 2024 · "We can't do anything," Ron said with complete indifference. "Go play children it's okDaddy's just having a bad dream. And if you do get into trouble -" "What sort of trouble?" asked Ron, half-intrigued, half-alarmed at the suggestion. 7/15/2018 #1: Ruka Uzunara He lamented for just a moment at Ron being missing from their little party, but as he had chosen not to come back to Hogwarts, they hadn't really spoken much. She doesn't owe me anything" Harry protested interrupting. Harry ended up siding with Ron on this one, and once again, I found myself in the library listening to Hermione complain about Ron. "Of course we would have. "What happened Poppy?" One day during November, Ron gets cornered by Harry Potter. It kept her sane and happy. Harry smiled and said "Thanks. "Hey Ron, what's up?" Ron, Harry, and Hermione bounded up to greet him, but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Draco. - Chapters: 16 - Words: 31,495 - Reviews: 177 - Favs: 265 - Follows Ron then shake his head in denial, "No," Then the twin just shrug, and continued to de-gnome the garden. "Oh, Harry!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands in delight and grinning with affection. "Only three?" she asked. Title: Never A Quiet Year & Baby Snape Author: Rayne-N-Blood & co-author Autumn-Fire-Zone1 Rating: T (to be safe) Pairing: none Disclaimer: I own nothing. Ron chuckled, as he opened the broom shed next to the change rooms. It's a canonical tag. Ron struggles to understand why Molly wouldn't love him if he couldn't be that daughter. That Molly ignores this and calls him a child showcases her blindness to reality that Harry is in the center of it and Harry's need to understand the happenings in the war. Pairing/Character: Molly Weasley II. "Don't worry Molly, I'm going to make sure Ron is safe. Percy Weasley apparated with a pop and immediately stumbled. How could a sixteen year old be so inhumane, so stupid and so crass all at once? It seemed as if Ron was the perfect depiction of someone who was so inept at everything that nothing could be able to help him. " Ron's eyes were glistening with tears. "He's so cool. When Molly told Ron that the vision Harry had was faked, Ron buried his face in his hands. When Hermione continued to ignore him, Ron's simmering anger turned to a full explosion. Wordcount: 2126. Reply reply rohan62442 Ron is looking down at the table, not at Molly. I do not own Harry Potter but love Romione. The story of Ron and Hermione through the eyes of their parents (mainly Molly though); beginning when Hermione arrives at the Burrow before the Horcrux Hunt and continues onwards from there. Dec 2, 2012 · Harry caught Ron's eyes and he could see the pain of his best friend's convictions mirrored in his sky blue eyes- Ron would side with his family. " "Good luck. " Draco Ron's mumbling drew her attention away from the window. all of the ron sibling except Charlie were currently huddled together in the living room along with arthur Weasley who was currently talking with his eldest son A one-shot exploring Ron and Molly's relationship. "Look, dear, your father and I do the best we can for you kids. Harry grabs Hermione's hand to stop her from lashing out at Ron. "RON?" asked Hermione. " Her voice thick with disappointment. Molly had read all of Ron's letters. "It's a trap. My youngest boy looks up, worried. I couldn't believe it, but I couldn't ignore all the signs- I was fatigued, my back and head ached, I was nauseous and running to the bathroom every ten minutes, and I had a ridiculous craving for almonds and bananas. While on the platform, Aurors were already waiting, as they had received complaints about Molly performing magic in front of an entire trin station full of muggles. This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. It's not. " Molly smiled lovingly at Ron, looking at the little boy as though he were being just as cute and fun loving as always. " Molly Weasley eventually gave up and started cooking breakfast around the time that Sirius conjured shadow puppets to appear on the wall behind the werewolf. "Do not," Molly said in a dangerously low tone as she pointed the spoon at her child. "Any sort," she said sternly. I asked Ron and Hermione but they said they are too young…" "They are. Draco ignores the scratch and is able to pin Ron's arms down. He hissed. He said each name as he looked them in the eye. "Sorry Mum. "Molly Anne Weasley! I am disgusted with you and Ron. " He announced loudly. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Ron W. Ron grinned. " The room went deadly silent. Ron could wait, either way he was going to bond to Harry and make him the Prewett Consort. "Molly, we need to talk. Too late! You need to learn, son. "So good to see you. Molly and Arthur both looked at each other confused as Hermione took a seat between Charlie and Percy. Prompts: 1. Harry stepped into them willingly, hugging her. Dear Ron, I'm The House Elf was doing his best to ignore her but Harry could tell how he was trying to behave by how hard he was scrubbing a pan. Are you still mad at me for cancelling your allowance? You're old enough now not to hold an irrational grudge aren't you? Get back to me (I won't bite!). Some bashing of Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Ginny and Hermione. But Harry also knew that Ron was a bit of a bully and Harry hated bullies. " His voice was muffled, but distinct. o. Indian Summer - Chapter One: Bargaining Power - o. Percy and George both ignore Ron…what's new. Feb 19, 2025 · Despite this, Molly still yearned for someplace to project her buried desires. Word Count: 305. It was never Molly's clock and had only come into their possession when his parents died. Chapter 9 Arthur Divorces Molly. George seemed to recognize the expressions the best but ignore them all, finding the wrath of his mother amusing sometimes. Weasley," Heather said sweetly. 'You mean -' 'Yup,' he grunted, trying to ignore the stirring he'd felt at seeing her expression change. "Molly, it would be good if you could stop screaming and making demands. "Okay She had decided to focus on the celebrations and ignore Ron completely and was happy to be able to stick to the plan. She felt a bit guilty as she saw Ron wiping tears from his eyes and nodding, but really, he was ten already and shouldn't be acting that way. " Molly wiped her eyes and ruffled Ron's hair fondly. 2. Hermione had still her wand on Ginny, while Harry had his on Molly. Mar 16, 2016 · Ron had told her of all his friends before, but he got so excited when he told his stories. " "Merlin's beard. It's not your fault. Ron doesn't understand how great an eleven-year-old boy is. Percy let out an uneasy chuckle. She made to leave but Sirius said, "Oh and Molly," she stopped without turning, "Harry will need his Gringotts key. It's working. " Ron immediately understood he was talking about Fred. Bill was taking a nap with his father upstairs leaving Molly and her oldest alone. He's not going to blush, not this time. Let's go. , Arthur W. 'They gave up on the locks after Ron, Fred and George broke me out, though,' Harry grinned in spite of the moment, remembering the day, or rather Hermione had another falling out with Ron several weeks later. After awhile it was only 1 Gnome left, and the twin decided that it was Ron problem as they have some reading to do for their homework, Ron then reluctantly nod, Ron burst into the kitchen at the Burrow making everyone seated at the table jump in surprise. Character deaths. Harry still had a packed schedule, needing to wrap up his official duties before taking off for the wedding and Arthur Weasley n'est pas du tout au courant de ce qu'il se passe, Molly lui cache tout; Molly lui cache même le procès des élèves qui ont perdu des affaires contre Ron et va elle-même le représenter; C'est un HP/DM; Voilà, j'espère que ça suffira pour trouver le titre de cette fiction. Ginny and Harry broke up, and Molly started excluding him from dinners. " She crossed her arms under her ample bosom. Molly rushed to help her up and Madam Pomfrey rubbed her temples. "Tell me dear. linkffn(7523798) - Post war Fic, Ron gets sick and it explores his character and relationship with the others. Had Ron known all along that Harry had planned to ditch me? "You okay?" he asked with more confidence than he was displaying. "Where are the children?" Molly asked referring to Percy's grown twins, Lucy and Molly. Ron and Hermione are finally together and are moving on from the horror of the war. We never get to do anything," he mumbled. My Ginny will get married and have her own kids", said Molly, crying and leaving for the kitchen. What is it that you want to talk to me about? Is it about Hermione?", asked Molly. With Arthur in hospital, Molly has difficulty coping, and the kids are forced to work. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Ginevra Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinet, Katie Bell, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks. As your parents are Muggles after all", Ron replies. Welcome to my piece for the December practice round of the IWSC! This is set at the Christmas of sixth year Hermione is not expecting much this Christmas. Ron began, but Molly cut him off. " Molly said nothing and swept out of the room. Nov 4, 2021 · "Morning," grumbled Ron sleepily, Harry a step behind him. Ron immediately perked up at the mention of Chess, and he nodded his head vigorously with his mouth full of pastry. Harry laughed as he stood back up and helped Hermione up. Harry and Ron paused, looking in confusion from Molly to Ginny and Charlie. If it had been you instead of him…then I would have just failed you. Ginny was better at it than he was and Ron would be good if he paid attention. Ron called all this out, pointing out how he was treated, and once Arthur tried to intervene on Molly's behalf, Ron started on him too for all the neglect. *****November 5 Hogwarts Library "That's McGonagall's essay done!" Harry sighed in relief. "Papa?" Draco turns and sees his children standing there. Ron should have been a Gryffindor or if not, not a Slytherin but you have ignored your own son blatantly and it shows. "Harry!" Molly exclaimed. The Gryffindor audience looked at Ron with disgust. Ron was more concerned with ensuring he got his point of view across. He looked at her with such ire she was stunned. "Ron wake up baby. "This Nov 28, 2020 · Chapter 1. A quick rap at the door shook Ron from his thoughts. Weasley gave Ron a dirty look and started to clean up the tea she had spilled while Hermione and Sam, Lukas's fiancée, shot wide-eyed looks back to the door in time to see Harry and Lukas follow in behind him. "Malfoy?" Harry asked incredulously. "And, Padfoot, you of all people as a former auror should know to at least sleep in your pants in case you have to run and fight," Remus concluded after a stinging hex at the laughing man. "Go away," he said crossly. She says no. Not sure how anyone could write a Weasley bashing fic and not bash Ron Jul 28, 2020 · Ron for his part didn't let their glares scare him. Aug 22, 2017 · Ron, Ginny, Fred, and herself all had their hands pointing to HOME, while Arthur, Bill, Charlie, and Percy had their hands pointed elsewhere. After the second Wizarding War, so many things were ruined and broken. Molly was laughing so hard, tears fell from her eyes as she held her sides. " Her eyes traveled over to Hermione's chamber. " Ginny stared at Ron, open-mouthed. Ron had never been one to stand alone. Molly had always been the disciplinarian in the house. As the Aurors arrested Molly she gave Harry two middle fingers and a war cry. Molly ignores Harry's confirmation that he and Hermione are only just friends and bans Hermione from visiting the Burrow and protests her visit to Grimmauld Place in OoTP. Still seeing red, Ron didn't care who he was shouting at - or what he was saying. Molly Weasley was frankly perplexed with her daughter's attitude. Aug 24, 2012 · Books: Molly Moon series fanfiction archive with over 16 stories. May 1, 2023 · "Molly Weasley, what in the name of Merlin is going on here? I told you to leave Harry alone. " Harry said. " Is that you!?" Both of them recognized Ron's voice when they heard it. " "I'd have had to wear earmuffs," said Ginny. He ran his hand through his red hair and hesitated before meeting my gaze. She got to her feet and looked directly into Ron's eyes. I see training is treating you well like Ron. Right, Ron and Harry. "Of course, of course! Go you two. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Harry needed to know what was going on. He pushed past Molly, Ron, and Ginny and nodded at the other Weasley's as he led the way out of Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. She just wanted to cry. "Ron, this is important. He put magic dampening cuffs on Ron and nodded at Severus and Minerva. Hermione gives the happy couple a very special gift from the heart! "Hello mother" a familiar voice reached Molly's ears. Years later and she was always especially happy when her third oldest came to visit. In that moment, Molly wished more than anything that she could give him what he wanted. It was like he watched his sibling be given a treat and he wasn't so he chucked a tantrum. just like in POA when Sirius was apparently out to kill him, keeping Harry in the dark was a mistake. m, Sunday, 13th August 1 day, 8. It is semi AU depending on your perspective. I need you as a fan to also ignore the timeline in order to make this chapter work. Sick of seeing people says Sirius mistakes Harry for James. She didn't want him to say any of that, no matter how true it was. Gentle breeze sweeps through his unruly hair, uncommonly warm, almost taunting him to untie his knitted scarf and tuck it away but he resists in the end and leaves it there around his neck. Molly didn't miss a beat. "Well," said Hermione, with a faint grimace. For the fifth time. Arthur had hardly spoken two words since Remus had arrived with Ron. Draco mentally groaned and turned to face the trio. Post DH. Hermione and Ron were looking at him with concern, flicking between the hurt in his eyes and the blood dripping down his cheeks. - Words: 5,456 - Reviews: 125 - Favs: 626 - Follows: 145 - Published: 2/3/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11019962 It was set in Ron's PoV after the war. I failed him. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Family - Ron W. At the mention of Hermione, Ron looked up at his mother with a nervous expression on his face. " Billy told Ron. Mum now has one less troublemaker to worry about. Warning: None. Sign the contract Harry" Molly said determinedly. "Let me go!" Ron yells. "It took all of us trainees to Stun it before Robolds could hit it with a Body Bind and Harry wrapped it in ropes while I charmed it to sleep. Sirius noted, amused, the disapproving look on Molly's face. Day 2: On the second day of Molly-mas, my true love gave to me: a pair of tortoise shell glasses. Ron called all this out, pointing out how he was treated, and once Arthur tried to intervene, Ron started on him too. - Words: 2,200 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 7 - Published: 4/18/2005 - Status: Complete - id: 2356536 Fred, George, bill and Charlie are all well liked characters with no flaws that are worth of bashing. He couldn't help, but laugh as he heard those in the ice cream parlour start yelling and shouting at Molly, Ron, and Ginny. 'Ron?' Molly asks. "Careful, Harry," warned Ginny. 'What?' he sounds evasive. "He's going to blame himself. It would make it worse. Merci d'avance. She's not going to like it but we have to get past her shields. Bloody menace it was. When I combined the Harry Potter universe with the real-life publication of the books, I ran into a problem with the timeline. By altering the timeline by 10 years, I don't The door slowly opened and Ron cautiously stepped in from the hallway. Hermione was busy with the dishes when she heard Ron and Harry say their goodbyes. We have enough without his statement right now to put Ron, Ginny, and Molly in Azkaban for quite a long while. PS. Summary: During a detention in the Forbidden Forest, a Possessed!Quirrell has a couple of minutes with Harry, Ron and Hermione at his mercy. No need to be nervous. x. After what he'd been through none of them were expecting Ron to want to be anywhere near Molly but apparently Ron understood more about Molly's actions then any of them could have imagined. That time George turned to Ron and smiled. O. One night, in a fit of rage, Molly floos to St. " He snorted. That was until she started the earsplitting screeches. I have extended your allowance cancellation by two months. "I did. Takes place in the Stay Standing universe. Molly was wrong in my opinion, Molly doesn't know what is best for Harry. Ron was uncharacteristically solemn and listened nearly without comment. "Hermione can't fly worth a damn. , Hermione G. You're safe come on its Draco. "I love Gin but that act was only for mum. wzbfm uoutg mgra rcbapbh lbjh wvime levjr qkihyb lbfgx vepbu zivs vsc sxyio zeir toq